R | 05 May 2006 (USA)
Confetti Trailers

A mockumentary that follows three couples as they battle it out to win the coveted title of 'Most Original Wedding of the Year'.

Micitype Pretty Good
SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Jackson Booth-Millard I knew a one or two of the stars of this film, and that it had the theme of marriage, but that's pretty much all I knew about it, so I decided to see if I'd agree with the two stars by the critics. Basically Antoni Clarke (Jimmy Carr), owner of bridal magazine Confetti, along with manager Vivian (Felicity Montagu), decide to hold a competition for a couple to create the Most Original Wedding, with the winning couple getting a new house and cover shoot. The three couples eventually chosen out of all auditioned are: Matt (Martin Freeman) and Sam (Jessica Hynes/Stevenson) with their 1930's and 1940's musical theme; Josef (Stephen Mangan) and Isabelle (Peep Show's Meredith MacNeill) with their tennis theme; and naturists Michael (Robert Webb) and Joanna (Peep Show's Olivia Colman) with their, well, naturist theme. Most of the film sees the couples trying to get everything they can think of to make their wedding have the winning theme, e.g. using choreographers and fashion experts. So it comes to the big day for all three couples in the same place, with Antoni and Vivian joining the one or two professional judges. The tennis themed wedding had one or two glitches, the naturist wedding was pretty uncomfortable viewing, so of course the musical themed wedding was going to win, deservedly. Also starring Vincent Franklin as Archie Heron, Jason Watkins as Gregory Hough, Alison Steadman as Sam's Mum, live action Thunderbirds' Ron Cook as Sam's Dad, Julia Davis as Counselor and Green Wing's Mark Heap as Registrar. For a mockumentary, I can believe that most (if not all) of the scenes and dialogue in this film was improvised, it is a bit of a mess, but for the few good giggles and amount of great British comedians (and one Canadian) this is worth a go. Okay!
devonblue Deserved of it cult status, truly a great comedy, genuine acting and kept me going right till the end. A must watch comedy, I have never written an opinion on this forum (which is pretty obvious)and this film has made me sit up and say what a brilliant film this is. If I have one qualm, it is with the extras on the DVD, which I wished they had included the out-takes and cock-ups which it deserved, but the film itself is a little gem.10/10 For so many actors on top form in one film.Sorry it is not up to the high standards of other reviewers, but the intention is there :)
Michael Margetis 'Confetti' is a funny and charming British mockumentary, but it sure as hell isn't on-par with mockumentaries like 'Spinal Tap' and 'Best in Show'. 'Confetti' is about a fashion bridal magazine called 'Confetti'. The two executives of the magazine (Jimmy Carr and Felicity Montagu) form a contest involving three different couples seeing who can put on the most original wedding. They choose Matt and Sam (Martin Freeman and Jessica Hynes) two tone-deaf theater enthusiasts whose theme is Broadway Musicals ; Josef and Isabelle (Stephen Mangan and Meredith MacNeill) two wannabe pro-tennis players whose theme is, no big surprise, tennis ; and Michael and Joanna (Robert Webb and Olivia Colman), two nudists whose theme is a "naturist" wedding. With the help of two flamboyantly gay wedding planners (Vincent Franklin and Jason Watkins), the three couples set on a trek to plan their weddings and perhaps win the Confetti magazine most original wedding contest.'Confetti' is an interesting concept, but disappointing in that they could have done so much more with it. The beginning is very funny and the ending sequence is flat-out hilarious, but there are so many in-between moments in 'Confetti' that aren't very funny and drag out. The actors are all very talented and funny, especially Vincent Franklin and Jason Watkins who are constant scene-stealers as the bitchy/gay wedding planners. Some of the time, I was confused in what I was watching -- a comedy or a drama. In some instances it becomes too sentimental to be funny, which is usually not a good route to take when making a mockumentary. Satire is a very hard thing to accomplish well in a movie, and 'Confetti' hits and misses, but luckily for the viewers it hits more than it misses. Grade: B-
jotix100 "Confetti" is a sort of mockumentary that tries to do what Christopher Guest has been doing for years with better results. Director Debbie Isitt shows she has the know how to present her mildly funny comedy that involves a contest sponsored by a magazine with three finalist couples, one of whom will win the prize and the exposure such events usually bring.After the three couples are selected, the finalist are the couple that want to have the Hollywood musical themed wedding. The second couple elects to see a tennis themed ceremony and finally, there are the nudists, who insists they want to be married in the buff.Confetti, the magazine, engages a pair of gay wedding planners to put some sense into this enterprise. Little do Archie and Gregory realize what they are about to get into. Archie and Gregory are a gay duo that love to dress alike and they have to deal with all the drama behind the scenes in the contest.Ms. Isitt gets some good results out of the large cast. Best of all are Vincent Franklin and Jason Watkins, the wedding planners, without a doubt. These two are fun to watch at all times. Martin Freeman has some good moments as Matt. Stephen Mangan and Meredith McNeill are seen as the tennis couple. Robert Webb and Olivia Colman play the nudists.The fun finale compensates for some dull moments within the film. Let's hope Ms. Isitt comes out with a funnier picture on her next project.