| 04 October 2012 (USA)
Thanatomorphose Trailers

Bruised from a night of rough sex, a young woman is shocked to find that her body, rather than healing itself, has inexplicably begun to rot. Swept up in the strange sensual experiences brought on by her slowly decaying form, she tries desperately to cling to her new existence — even as the putrid meat sack that was once her young body begins to literally fall off her bones...

Clevercell Very disappointing...
BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Kailansorac Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Meg V I loved Nekromantik, loved Der Todesking, and rolled my eyes at August Underground, but Thanatomorphose is hands down the most disgusting thing I have ever allowed to slither across my retina. It's full of flaws and I was about to turn it off after the first act, but then I started to "get" it and it's a pretty great underground effort. Flaws first: script was God-awful. I would have liked this a lot more if it had either been in French or if I didn't understand English. Second, the acting was awful. Indie directors, if you're out there, listen to me: spend money on the actors. I'm telling you. You can fix anything in that frame except bad acting. God's honest truth. Also, I hated the score and the editing was weird in the first act. There were strange jumpy cuts through a lot of the scenes that didn't make any sense. Last, not all of the fantasy sequences really worked. Some of those could have been cut. I also would have cut the faux-artsy cinematography sequences as they serve no discernible purpose and it pulled me out of the moment. All of those notes are fairly normal sins for underground horror. If you have a background in that kind of filmmaking those problems might not bother you as much as they would someone who is used to Hollywood-slick style. All that being said, I think it's a solid movie. I read it as a metaphor for drug addiction. I think a case could be made for it being a metaphor for depression also. The main character is literally self-destructing, but her friends seem unwilling to help or unsure how to help. The hospital comes up more than once, and it is obvious that she should go, but with a person who has an addiction (or depression if you read it like that) friends often don't know what to do or how to help. She tries fixing it herself. She self-medicates. She literally places bandages on huge open wounds. She calls for help, but then lashes out at the person who comes to help her. She is listless and bound by inertia, but bizarrely industrious when it comes to nursing her illness (addiction). She's taking pills and jabbing herself with a needle, so I'm leaning toward addiction reference over depression. So, if you decide to see it watch it with that in mind. If you're not a fan of underground indie horror stay far away.
Tim McGahren This movie was another waste of time, and I see the horror aficionados are here trying to make a silk purse out of a sh*t shingle. Circle the wagons boys! Horror is being threatened by reasonable reviews. Really, have you ever in your entire life met any girl who knew how to dress herself properly and brush her teeth not go to a damn doctor the second some tiny little thing was wrong with her? Ever? What BS. Plot; stupid girl does non-plausible stuff (like rotting and not doing anything about it). Whole story made me want to knock some sense into her. The only realistic thing is how all the guys she sleeps with are all total a**holes, just like the ladies do in real life. Totally stupid film, but here is how it should have been written; woman begins to rot to death. No one knows what to do, we see the interactions between her and her friends, and family. She is blamed for her own problem, people desert her for various reasons, causing her to die inside as well. We are surrounded by feelings of helplessness of the greatest doctors in the world, specifically one we get to know. We see the horror from her side of her impending death and from others for for the helpless victim, and the feelings of futility and lack of ability to stop the process from the attending doctor's side. Slow burn. The final image is the doctor leaving the rotting body of the dead young woman, and he looks into the mirror only to see the process beginning on himself. There I just wrote a more engaging movie in 2 minutes than this waste of time. Horror 'writers', try actually doing more than a drawn out gimmick, and write. A better horror film is Pieces of Talent.
Cameron Williscroft This was literally the worst movie I have ever seen and I can't believe I was stupid enough to sit and watch it. I made a better short film for my Grade 9 class there is no way this should have even been funded it is so terrible I really wished I had checked the reviews for it before watching. 0 out of 10, worst movie made in the last 10 years. There was absolutely no acting talent, excessive use of swear words, stupid lulls of the main character falling asleep, her general disregard for herself, her nymphomaniac boyfriend, his utter stupidity, no plot line, no meaningful dialogue. The only reason you should watch this movie is if you lose a bet. even then that would be a terrible punishment. I wouldn't make George Zimmerman watch this.
movieman89-2 How I first heard about this movie was on Facebook, from one of the many horror movie pages I like since I'm a huge horror fan. They advertised it and what caught me first of all was the cover. It reminds me so much of Death Metal album cover (which I'm also a fan of). But at the same time it shocked me in a way and I felt I had to find out more about it. I then read the plot and I have to say it captivated me because I've never heard of something like this in a horror film before. So I then bought it on DVD from Amazon. I have just finished watching it and I have to say it was possibly one of the most effective films I have ever watched.The story really works and the character development was very simple but good. One thing I would like to know is the character's names. I'm not sure why they weren't namedThe acting was really good especially from Kayden Rose. The cinematography was great. Slightly out of focus at times but not enough to annoy. One of the best things I thought was the lighting.It really showed the bleakness of the scenes brilliantly and added a lot of subtly when showing Kaydon's character at her worst through her decay. It felt like the director was saying "you don't need to see the disgusting image all the time, but I would like you to imagine it" which made it just as effective.The makeup was absolutely outstanding. I cannot believe how realistic it looks. Devil horns go up to the makeup artists. So overall it was a good movie but I don't think I could watch it for a while. It was very uncomfortable to watch at times. The most disturbing scene was the end. I'm not going to spoil it anymore.So horror fans, if you want to see it please do. But I warn not to eat before and during the film. Also it doesn't show a spec of happiness throughout, which is why I thought it was very bleak.Mr Eric Falardeau, for your first major film, you did a great job. I hope to see you make more films in the future. You rock dude.
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