And Then Came Lola
And Then Came Lola
PG | 19 June 2009 (USA)
And Then Came Lola Trailers

A talented, but distracted photographer, Lola, on the verge of success in both love and work, could lose it all if she doesn't make it to a crucial meeting on time. But, as usual, Lola is late. With her job and girlfriend on the line, she has three chances to make it right. In a desperate race through the streets and back rooms of San Francisco, time grows short-will Lola make it? Will she come at all? With a pop sensibility that mixes live action, animation and still photography, And Then Came Lola explores love's age old question in a fresh new way, "If you try, try again, will you finally get it right?" (Written by M. Siler and E. Seidler)

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Kailansorac Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
kosmasp Yes Run Lola Run was made quite some time ago (and this movie too as you can see), so I guess it's ok to make your own spin on it. In this case a lesbian version, which will remind quite some folk how really good the original movie is. Having said that, I've seen worse movies/remakes.Of course for people easily offended just the premise will be enough not to watch it. For all the erotic encounters this depicts, there is not a lot of nudity in it. It does concentrate on the story (whatever you may think of it and however likely it is, take money and for example: it could have been used as a problem solver - but that would have been too easy I guess). It's a decent try overall, but nothing special at all (if you leave the sexuality behind it out of it that is)
westpenn49 Relax kick back and let Lola do the heavy stressing. This is a fun flick that deals with coming to terms with ones own flaws and sort of letting others deal with themselves. I found it to be a healthy relationship movie when all was said and done.Perhaps the saddest thing is that it seems most loved by young men under 18. I doubt if they have a clue, but if they get one, well so much the better.This is not an Oscar contender but it is more tender than any of the testosterone filled flicks that disparage everyone and despite their reveling in evil get all the critical praise. This film pretty much lifts up everyone involved and brings out their best. That everyone involved is good looking is just another plus. :)
silvisweetheart I really don't understand what everybody is complaining about as pretty much every movie is a ripoff or homage of another. This one simply happens to do it in a fun, lesbian friendly fashion. I suggest actually watching it first before you write it off as 'just another rip off'.It's a rare thing to see a movie where the lesbianism isn't just tacked on as an afterthought or swept under the rug as the story progresses. There's no men ogling them throughout the movie, nobody's suicidal, nobody has sex with some random dude to spite their girlfriend (something that kills a film like this for me), and the flaws of the characters and their relationships are true to life. It manages to avoid all the pitfalls that normally plague a lesbian flick and I applaud it for that.The low point of the movie would have to be the soundtrack which, while having one or two good songs, mostly falls flat. It doesn't quite kill the mood but it certainly doesn't improve it either.On the whole it's a refreshing take on a great concept and a must see if you're looking for a lesbian flick that's actually positively reinforcing. I highly recommend giving it a look.
Alrock Well, my 1st review, not gonna be long winded about it, basically one of the worst re-workings of a foreign film I've seen."Run Lola Run", the German film this was based on was an edge of the seat, fast paced film with a true sense of urgency heightened even more by the banging techno soundtrack.What we have here is a wishy washy storyline, no urgent life or death situation like the original with a rather weak pop rock soundtrack that does nothing to enhance the drama, not that there seems to be much of that.So, to sum up, forget this & go find yourself a copy of "Run Lola Run" a true 10 out of 10 movie.