| 21 June 2004 (USA)
Pride Trailers

The story of Suki, a lioness cub, who rebels against her mother and her Pride to mate with an unsuitable lion from the other side of the river.

Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
Mightyzebra This is a really good film. It has a cast of Kate Winslet as Suki (one of the cubs) Rupert Graves as Linus (another cub), Martin Freeman as Fleck (the last cub, who's handsome but annoying), Helen Mirren as Macheeba (Linus'es and Suki's mum) plus more! This film's setting is really beautiful and the real lions - were they tame or not tame? I expect they were made tame for the picture, or else they were just machinery, which I don't think is true.This film has a good plot and storyline. It has the first half of the film as Linus, Suki and Fleck cubs and the second half of them as grown-ups.The jokes are absolutely TOP. My favourite joke (Don't worry, no spoilers) is when Macheeba goes "We're like the stars." Linus says, "What we come out at night?" "We're pretty but don't do anything?" asks Suki. "No," goes Fleck. "Everyone points at us."So watch this lovely film!! Enjoy! :) ;) :()P.S Everyone who doesn't like this film must have been very grumpy when they watched it and I think they should watch it again.
Sherazade But what was with the lazy visual effects? It was so sad to see in this day and age, the people in charge of CGI and visuals or whatever use such painful cut and paste methods that would have even been shameful to see in a film from 50 years ago! Nevertheless the all star cast including; Kate Winslet, Sean Bean, Jim Broadbent, Rupert Graves and Helen Mirren lend their talents in voice-work to this wonderful storytelling of the lives of lions and the animals they hunt/and are hunted by in the animal kingdom. Suki (Winslet) and Linus (Graves) are both sibling cubs living in the Pride under the careful watch of their mother Macheba (Mirren), one day while playing, the cubs decide to venture out to a part of the Pride that is forbidden and there Suki spots a wild lion called Dark (Bean), whom she instantly falls in love with. The trouble is, he's not a part of their Pride nor does anybody know anything about these wild pack of lions other than the fact that they are dangerous and to be avoided. This does nothing to deter Suki though and her love turns her into a full fledged rebellious vegetarian (yes, you heard right "VEGETARIAN") lioness. Years pass by and she grows into a beautiful teen lioness, she rejects all her potential suitors and ventures out of the Pride one her own after a fight with her mother. While in the wild, she crosses paths with the now much older but still suave Dark once more, still in love with him, they mate and she bears his cubs only to find out, that Dark is just like the animal version of the typical human male. LOL! He deserts her and she is left to care for her cubs alone. You can only imagine what happens to her and her cubs in the wild. Use your imagination. That said, there are a lot of sub-plots and plot twists which makes for a quite interesting animated film. It was a two-part mini series when I saw it on telly and I have since bought the DVD. It's worth a watch! Kate Winslet continues to dazzle us with her rare vocal talents! She breaks your heart, even in animation.
neo256 Well I can't deny I like the big cats. That's one of the things that attracted me in this movie. The talking animals aren't annoying in the way of "Damn that is so fake". It looks somewhat natural in someway, it is very well computer edited. Still there are some flaws in the way they move and some scenes that did look pretty fake. Still it isn't annoying. It's a pretty good story and it's pretty realistic in the way how lions live in the real world. The biggest ledge for most people will be the talking lions part. If you accept that and accept the minor flaws: you will probably like this story.It's family compatible so round up your kids and have good time.
palebluedot19135 First off, this movie has a fantastic voice cast, including John Hurt, Kate Winslet, and Robbie Coltrane. And the actors, all real lions (with some facial expressions added via computer graphics) are excellent. The story is also a good one. Suki (voiced by Kate Winslet) is shunned out of her pride for refusing to contribute to their food supply by hunting. She is disgusted by killing. Other subplots include fighting between the pride and "the wanderers," the "bad guys" of the film who refuse to live with the pride, and instead reside in a barren area of the savanna. I am most impressed with the acting of the lions, especially the cubs. I would imagine that getting lions to behave as desired is not an easy task.I liked that this animal film wasn't all cuteness and light like some others, it had it's edgy moments, with the lions displaying their inate fierceness.Overall, an enjoyable experience, and one I highly recommend.