Trial and Error
Trial and Error
PG-13 | 30 May 1997 (USA)
Trial and Error Trailers

An actor poses as a lawyer to help his sick friend, and problems develop.

Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
ThrillMessage There are better movies of two hours length. I loved the actress'performance.
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
david-sarkies What happens when a lawyer gets so drunk that in the morning he cannot make his court case and his friend has to cover for him? Well this movie outlines it quite well. The plot is interesting but the movie is nothing more than pure stupidity. The judge does not seem to be at all interested in actually running the case while the lawyer, Jeff Daniels, turns out to be nothing more than a bumbling fool.His friend, the one who takes over the case for him, knows absolutely nothing about law and can do absolutely nothing with out his friend beside him (or at least in communication range). Yet the movie always takes the lawyer away to leave us laughing at the ineptitude of the friend, who happens to be an actor.This movie really has nothing that makes it stand out. The lawyer is engaged to be married to a rich girl who is the daughter of the boss of the law firm for whom he works, but he gives her up for a sweet city girl come country girl who has a humble background. The actor is chasing one particular woman all the way through the movie, that is the prosecutor, and gets away with things such as sexual harassment. In the end he lands up with her, which is very typical of Hollywood.The name of the town, Paradise Bluff, brings up some thoughts, as if it is a place that on the outside seems perfect, but deep within there is some rotting evil. In this movie though, there is no allusion, nor is there any hidden evil. Paradise Bluff is a Paradise where the heroes live happily ever after.In my opinion, Trial and Error is a very dull movie with little to no comedy in it at all. It is not worth hiring, nor is it worth wasting one's time watching it on TV. The only time one should even consider watching this movie is when you are stuck on a bus between Adelaide and Sydney, and there is no way off.
Nick Bilka I got this movie from Papa Johns Pizza and I watch it twice a week. It is awesome - for serious. I love all things Jeff Daniels and Michael Richards is wonderfully believable as a whacko party animal. The jokes come at you like a million hummingbirds and a billion bumblebees with little tiny tap shoes on. I was skeptical at first but was convinced that this movie was terrific after having watched the first five minutes of it. If I were a martian from the future and had a mission to destroy earth unless the human race presented me with their best work of art; I hope that this is what they would show me. I ate a pizza and loved every second of this film. Scorcese can take a hike for all I care. This is where it's at!! I give this film my highest award - the Bilka award for excellence in a movie starring Jeff Daniels. KIT
paulgemelli Richard Rietti!!! Best character name in movie history. Worth the price of admission just to watch Rietti fall and bumble...and fall...and bumble. Let us also not forget another vintage performance by the one and only Rip Torn. I would pay money to watch a Ron Popeil Infomercial if Rip Torn was prominently involved.Jeff Daniels gets it done as the schlub lawyer who likes his chicken salad with mustard, not mayonnaise. Finally, we have Charlize Theron at her absolute apex (lookswise, not as an actress...clearly). You just knew it would lead to bigger & better things for her, and it did.Worth checking out. RIETTI!!!!!
ReturnOfTheLivingFatGuy We spend so much time as movie enthusiasts that we often only look for films people would consider revolutionary (e.g. Donnie Darko, Fight Club, etc.) but every once in awhile a noraml run of the mill comedy is nice. Trial and Error, however, had some of the most ridiculously funny scenes I have ever seen Micheal Richards in - his audtion near the beginning, his cross examination of 'Buck.' These scenes a lone are enough reason to see the movie. All said and done, Micheal Richards kills it in this movie... Some people have said that he still is trying to play off his role of Kramer but what we must understand is that regardless the role Micheal Richards constantly brings his own personality to the characters he plays and I wouldn't have it any other way. See it. Twice.