Extreme Movie
Extreme Movie
R | 05 December 2008 (USA)
Extreme Movie Trailers

A sketch comedy movie about the joys and embarrassments of teen sex. But mostly the embarrassments.

Boobirt Stylish but barely mediocre overall
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
JÄnis Locis To be honest only watched this movie, because all the reviews were really bad on this one, wanted to see if it is gonna be that bad, and yes it is, it is even worse than i thought. this movie doesn't even deserve a rating of 3,8, which it has. Possibly one of the worst movies i have ever seen in my life.I have no idea, why would actors like Frankie Muniz and Michael Cera agree to be in this piece of garbage. That wasn't even a movie, just a bunch of clips thrown together, every second of the movie displaying only unfunny sex jokes.Seriously, if someone finds funny a scene were a rubber vagina calls a girl and then commits suicide, they are dumb as hell. Probably only people who are bellow the age of 10 or people who were incredibly high at the time of watching this liked it, since it has a rating of 3,8 at least. I can guarantee you, that any person over the age of 18, who is not somehow mentally challenged will think this movie is absolutely stupid and not funny in any matter.Save your time and don't even start watching it, i wasted my time for you.
punkguitaristgaz92 When I watched this movie I didn't really expect much from it to be honest, so I wasn't shocked that it was just an average American teen comedy with plenty of dirty humor. There were some laugh out loud moments (such as the next level scenes, the Michael Cera rape scene, the portable vagina scene and most of the scenes with Ryan Pinkston in, mainly because he really plays the average teenager trying to get with the hot girl really well) and unfortunately there were some really not so funny scenes (mainly the Matthew Lillard scenes).Anyways to sum this film up, it's a middle of the road comedy with a few good laughs so if you're expecting to see a great comedy film with funny moments throughout I strongly advise you go and watch The Hangover films or The Inbetweeners movie instead.5/10
TheLittleSongbird Extreme Movie is not the worst of its genre. When I watched, I was expecting a terrible movie, along the lines of Disaster Movie and Epic Movie. To give this movie credit, it is not as bad as those two. However, it is still a dire movie. The title is a head-scratcher, I wasn't sure what it meant by extreme, if it meant the humour I'll understand but if it was something else, sorry I don't get it. The film is rather cheap to look at, while the direction is decidedly patchy. The acting is pretty terrible, not the worst I've seen, but nobody seems comfortable with their material. Frankie Muniz is bland, Ashley Schneider is all looks no acting talent, Jamie Kennedy is uncharismatic, Michael Cera tries hard- in all honesty he is the only actor seemingly who tries- but struggles with bad material while Matthew Lillard is pointless. The biggest failings of Extreme Movie are in its humour and storytelling, the jokes are unfunny and the script is really lame on the whole, while the story is predictable and almost a non-event. I also hated the irritating characters and the ending, which felt really tacked on. All in all, a dire movie but I have seen worse. 1/10 Bethany Cox
trenchkrymor So here's the deal, I caught only the last 3 skits of this movie and now I really want to see the rest of it. The fact that people are saying it's worse than the spoof movies that have been flooding theatres is complete garbage. It's not for everyone, imagine the most vulgar movie you have seen, this more than likely pushes the envelope a little bit farther. I am not a fan of American pie movies and things that fall in that genre, which this kind of does, what separates it from that style is that it's a few separate skits, no one falls in love, or learns a valuable life lesson to take it from crude entertainment into corniness. Not for everyone by any means, but if you like vulgar comedy this is worth checking out. Just don't take it too seriously.