Obvious Child
Obvious Child
R | 06 June 2014 (USA)
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An immature, newly unemployed comic must navigate the murky waters of adulthood after her fling with a graduate student results in an unplanned pregnancy.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
ReganRebecca After it came out at Sundance Obvious Child was labelled an abortion rom com, which it sort of is, but I understand might put some people off. What the movie gets right is by never really treating the abortion part of the movie as a joke, but according it the weight it deserves. To rewind a bit: what the movie is actually about is Donna (Jenny Slate), a struggling comic who finds out she's just been dumped by her boyfriend who has left her for one of her friends. It's a hard pill to swallow and Donna doesn't take it well, melting down in spectacular fashion both in private and on stage during a set. To rebound she meets up with Max, who just misses one of her disastrous sets but quickly falls for Donna thanks to her cute looks and absolute wit. They sleep together, which Donna thinks is a one night stand and Max thinks is something more, and the majority of the film watches them navigate this space, as Donna slowly comes to realize that Max might be someone she could actually fall for at the same time as she keep secret the fact that she is also pregnant. This is a star making performance from Jenny Slate who handles both the comedic and tragic aspects of her character perfectly. Jake Lacy is MADE to be a modern day romantic lead. He's the perfect blend of gentleman and shy boy and the way he sets out to capture Donna's heart is the kind of sweetness that only exists in the movies.
Chappy Watched I'm not even sure why I watched this, I don't even think I read a description or watched a trailer, but it was actually more entertaining than I thought it would be.When I first saw Jenny Slate, I was ready to turn the movie off! I absolutely LOATHED her as Mona-Lisa in Parks and Recreation (although not as much as her brother!) and couldn't think of anything worse than a 90 or so minute movie with her as the lead but I was very amazed that she was really good in this!Aside from Slate, it's has a pretty good cast of actors, especially the leads, real characters with real emotions, a good and entertaining story that gets better towards the end.I was on my computer while watching this movie but found that as the film went on, I was paying less attention to the computer and more to the movie.While this was a good movie to watch, it won't be something I would watch again.
paulettemihale I can't express how much I love this film. It's funny and heartwarming and a new favorite of mine. The characters are relatable, the story is funny and captivating, the actors are truly remarkable, and the setting is amazing - New York. This film is unique in it's voice, but something we can all recognize. It has the feel of Man Up, but with a different age demographic and location. It's quirky, fun, touching, a hidden treat. Jenny Slate, is amazing in this film. She's found her voice and her niche and she shines. The supporting cast does just what you want from them. They support her without stealing the show. It's a simple, sweet story told in a truly unique way. I honestly can't say enough things, this film is remarkable!
noelcox I'm afraid that I found this movie to be terrible, with almost no redeeming features whatsoever. As a piece of comedy, whose central theme is that it is OK to feel good about having an abortion, is problematic. But that storyline is obscured and largely driven aside by the rest of the movie. The main character, Donna Stern, is a so-called comedian, who follows the modern tendency of using sexual and toilet humour in her "entertainment". She is a self-absorbed, rude and generally unpleasant person. Without revealing plot details, she is cruel and insensitive to others, is close to being an alcoholic (if she hasn't already crossed that threshold), and has absolutely no judgement when it comes to her choice of material for her comedy act.I find it incredible that anyone could actually think this is a good movie. My wife and I both regard it as trash, and only watched to the end for the ghoulish appeal of watching a train-wreck of a movie.Please avoid, unless you like unpleasant people and toilet humour.
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