Harriet the Spy
Harriet the Spy
PG | 10 July 1996 (USA)
Harriet the Spy Trailers

When the secret notebook of a young girl who fancies herself a spy is found by her friends, her speculations make her very unpopular! Can she win her friends back?

Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
Micitype Pretty Good
Pluskylang Great Film overall
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
gavin6942 Harriet M. Welsch (Michelle Trachtenberg) is a spy. But when Harriet's friends find her secret notebook the tables are turned on her. Can she win her friends back and still keep on going with the spy business? This film made it on to my to-see list because it was endorsed by Facets Film School. I had an additional interest because I think that Michelle Trachtenberg is an under-utilized actress. Now, as far as being a good kids movie, it certainly is, and was a good first feature for Nickelodeon. As for being a showcase for Trachtenberg, that is much harder to say. She is the star here, her biggest role at the time (and maybe since)... but the child actress is not the same person as today's actress.Kids will like this, and it is clean enough that parents have nothing to fear in showing it to them. Adults without kids may be less interested unless it has some sort of nostalgia value for them. For me, I could have used less Rosie O'Donnell, but she was an unavoidable presence in the 1990s.
brujavu I loved this book when I was growing up in the sixties, and I was thrilled when I found out that they made a movie out of it, but didn't get around to seeing it until last night. At first, I thought it was going to be one of those disappointing, modernized versions, mostly because of the distracting musical score, but despite the truly annoying score, the movie remained true to the book except for a few minor details. Even the toys depicted were from the era that the book was written in. I think that's so important when making a movie out of a children's book. The story is brilliant, about a little girl who wants to be a writer, so she gets her practice by keeping a notebook in which she writes down all her thoughts and observations about the people in her world, and even goes to the extreme of spying on people to get her material. When the notebook falls into the wrong hands, her world is turned upside down. I think the film does a very good job of portraying the children in a realistic light, and I could identify with Harriet's feelings as well as those of her friends and classmates. The adults in the movie, as well as Harriet's nemesis, seemed a bit like caricatures, but Harriet's character and those of her best friends were quite well developed. Definitely worth seeing if you are a fan of this book.
Catherine_Grace_Zeh HARRIET THE SPY, in my opinion, is an excellent spy flick. It really made me feel good and smile. I thought that Harriet (Michelle Trachtenberg) was a really good spy until Marion (Charlotte Sullivan) got ahold of her journal. My absolute favorite parts are when Harriet slaps Marion in the face after having paint dumped on her and when she tells Marion that her father doesn't care about her because he lives in Holland. If you ask me, she really deserved that slap in the face. I would have done the same thing if I were Harriet. Before I wrap this up, I'd like to say that the moral of this movie is that you should never write negative things about people and leave them where they can be read by others. In conclusion, I highly recommend this excellent spy flick to all you fans who have not seen it.
tambourine_bruises Harriet The Spy Is Soooooooooooooo Good> Like its just such a great movie for kids. When it came out i was a kid and i loved it! As did my girlfriend and we still do. There are some really funny bits and touching bits. For instance when gully leaves and when Harriet gets her notebook taken away. Also when gully returns. I enjoy watching this movie, in fact i watched it yesterday. i think that all kids should be supported in their ventures such as writing in a notebook. Notebooks are such a great thing to spurn creativity. Some people just love the smell, and the look of a blank white page. They like it even better when it's filled with pretty things and words.fabulous movie.