The Pool Boys
The Pool Boys
R | 30 September 2009 (USA)
The Pool Boys Trailers

A pool boy and a gardener turn an empty mansion into a home for women who belong to the world's oldest profession.

Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Tony Heck "If you need anything you call your cousin Roger and I'll hook you up. I never would have said that if I thought he was gonna take me seriously." After graduating from high school Alex needs help with his scholarship. When is internship goes bad he calls his cousin Roger (Lillard) for help. When Roger's job turns out to be less then advertised he is unsure of what to do, then he meets Laura (LeFevre) and they all come up with an idea. Everyonce in a while I enjoy the occasional low-brow comedy. This one is very comparable to "Girl Next Door" in the subject matter. This one involves the kids making money by opening a brothel instead of a porn movie. The cast is actually comprised of some pretty big names and is entertaining and funny throughout. When you watch don't expect an Oscar type movie, but this is actually one of the funnier "boobie" movies that have come out in awhile. Overall, a funny and entertaining way to spend an hour and a half. I give it a B (for boobies...ha ha) *Also try - Chick Magnet & Finding Bliss
Michael Fulton I thought the film was hilarious. There are points where the humor seems to be aimed at the teenage boy crowd with lots of bare breasts and occasional rude jokes, but over all a smart film with witty dialog. Much like "Risky Business" the plot seems to be implausible, but no more so. At no point did I feel like a situation was thrown in just to get a laugh, which was so typical of "American Pie."Matthew Lillard brings cleaver humor, while Tom Arnold shows his wild side, something we've not seen since "True Lies." Rachelle Leferve brought class to the film to counter the busty Playboy bunnies romping about. Well worth seeing!
edouardcoleman First, don t compare it with American Pie. Thats not the same kind of movie.. I believe it is hard to guess when you watch the trailer whose the only goal is to sell it as an "american pie" film..Actually this comedy is more pleasant to watch. For instance there are not such "embarrassing" scenes which, I think, are funny but finally you don t want to see again. Here the subject can sometimes be coarse, but not the way its been directed.One of the best actor is the house :) The Pool Boys has the same setting than an thriller or a scary movie. Many strange characters in a manor!!!! It creates a nice atmosphere, funny and mysterious in the same time.Well... I don t want to say more and spoil the film..I really don t understand the bad rating here. Probably people who didn't even see the movie and expect something bad. Of course that s not a masterpiece but thats the kind of movie you like to watch and watch again with friends!!!!
Paul Magne Haakonsen This movie is good entertainment, but it doesn't really bring about many laughs.I was expecting something maybe in the likes of the American Pie movies or such, given the title of the this particular movie and the fact that it was labeled as a comedy.The story was adequate, but the acting was good. For me, this movie failed to make me laugh, though it was basically funny throughout the movie, just not to the point where you laugh. It drew forth a couple of smiles, that was about it.Despite the failure to make me laugh, I still found the movie to be good entertainment. I think this movie is perhaps one such movie that is best watched while nurturing a hang-over.