| 08 May 2015 (USA)
Honeytrap Trailers

Layla, a 15-year-old living in Brixton, London, becomes involved with a gang and must set up a boy to be killed.

Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
authorwriterd This movie was very well-done. You can tell that it's an low budget movie but that fact isn't distracting. The characters are well thought out. The portrayal is very believable. There were moments I was laughing, gasping, grinning and sobbing.Very well done. I recommend it.
Wolf39 I was recommended this film a lot by my friends and family. And I finally had some spare time so I watched it and it was a excellent film. Honeytrap is about a teenage girl named Layla that is finally reunited with her mother in London and she is forced to fit in this new society. Her mother is constantly barking orders at her and shows no support for her daughter. Layla finds her way into the music industry, drugs, and violence. she starts to make bad decisions because she has no sense of guidance from know one. This film helps today's society to help young male & female to find something to motivate them to a goal to avoid them from the other bad influences. That's what makes this film a must see for me and anyone else who is reading this.
D L Many are judging this movie to be another typical British 'gang' movie when this is not what it is at all. Honey Trap is about a beautiful 15 year old girl named Layla who has never known this lifestyle before. Moving over to brixton from Trinidad after living with her grandparents for so long, Layla moves in with her uncaring mother whom she has never really known. She gets sucked into this wonderful yet crappy world where she meets the local handsome rapper Troy who is a bit shifty. Layla is besotted with him. Its her first time in love. She falls so hard, but unfortunately, troy doesn't feel the same way and turns out to be another bad boy. But when troys rival, Sean falls for Layla, troy cannot help but to be jealous and envious and claims Layla as his and his only. In a sad way, Layla sort of likes it. All these beautiful and sad events lead up to one big final tragic one. Give it a chance.
SnoosReviews The IMDb description somewhat ruins the climax to this movie, the storyline which is explained in the films description doesn't occur until the final 10 minutes of the movie. Honeytrap is a story of bullying, manipulation and the struggle a young girl living in London faces while trying to be accepted somewhere that she doesn't belong. Jessica Sula plays Layla, a 15 year old girl who has returned to London to live with her mother after spending her previous 10 years living in Trinidad & Tobago with her grandparents. She is forced to attend a poor school and is immediately picked on for being different, she dresses different and speaks different and immediately tries to change who she is. She meets a local rapper and stars in his video shoot, he uses her and shows her stop-start attention to which she gets carried away with and falls in love with him. Little does she know that he is only using her to make another boy jealous and to massage his own ego and fulfil his own selfish desires.Jessica Sula gives the performance of the movie, her acting is very impressive and her character is especially remarkable. She connects with her role very well and gives a perfectly convincing performance. She plays a naïve, scared young girl living in a strange city, trying to adapt to a chilling way of life. The majority of the supporting cast do a respectable job in making the story feel gritty but Jessica Sula outshines them all. This is a low budget, independent film and this needs to be remembered when viewing. Many of the faces you see you will not recognise and the director is very new to the industry. It does have its negatives, some scenarios feel forced and clichéd and more backstory and character development would have been nice to see. This film had the opportunity to push more boundaries to create more depth to the story but with a run time of 90 minutes it failed to do so. Despite the negatives I have, Honeytrap had many things which I liked and overall I will remember this movie as a positive. Honeytrap is not a film you should watch if you are looking for an easy watching film. It is dark and gritty; it has some very powerful, hard hitting scenes and its aim is to open its viewer's eyes to situations that are all too common. It is loosely based around true events that occurred in 2008 and this makes it all the more depressing. Young girls can be so naïve and easily influenced by older boys who they wrongly look up to and admire, Honeytrap is a chilling look at how this can happen and its devastating consequences.7/10