R | 28 September 2004 (USA)
Takedown Trailers

Kevin Mitnick is quite possibly the best hacker in the world. Hunting for more and more information, seeking more and more cyber-trophies every day, he constantly looks for bigger challenges. When he breaks into the computer of a security expert and an ex-hacker, he finds one - and much more than that...

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
wegham It may not have been the most realistic movie, but I really liked the atmosphere, story and characters. Realistic computer related movies are becoming hard to find. This is one of the good ones. The setting of the movie is in real life places which make it believable (and not so far fetched like Tron(1982/2010)), and sound effects and ambient lighting make good suspense scenes. Everyone acts really cool, there aren't really any people you love to hate in this movie (which I like) and their acting in my opinion is very good. People in this movie don't hesitate when they want to talk, and they say their lines perfectly (almost like they've practiced it for a movie).I liked this movie more than "The Social Network (2010)" maybe because this movie had much more action and thrills, and I also liked it more than Sneakers 1992 because the characters are more relatable.
RealBohemian After reading reviews, and more importantly, the message board, I decided to write a few lines.The movie is OK. Not entirely accurate, but OK.Terminology...that's another thing. I could post about that on the Board, except that I am informed I will have to give the site my telephone or credit card information to do so --and since there is no legitimate reason for that, it isn't happening. So for those who are considering watching the movie and would like a clarification, here goes. "Hacker" is the original term which existed far before the public internet. Back then it simply meant someone who understood the computer/network well enough to get into it and find or do anything. That sometimes meant an ability to bypass any and all security. Hackers were motivated by curiosity and a kind of professional passion, if you will --the simple wish to try to figure out the intricacies of whatever system they confronted. There were hackers who damaged systems back then; often these people took such action as breaking back into such systems to repair what they'd broken. They were not about doing anything malicious; they were about putting skill and knowledge to the test and figuring out new things.Later, when people bent on malice crept into the fold, hackers themselves termed those "dark-siders" (dark side hackers) and looked at them askance. Even later, outsiders started twisting the original term and inventing more, until few people had any idea what things had actually meant.But to know all this you have to go back far enough. Before the public internet. Before "PCs" (ie IBM clones). Etc.
whitehat237 The technologies used and shown in the movie are accurate. This movie is much better then Hackers where ridiculous 3D and CGI are passed off as hacking. As a fellow geek I enjoyed watching this. We all know that Kevin is innocent, so basing your viewing experience on the fact that your watching something based on a true story is absurd. I found myself relating on many levels with Skeet's character, Kevin. The idea's and philosophies correctly portray the ideals of many hackers, even today. Information does belong to the world. This movie gets it right in the sense that it shows the perspectives that most hackers share. This movie is worth owning and is a must have for any geek or information security professional.
Fallon2000 This was a great hacker film. But as Kevin said in a Coast to Coast AM radio show "Because the movie depicted me in such a false light and because it wasn't accurate I ended up settling a lawsuit with the production company because of it and it was never released in the USA". Like i said it is a good film about hackers but there will never be a real hacker movie. See the life of a hacker is extremely dull. Would you like to see some guy or gal in front of a computer screen typing for hours on end. If you really want to see something good watch "Freedom Downtime". This movie was made by 2600 the hacker quarterly found at www.2600.com. This film depicts the Free Kevin movement. and the fact that he was held without trial for 4 years. When given a trial Kevin decided to plea out.