It's a Disaster
It's a Disaster
R | 12 April 2013 (USA)
It's a Disaster Trailers

Four couples meet for Sunday brunch only to discover they are stuck in a house together as the world may be about to end.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Dorathen Better Late Then Never
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Kayden This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
arfdawg-1 The plot.Eight friends meet for their monthly couples brunch. But what starts as an impromptu therapy session/airing of domestic grievances takes a sudden, catastrophic turn when the city falls victim to a mysterious attack. Trapped in the house and unsure of their fates, these seemingly normal people become increasingly unhinged to surprising results.This is one of the worst movies you will ever see. I am shocked that it got some good reviews here.The movie is nearly unwatchable.It's poorly directed and poorly acted.In fact, there is no acting. It appears the dialog is ad-libbed because if it's not, it's even worse than worse than awful.Half the movie are the actors jumping up and down.Honestly I have never seen such an amateurish film. It's as if a monkey was given a camera and this was the result.It's worse than a student film!!!
kosmasp I don't know if the makers of Coherence watched this movie (probably not), but it's interesting what you can do with a little set piece and one location/house, with some characters in it. This has some dialog highlights (not sure if I personally would consider the duct/duck tape thing as one of them, but you'll be the judge of that and other smaller conversation pieces, that make this feel sort of real) and the acting is really good.You may feel like you've been in a situation like this or a similar one, though obviously not with the same outer perimeters. This makes this easy to access and if you like the humor this thing delivers (mostly), than you will have a very good time
thesar-2 At least it wasn't: It's a Disaster Movie Redux.Now, that's not fair, from my end, anyways. I haven't seen the film: Disaster Movie. But, I have seen 2006's Right at Your Door, which was the serious version of this. I would highly recommend both movies, much like any (real-threat) disaster film and spoofs, like Airplane!A couples brunch gone wrong is sorta the theme when the mostly unwilling participants settle down for an absolute array of wit and comedic timing during (and before) their meal. But…anyone who has seen, appreciate and adore "disaster films," such as myself, can pick up on the background noise of the events unraveling around these nitpicking yuppies.A friend recommended this to me and sadly, I have waited an entire two months to write my reaction. Luckily, I do remember thoroughly enjoying it and would wildly recommend it to those who love dark humor with their terrorist turns. Much like Shaun of the Dead. As humorous as this is, it is as equally scary as when one loses touch with the world via the web or TV. As much as we sometimes – at least, myself – want to break away from technology, at times, we need it.Like Shaun of the Dead? Like this.* * *Final thoughts: Make sure you make a double feature night of independent pleasure…in regards to Dirty Bomb disasters. Watch Right at Your Door and then this gem. At least you'll know what to do in this horrific situation and end on a high note.
Fito Pardo This is not an original film, the original one is Luis Buñuel "El Angel Exterminador" (Exterminationg Angel), .There is not a reference in the whole IMDb page that says is a remake or a adaptation from Buñuel Movie neither on the film, I am sure who ever has the rights from the Buñuel movie hasn't seen this film yet.. I really don't get why there are so many reviews of how good is this original movie, when this films is clearly not an original film.Now I really enjoyed this adaptation of one of the most interesting films I have ever seen by my hero Luis Buñuel.