Blood Link
Blood Link
R | 15 October 1982 (USA)
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A man who has been having psychic visions of himself killing naked women soon discovers that it's not himself he's seeing, it's his Siamese twin. (yes, they've been separated) So he travels to Hamburg, where the things he's seen start to come to pass…

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Micitype Pretty Good
Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
videorama-759-859391 This film doesn't come off entirely what it sets off to do. Moriarty in two brother roles, shows us what a fine actor he is. It's good Moriarty versus Moriarty, where good Moriarty's life, is becoming a living hell, thanks to his Siamese twin brother, who's fortunately a psychotic, who's committed a sting of brutal murders, one not so brutal, involving punching an ex boxing star (lovable veteran actor Cameron Mitchell). Bad Moriarty is parading as good Moriarty doctor, which he isn't as it isn't helping his good brother's chances, when the cops get hold of him. When growing up, our psychotic one wasn't given the same love and attention, as the good one, hence, part of his reasons for becoming a knife thrashing lunatic. His good brother has it all, successful, likable, and a really nice piece of female a..e The ain't half bad film offers some nice servings of nudity and some nice slappings of venesection (gore) and Moriarty, who's acting presence is always something viewable, especially after seeing in Q. The problems with the film, overall, I felt, were there were a few stops, a little dullness, and not enough story poured into what is otherwise, an interesting film, that really doesn't really fall above the ranks of average.
The_Void Blood Link is a German and Italian co-production; although it was clearly made for an American audience. The film has got itself in with the 'Giallo' style that had it's heyday in Italy during the seventies; although the reason for that is probably merely down to the fact that it's directed by Alberto De Martino; as despite some Giallo elements, I wouldn't call this film a Giallo on the whole. Blood Link is more of a psychological thriller that takes in themes relating to psychology and a psychic link between two people. Craig Mannings and his girlfriend are doctors trying to create a new way of exploring pain and dreams. Craig decides to test the new methods on himself but ends up finding a way into his presumed dead ex-Siamese twin brother's conscience. He discovers that his brother is living in Hamburg and murdering people; but this doesn't stop him from going to Hamburg and tracking him down. When he arrives in Hamburg, the killings continue until the inevitable meeting between the two brothers.Michael Moriarty has had an interesting career; the highlight of which for me is his role in Larry Cohen's excellent 'The Stuff'. His performance here is not quite as over the top, but it is rather more impressive. Moriarty is not an obvious choice for the lead role in a film like this; but he fits into it excellently and makes both characters he plays very believable. The film is interesting throughout and several good ideas are explored; not least the idea of a psychic link between two brothers that used to share a physical link, but there's also some good ideas relating to the sexuality of the 'bad' twin. There's a few murders scenes; none of them particularly bloody or over the top but good enough and fitting within the movie. Cameron Mitchell's aging wrestler's character has a highlight scene in that respect. The film manages to stay interesting for the duration and it all boils down to a suitably dark and compelling conclusion. The premise of the movie is similar to David Cronenberg's later Dead Ringers; and while the latter is the better film, there's lots to like here and Blood Link is certainly worth a look.
Coventry I'm strangely fascinated by the acting career of Michael Moriarty. He's rather odd-looking and never seems to know what's going on, yet he was often offered important horror roles during the 1980's. Especially, by Larry Cohen who cast him in "Q – The Winged Serpent" and "The Stuff". Well, "Blood Link" isn't exactly an important film, but it's easily his most ambitious and valuable role. Your first impression will probably be that he's terribly miscast in his double role as sadistic murderer and the telepathically linked twin brother who pursues him, but he actually grows in his role and gets more convincing as the story develops. Craig Mannings is a doctor living in the United States who's frequently disturbed by nightmares in which he sees himself committing gruesome murders. He's instantly reminded of his former Siamese twin brother Keith, only he supposedly dies in an arson at age 17. The search brings him to Hamburg where the sane & insane brother will be reunited, although not without a lot of bloodshed. "Blood Link" is an interesting, albeit slow and implausible thriller with some clear giallo influences and a most enchanting score by master Ennio Morricone. Alberto De Martino – one of Italy's most criminally underrated director – professionally and adds in twists, nifty murders and even some nudity whenever you tend to lost interest. Although nearly not shocking or violent enough to rank among Italy's better thrillers, fans might find it enjoyable and worth tracking down.
HumanoidOfFlesh Alberto De Martino's "Blood Link" is a pretty good thriller.Michael Moriaty plays a doctor,who has frightening visions of murder and discovers that this may be because of a psychic link to his siamese twin brother,who is murdering women in Germany.He tries to find him and stop the madness.The cast is pretty good with excellent performance by Michael Moriaty and the score by Ennio Morricone is brilliant.There is some violence and plenty of nudity.The film reminds me a little bit Brian De Palma's masterful "Sisters"(1973),but it has enough suspense and surprises to satisfy horror fans.Check it out.