Scooby-Doo! Abracadabra-Doo
Scooby-Doo! Abracadabra-Doo
G | 16 February 2010 (USA)
Scooby-Doo! Abracadabra-Doo Trailers

The gang goes on a trip to check on Velma's younger sister, Madelyn. She's been studying stage magic at the Whirlen Merlin Magic Academy, where apparently there have been sightings of a giant griffin. The gang decides to investigate.

Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Eric Stevenson The funniest thing about the "Scooby-Doo" franchise is that is started off by always having the monster be fake in every episode. People ended up complaining that the series was too formulaic. In the later 1990s they made a ton of direct to video movies where the monsters were real. They made so many it got to the point where people complained that this idea had become too formulaic as well. The latter animated movies went back to the original formula. It can be hard to stretch this idea out to a full length movie, but they did it quite well here.The best part is that we're introduced to Velma's sister, Madeyln who has a crush on Shaggy. Madeylin's quite a likeable character with a very cute design. This movie even addresses one problem that the Scooby-Doo franchise has. Why is it that the villains are able to come up with these elaborate costumes and illusions when they could simply use them to become successful on their own? Here, the villain reveals that he wanted his brother to sell their school so he could get the money to start his own magician business. I yearn for the days of theatrically released 2D films as this was certainly enjoyable enough to be shown there. ***
kyle-mcdonald Well let me start off by saying I was saddened when I heard that Casey Kasem was no longer going to be playing the role of Shaggy and even more saddened to hear of his passing, but when one door closes another door opens and we are privileged to get the live action Shaggy Mathew Lillard now lending his voice to the cartoon world.After solving yet another mystery Velma receives a call from her mother informing her that her sister Madelyn may be in danger at the school for magic she is attending which is being terrorized by a massive griffin. Scooby and the gang are off to solve this creepy mystery and also learn a bit of magic of their own along the way and even use it to figure out once and for all the mystery of the griffin and who is behind all this.The storyline I have to say is pretty interesting, it's been a while since something has been done revolving around the mystical creature of the griffin. However, throughout we are met with many predictable turns that can easily be spotted as early as the first time the gang enters this school for magic. This time around the story is a bit more fast paced compared to the last Scooby Doo adventure with funny jokes and for the most part interesting characters. The excitement level could have been a bit higher, rather than it all being packed into final sequence with a few thrown in on spotty occasions. I also like the turn that they have returned to the old tradition of unmasking a mastermind at the end of the mystery instead of using a real monster, while I like the real monsters direction I've always been one for the traditional Scooby Doo method.The voice talents were for the most part excellent as usual especially the regulars: Frank Welker as Scooby Doo and Fred, Mindy Cohn as Velma, Grey Delisle as Daphne and new to the cartoon world of Scooby Doo is Mathew Lillard as Shaggy, who does an exceptionally great job as doing the voice of Shaggy, after doing a great job as him in the live action films he does an even better job as the voice. On top of the regulars we get some great voice work such as: Dave Attell as the G.P.S. and Jeffery Tambor as Mr. Calvin Curdles who both do a great a funny job. Brian Posehn as Marlon Whirlen on the other hand is a different story, I found as if he didn't even give an effort and turned out to be more annoying to listen to rather than be interested in the character.So in the end, this Scooby Doo adventure wasn't all that bad, but with a predictable ending and a sort of slow moving story, I just wish the movie in which Mathew Lillard returned could have been a little better. Having said that I did enjoy this movie and do recommend it to fans and families.Overall Rating: ******* out of ********** ***1/2 out of *****
shiz101 I have to say, this movie really surprised me. After 40 odd years of an awesome show I was wondering if they would better some of the other movies such as "Aloha Scooby Doo!". After watching it, I have to say this is up there with the best.The new animation technology used really hits you and seems to give a darker impression of everything. The plot really suits this and uses the darker effect to enhance itself. Talking about the plot, I have to say this is where I was the most surprised. In the past few years I personally feel that the plots have gotten almost a little bit desperate, as though the producers were doing anything for originality. Movies such as "Scooby Doo and the Cyber Chase" are examples of this sort of thing and generally didn't go down too well for me. However, the plot here was actually quite good. It looks like they have solved the puzzle for originality...well almost. I still have a few bones to pick. Bringing love into the plot seems just a bit over the top for me, especially with the romantic scene (naturally it is not explicit in any way).It's sad that the previous voice of Shaggy has gone but his replacement is quite good. The gang also look fantastic in their original clothing.The first scooby doo cartoon movie "Scooby Doo on Zombie Island" was quite a hit, not only in my books either. Abracadabra Doo seems like a return to the plot style and darkness of that successful movie and wins my vote as being a must watch.
cartoonpow The opening credit titles were a breath of fresh air and they had a flair that matched John K.'s "Ren & Stimpy" cartoon in the look of it. The music had a nice throwback to the original 69 series as well.As for the main animation throughout, it's simply some of the cleanest and tightest that has ever been done yet for a Scooby-Doo production! The turns and inbetweens look well done and the background paints have an air of mystery that match the brilliance of the original series in '69! The CGI Mystery Machine was produced and worked a lot better than in previous versions and there wasn't an overuse of CGI overall as there was in "Samarai Sword" which was horrible. Digital eMation Inc did a superb job on the production. Too bad we have to send the work out to Korea as usual though. Can we make anything in this country???? As for story, and having worked on Scooby stuff for 10 years of my professional career, the story once again shows how creatively bankrupt the Scooby-Doo series has been. Once it was a guy in a costume and once that was worn out they had to use real supernatural elements which shows that it "jumped the shark" decades ago. The last batch of movies has been really bad. Scooby stories should just be hacked out as apparently there is nowhere to take the characters and as a brand maybe it's for the best since these are made for kids. It's a strict formula and usually these things hit the bulletpoints as to what happens when and where in the story. WB won't allow a lot of new ideas to mess up the brand so it will just continue. It is their golden calf so I'll let it lie, since six-year-olds won't notice the sameness till they watch them when they are older. As an aside, the romance of Daphne and Fred had taken a noticeable turn. She had at least one hand on Fred in most of the scenes and flirted with him more than in any other picture. She sure is fighting for her man in this one...As for the voices, it was adequate. Welker was more on point and Scooby's voice didn't have a touch of Fred's voice in it as it did in "Samuarai Sword". He's getting older too, so I wonder who will replace him at some point. You can only use ProTools on a voice and speed up the tape to make them sound younger for so long.Matthew Lillard was watered down Shaggy and had no pep. Bad casting choice for sure, but tying him to the animated from the live-action Scooby is a good marketing decision. This is a problem though of hiring an actor as opposed to a voice actor. Actors can't voice act worth a damn! Didn't Matt Damon and Brad Pitt animated ventures tell the studios anything??? There is a difference and why Mel Blanc was a genius. They should have gotten Scott Innes to play Shaggy it since he still does all the licensing work as Shaggy and Scooby, plus he sounds closer to Casey than anyone else. Billy West is the reason I can't watch "Zombie Island" and he was the worst Shaggy ever so thankfully he wasn't cast! Maybe Lillard will improve since he'll be in the new series, "Mystery Inc" as well.All in all, a great clean piece of slicker animation which makes it stand out from the normal drivel.