The Last Unicorn
The Last Unicorn
G | 19 November 1982 (USA)
The Last Unicorn Trailers

From a riddle-speaking butterfly, a unicorn learns that she is supposedly the last of her kind, all the others having been herded away by the Red Bull. The unicorn sets out to discover the truth behind the butterfly's words. She is eventually joined on her quest by Schmendrick, a second-rate magician, and Molly Grue, a now middle-aged woman who dreamed all her life of seeing a unicorn. Their journey leads them far from home, all the way to the castle of King Haggard.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Dotsthavesp I wanted to but couldn't!
Reptileenbu Did you people see the same film I saw?
HotToastyRag The Last Unicorn is a Rankin and Bass cartoon I used to watch all the time when I was a kid, but as I rewatched it now as a grown-up, I'm shocked that I'd been able to make it through. It's scary! The animation looks very similar to The Flight of Dragons, and just as in that childhood favorite, there are very frightening mythical creatures that might frighten the little ones in the audience.Mia Farrow voices the title character, and after she overhears a man saying she's the last unicorn on Earth, she sets out to prove him wrong and find more of her kind. Along the way, she meets a singing butterfly, voiced by Robert Keith, who channels Robin Williams's Genie character brilliantly; a magician, voiced by a tired-sounding Alan Arkin; a prince voiced by an equally tired-sounding Jeff Bridges; and an old hag, voiced by Tammy Grimes. Angela Lansbury, Christopher Lee, Rene Auberjonois, Keenan Wynn, and the legendary Paul Frees join the cast as well. There are a few songs, most of them sung in the background by America, but one of them is actually sung by Mia! Admittedly, I am a Mia Farrow fan, but objectively she's wonderful in this movie, and not only because the cartoon unicorn actually looks like her! She's caring, frightened, determined, hopeful, and sweet. If you missed the opening credits and didn't catch the year of release, you'd swear the lead was voiced by Gwyneth Paltrow—Mia sounds exactly like her! They both have an affected accent and a waver in their voice; halfway through The Lost Unicorn, I found myself lost in a fantasy of a 1990s remake of The Great Gatsby planned only in my head: Gwyneth Paltrow as Daisy, Brad Pitt as Gatsby, and Beau Bridges as Nick. But I digress.Parts of the cartoon are sad, scary, sweet, funny, or strange. But if you like your cartoons with a tinge of weirdness, like Thumbelina, Quest for Camelot, The Secret of NIMH, or The Flight of Dragons, you'll probably like this one. The all-star cast is definitely worth a watch, and even if you don't completely fall in love with Mia, I guarantee you'll find her extremely sweet.
Selina Rose This film is very special to me. I was given a copy on VHS when I was 6 (around 1987) and I loved it ever since. It was my introduction to medieval fantasy, my introduction to Christopher Lee, my introduction to so many things and the feeling of the film has stayed with me always. I keep it close in my heart. The music in the film is so delicate and beautiful, and the songs by America are stunning. Christopher Lee is perfect. The style of animation is beautiful, otherworldly. Unlike many children's animation films the story is quite dark in places and even perhaps quite adult in some of it's themes. I can't say as a child I would have understood it as such but the FEEL of the film made such an enormous impact on my young brain and I grew to understand it over the years. Even now, new layers reveal themselves to me within it. Magical, sad, with a strong theme about belonging.
ThiefOfStars A lone unicorn learns from two huntsmen passing through her forest that she may be the last of her kind in existence. Unsure of what to think she asks a passing butterfly what he knows of the fate of her species.When the butterfly backs up what the huntsmen said by telling her that long ago all of the unicorns were hunted down by a red bull and now held captive in a faraway location, this prompts the unicorn to leave her forest in search of answers. In the outside world, only those that believe in unicorns can see her for what she truly is. Those who don't, see only a white horse.Pretty soon she is captured by a witch called Mommy Fortuna and held captive in her travelling carnival. Even though Mommy Fortuna can see the unicorn in her true form, she gives her a false horn. In fact, all but one other creature in the carnival, a harpy, is an ordinary animal with a spell cast upon them so that non-believers can buy into the illusion.Whilst captive, the unicorn meets Schmendrick, a magician who wants to be a real wizard. He too, can see the unicorn in her true form and agrees to help set her free. Once free, the unicorn sets the harpy loose, which then kills Mommy Fortuna and her other assistant leaving Schmendrick free to accompany the unicorn along her journey. In a conversation with the unicorn before her death, Mommy Fortuna alluded to the red bull being a minion of an old king named King Haggard so spurred on by her words, they head in the direction of King Haggard's castle.Along the way they meet a band of travellers, one of whom is a jaded, weary, middle aged woman called Molly Grue, who decides to leave her life behind and join Schmendrick in his bid to help the unicorn.As they approach the castle, the red bull appears and tries to force the unicorn into the sea. In an attempt to save her life Schmendrick casts a spell on her, inadvertently changing her into a human. They re-name her 'Amalthea' and continue onward to Haggard's castle.At first Haggard is unimpressed with his unexpected visitors and only lets them stay because he isn't fooled by Amalthea's outward appearance, though they are on borrowed time because the longer Amalthea stays a human on the outside, the more human she becomes on the inside.And to complicate things further, Haggard's son Prince Lir takes a romantic interest in Amalthea who rebuffs him at first, but slowly starts to return his feelings the more human she becomes.This animated adaptation of Peter S. Beagle's novel of the same name captures the wistful, melancholy tone of the book, perfectly.The music, sang and composed by America, while not to everyone's taste, also adds to this tone wonderfully.
Madame Monster I haven't read the novel by Peter S. Beagle so this is me reviewing the movie on its own.1. The Artwork is really good in this movie. This looks like the artwork you would see in a children's fantasy book. The unicorn looks beautiful and the red bull looks fearsome. When you can combine pretty and gruesome you have some great talent.2. The songs you're either going to love or hate but personally I enjoyed the songs. They're not Disney good songs but they still are enjoyable. Accept the couple song. I didn't like the male singing voice it sounded really off.3. The characters are okay. I liked the magician and Molly. I thought they were very enjoyable characters. The villain by Christopher Lee is portrayed pretty well. I like how he can't find happiness and his determination to find it was pretty evil. Love it. The unicorn is okay. She has a goal which gives her a reason to begin this movie but her character itself is pretty bland. The prince is pretty boring. Not Sleeping Beauty Prince boring but still not very interesting.4. The romance in this doesn't work. You could have wrote out the romance in this story and it wouldn't have affected anything. The Prince and Amalthea have no chemistry. They hardly talk and one terrible love song later they end up together. Plus how could they be together? She's a unicorn and should have taken that into consideration before dating him.5. This is a little bit of a nitpick but it's worth mentioning that I question this film being PG. If you've seen the movie you would know but some stuff in there like the bit of nudity or the harpy made me question the rating a bit. Plus there is a bit of cursing so if your a parent who worries over stuff like that then this movie might not be for you. So maybe your older kids should watch it.Overall it's not a bad kids movie but it does have some flaws that set it apart from being great. If you're curious enough you should watch it. If you wouldn't care to watch fantasy characters than you should skip it.