Corpses Are Forever
Corpses Are Forever
| 03 March 2003 (USA)
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MALCOM GRANT, CIA operative has just woken up from a nightmare, only to find the Gates of Hell are open and the World is over-run with the living dead. To make matters worse, his terrifying dream is someone else's reality. With no recollection of his past, he must now help the government retrieve the memories of a dead serial killer who may have the answers that can save Humanity.

PodBill Just what I expected
Executscan Expected more
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
chappell666 I enjoyed this movie. No its not a great movie, but i felt it was well done camp. You cant take the movie itself seriously, but the movie plays off this, it isn't meant to be serious, scary or believable. This movie doesn't have pretensions, and i found it much more entertaining than say, club dread... (which was given a theatrical release.) i thought it was enjoyable, and very wisely had a runtime of 120 mins. And the devil looks very much like marlon brando, I'm surprised no one else has commented on this. I felt the storyline was very original, a nice change of pace from all the "teenagers visiting woods/secluded rural community" genre films (cabin fever excepted). If you want a little over an hour of mindless entertainment, and are willing to exercise suspension of disbelief, maybe check it out..... Or at least if you are contemplating renting club dread check this out instead..
jbarker71 I'm always one to give a zombie movie a chance. This was more of a thriller that had zombies in it. Some zombies. The movie tried to impress upon you that the world had been overrun by zombies (why?), but there was never any tangible sense of fear or terror. This was a total vanity project.As a newly minted Debbie Rochon fan, I had wanted to see her performance. The homicidal character she portrayed didn't serve much, if any, purpose. It was as though she was there to prop up the main character as a hottie girlfriend, but that was stretching the truth too far. The lead, in the B/W sequences, looked like a high schooler in a home movie. And it seemed like in every scene he was checking his clip for bullets. And the kungfu scenes... woah boy. And dude, keep your shirt on, that Bacardi bat tattoo was too skimpy looking (not bad ass, but ass-bad).I did like Richard Lynch's over-the-top acting. And, there is something nice about seeing Brinke Stevens and Linnea in another horror film. In fact, I would have enjoyed more seeing Brinke, Linnea, Debbie, and Richard talking about horror films. That would have been interesting. However, this film is truly marred by the deus-ex-machina at the end with Linnea showing up saying "You owe me one (two... three...). In any sequel she would probably show up whenever the heroes were in trouble and bail them out. How unimaginative! Speaking of deus-ex-machina, let's have a serum that induces a flashback and amnesia that has little to do with the story! And let's have a bright white room with no segue to the other scenes. Why, WHY, does one actor bring up John Carpenter's "They Live"? All of a sudden I was thinking about that film, and how much better it was than Corpses. It took all I had not to turn off the movie then and there. I'm a big fan of indie cinema and horror films, but this film simply falls short in so many ways. Total vanity project- it's as if the writer/director shelled out bucks for some talent and couldn't deliver on the script. The positives? Rochon, Quigley, Lynch, some of the lighting, and the car. The zombies sucked. But I'm sure the cast and crew had a fun old making it.
ghoulieguru Corpses Really Act Poorly (C.R.A.P.) - Okay, so before I rip into this movie I want to explain why I gave it two stars. One star goes to Jose Prendes for having a good idea, and one star because it's a zombie movie. That's where my good will ends. The main thing that ruins this movie is our intrepid auteur Jose. His acting is only marginally worse than his martial arts skills. Watching the fight sequences felt like watching WWF. If a kick or punch landed within five feet of its intended target, it was a miracle. Our lead actor/director spends a good portion of the movie wearing a big felt hat that's about ten sizes to big for his head, trying to channel Indiana Jones or Humphrey Bogart in a sad attempt at Cinema Noir. Nice try, Jose, but you ended up being your own worst enemy. Get some actors next time, because your idea could have been interesting.
gvnedit "Corpses Are Forever" is essentially a home movie expanded to feature length. The only bright spot in the production is that the film maker Prendes actually got this thing on video store shelves.For a zombie flick, Prendes could have delivered more zombies. The story is pretty convoluted, but it fails because it doesn't deliver on the promise of being a zombie-fest. I think I made this same movie when I was in high school. Maybe I should have peddled it around town as Jose did."Corpses" is pretty bad right out of the gate. I had to turn the volume way up just to understand what the main character was muttering -- and was that an English accent he was reaching for?If Prendes made this movie as a high school student, than some kudos. But beyond that, it is not worth more than 5 minutes of your time, if that. This really is an example of how not to make a monster movie.