5 Card Stud
5 Card Stud
PG | 28 July 1968 (USA)
5 Card Stud Trailers

The players in an ongoing poker game are being mysteriously killed off, one by one.

VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Spikeopath 5 Card Stud is directed by Henry Hathaway and adapted to screenplay by Marguerite Roberts from a novel written by Ray Gaulden. It stars Robert Mitchum, Dean Martin, Inger Stevens, Roddy McDowall, Katherine Justice, John Anderson, Ruth Springford and Yaphet Kotto. Music is by Maurice Jarre and cinematography by Daniel L. Fapp.Rincon, Colorado and when a gambler is caught cheating at poker, the rest of the players administer frontier justice and hang the man. All except one man that is, Van Morgan (Martin), who tried desperately to stop the lynching. When members of the card school from that night start being killed off, it's clear that somebody is also administering their own brand of retribution justice. Morgan teams up with the new unorthodox preacher in town, Reverend Jonathan Rudd (Mitchum), to try and crack the case.I don't think anyone would seriously try to argue that 5 Card Stud is a great movie, but it is a fun picture made by people who knew their way around the dusty plains of the Western genre. Basically a Western take on Agatha Christie's Ten Little Indians, it's a whodunit at the core, but surrounded by Western staples as fights, gun-play, murders, barroom shenanigans and thinly veiled prostitution exist during the run time, while the Durango location photography is most pleasant (TCM HD print is gorgeous).It's not short of flaws, mind. Jarre's musical score is simply odd, I'm not even sure what film genre he thought he was scoring, but it's about as far removed as being in tune with a film as can be. McDowall as a whiny weasel villain doesn't work, the costuming is a bit sub-par and the reveal of the perpetrator is revealed too early. Yet film overcomes these problems because being in the company of Mitchum and Martin brings rewards.Dino harks back to his Western glory days in the likes of Rio Bravo, and Mitch gets to parody his Night of the Hunter preacher whilst adding six- shooter charms into the bargain. The girls are short changed by the writing, but both Stevens and Justice grace the picture with their presence, and Kotto enlivens a role that quite easily could have been standard fare. A good time to be had with this Poker Oater © 7/10
ma-cortes It's a film noir/Western/suspense of bizarre beauty and extraordinary performances ; being based on a novel by Ray Gaulden and interesting screenplay by Marguerite Roberts . A card shark is caught cheating, he is taken out and lynched , later on , this engenders several murders . The players in an ongoing poker game are being mysteriously killed off, one by one . A professional gambler (Dean Martin) who attempted to prevent the lynching tries to ensnare the assassin with the aid of a preacher (Robert Mitchum) with a weapon .Suspenseful film dealing with a card player who is lynched by the drunkards he was playing against. Tension from the opening game going on until ending and never lets up , being for Agata Christie aficionados . This is a tremendously exciting story of an obstinate card player and a strange preacher with a gun . It begins as a slow-moving Western but follows to surprise us with dark characters , strong supporting work , solid plot and in whodunit style . The tale is almost grim , a priest comes to a town just in time to make sure its citizenry but later the events get worse . Main cast is frankly magnificent . Sympathetic Dean Martin as as a reluctant card gambler and nice Robert Mitchum as a gun-toting preacher . First-rate Robert Mitchum in similar role and performance to ¨Night of the hunter¨ that was the acting of his life . In addition , Roddy McDowall steals the show as the cynic Nick . Supporting cast is extremely good such as Inger Stevens as Lily Langford , Katherine Justice as Nora Evers , John Anderson as Marshal Dana , Yaphet Kotto as Little George , Denver Pyle as Sig and Whit Bissell as Dr. Cooper , among others . Good Technicolor cinematography by Daniel F. Fapp . Enjoyable musical score ties up a top-notch Western package ; it is composed by the maestro Maurice Jarre . Furthermore , agreeable song by Dean Martin , including lyrics by Ned Washington . Watchable results for this offbeat Western .This well-paced in cracking style flick is compellingly directed by Henry Hathaway and usually works very well , taking a firm grip on the action and suspense . Here he directs efficiently Dean Martin and with strong screen presence by Robert Mitchum , both of whom collaborated in some Western . Hathaway himself was only even nominated for an Oscar , but his movies themselves are testimony to his skills to heighten narrative tension and shoot action so exhilarating it made adrenalin run . He does the human touch and full of insight that accompanied him during most of his films and the story develops pleasantly in a large frame with an interesting plot and fully adjusted to the requirements of the action . Henry was a craftsman who had a long career from the 30s with successful films , and especially Westerns , as ¨Brigham Young¨ and ¨Raw Hide¨ . In his 60s Hathaway still got the vigour to make some fiery movies as ¨From Hell to Texas¨, ¨How the West was won¨, ¨Nevada Smith¨, and ¨Shoot out¨ . He was an expert on Western genre as he proved in ¨True grit¨ , ¨Five card stud¨ , ¨Nevada Smith¨ ,¨How the West was won¨ , ¨Rawhide¨ , ¨Brigham Young¨ , ¨Buffalo Stampede¨, ¨Garden of evil¨ and ¨The sons of Katie Elder¨. Rating : nice Western that will appeal to Robert Mitchum and Dean Martin fans .
MartynGryphon There can't be more whodunit westerns out there, which makes 5 card stud unique. The plot is a watered-down westernised version of Agatha Christie's 'Ten Little....whatever', or 'And Then There Were None' to give it it's American title.After a fellow poker player is exposed as a cheat, Van Morgan, (Dean Martin), tries to stop a lynching and only succeeds in getting blindsided by a gun butt for his trouble. The culprit and leader of the lynch mob is Nick Evers, (played by a slightly miscast Roddy McDowall).Unable to go to the town Marshall he opts to leave town instead. It is only when he hears about the killing of two members of the lynching party he becomes suspicious that one of the other poker players are trying to cover their tracks by bumping off the others. Not happy about being a potential target, he returns to town to find the killer, before more deaths occur.Robert Mitchum is the town's new arrival as Reverand Johnathan Rudd. Rudd's a Reverand with a difference, he's just as quick with a gun as he is to pull a quote from the good book. Van immediately takes a liking to this 'Pastor with a Pistol', and to all around he seems a pleasant amiable fellow if not a bit of a religious nut case.With each death, Van knows that his odds of survival are shortening and uncovers the identity of both the killer and the guy who's been tipping him off just in time.Even though Roddy McDowall had been in America for nearly 30 years at this point, he is still just too English to have been cast in a western. This was also not Robert Mitchum's first time playing the mad pastor. He'd done it before in 1955 in the gripping The Night Of The Hunter though his portrayal of Harry Powell in that movie had a more psychotic edge than Rev. Rudd's friendly persona.Dean Martin happily sleeps his way through his role with relative ease, as only he could, and does it with style. However, we're given a love triangle sub-plot with Katherine Justice and Inger Stevens, which isn't really needed and thankfully doesn't detract from the main plot.Another thing worthy of note is the Maurice Jarre penned theme tune sung brilliantly by Dean Martin, in my opinion the best singer of 'em all. However, the closing credit informing the audience that it was Martin singing seemed a little redundant as he had one of the most unmistakable voices in show business.Great Western though a little outdated for the time given that Hang 'em High. The Wild Bunch and Butch & Sundance were it's contemporaries.Enjoy.
bkoganbing 5 Card Stud is a re-make of Dark City which was released in 1950 and was Charlton Heston's feature film debut. Dean Martin is now playing the Heston part and in many ways he's reprising the role he did in Some Came Running. The role of gambler comes natural to him, it was one of many professions Dino tried in his youth before discovering show business. In the original the part Robert Mitchum plays originated with Mike Mazurki. Mazurki had a limited role in Dark City so Mitchum's part has been built up considerably. As always Robert Mitchum is interesting.The original Dark City involved a high stakes poker game in which Don DeFore got trimmed of the rent money and just about everything else. Rather than go home, he kills himself. Soon afterward his psychotic brother goes on a rampage against everyone in that game.It's no suicide here, but a lynching as the victim is caught cheating. If you've seen Dark City than you already know who the murderer is and it's not too hard to figure it out here. In the supporting cast, standing out are Roddy McDowell as the spoiled son of a local rancher who leads the lynch party and Yaphett Kotto who is the bartender in the saloon where the fatal poker game took place.Martin and Mitchum work well together, this is good entertainment.