Scooby-Doo! Camp Scare
Scooby-Doo! Camp Scare
PG | 14 September 2010 (USA)
Scooby-Doo! Camp Scare Trailers

Scooby and the gang experience outdoor fun as they go back to Fred's old summer camp. As summer goes on, it becomes increasingly clear that the spooky camp stories told by the fireplace, are more real than they've though and soon, it's up to the gang to try and solve the mystery of camp scare.

WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Josh Irpacido It's the Woodsman. Not the Woodsman. Anything, but the Woodsman. As you can tell, this is the scariest movie I've ever seen in my life. Well no, but it did scared me when I was 8 or 10. It's also the Scooby- Doo movie, and one of many movies in general, to have left an impact on my life. I like Alien Invaders, but I like Camp Scare even more. Most people like to praise Zombie Island as the best Scooby- Doo movie, but Camp Scare comes at a close second. If there is anything that Scooby-Doo never has, it's the all around sense of danger, terror, and horror. Believe me, this movie is nightmare fuel for the kiddies. This scared me so much a few years ago, that I would actually stayed awake at nights thinking of the haunting visuals of the Fishman, Woodsman, and Spectre. Even the campfire stories on the DVD scared me. The Woodsman deserves to get his own spin-off slasher movie. In fact, I'll do it myself. Back on topic, what's the plot? Scooby and the gang sign up to be camp counselors at Fred's old camp, Camp Little Moose. When they arrive, they find no campers and Fred's old counselor Burt talking to the police about a campfire story they used to tell. That story was The Woodsman. Before this moment, The Woodsman, who is a green man sporting bandages and Cropsey's clothes from The Burning, had come and blown up the boathouse. I do not know why that happened, but it was probably explained sometime later in the movie. They're closing up camp, which upsets Fred. That is until a few parents and a bus driver didn't get the memo, and we're introduced to 3 new characters, Robin, Raven, and Luke Skywalker. Oh I mean, Luke, Trudy, and Deacon. Understandably, Burt is confused and angry, while Fred is joyous. Unfortunately, the CG bus drives away before Burt can put them back on it and the kids are now stuck at Little Moose. For the first day, they go zip-lining which will have you believe that zip-lining is actually fun, but South Park would tell you otherwise. I'm just joking, it's probably invigorating. After that they prepare for dinner. Shaggy is cooking his five alarm hole in the bowl chili, and asks Scooby to get some more firewood. It is there that Scooby first meets the Woodsman. He runs back and just forgets about it as they eat dinner with the Woodsman watching them closely through a window. The next day, Fred awakens the campers and counselors much to their dismay to go swimming in Little Moose's extremely dirt lake. They say screw it to Fred, and instead go up to Big Moose Lake, the rival camp's lake. There they have a fun time, and the movie decides to show off some fanservice. Fred meets a counselor from Big Moose named Jessica. After that, the gang, Luke, and Trudy have an encounter with the Fishman and nearly fall to their deaths! Wow, this is actually pretty serious. The scene ends with them sliding into the mess hall to be greeted by Deacon eating ice cream. In Camp Scare, not only is there a fun little mystery, there's also some homages to certain slasher movies. I watched The Burning years after this. I didn't notice it, but Cropsey and the Woodsman's story are very similar. A bunch of young kids f*** with an unlikable a**hole, he gets disfigured, and those campers aren't the ones targeted for death. The slasher angle is also what makes this movie good, exciting, and scary. This is in stark contrast with other slasher movies, but with Scooby-Doo, it works. It's like Zombie Island 2.0. The only difference between this and ZI, is that it's the second movie and the monsters are fake as s***. Other than that, this is a surprisingly mature Scooby-Doo movie worthy of the title masterpiece. This and Abracadabra-Doo really help to show that Scooby-Doo is still an exciting franchise. Even if CS is a cash in nearly 3 decades too late. The voice acting is amazing. The voice actors really bring the story to life. These feel like real characters, and not just some limited animation Hanna-Barbera cartoon. The animation is some of the best in the Scooby franchise. Every frame of this movie looks great. Especially, the Woodsman attack, the explosion of the dam, and the climax. The characters are interesting and they shine out as some of the best supporting characters in Scooby-Doo. They were enjoyable, likable, entertaining, and, like Crystal and Amber from Alien Invaders, deserve more screen time. I really like the music. The opening credits song is one of the catchiest tunes you will ever hear in Scooby history. The summertime song is pretty catchy and really uplifting. In the sequence itself, there wasn't a lot of summer fun going on, but the music did help in making it seem like you were actually there having fun in the summertime. I have got to say that this is one of the only movies that made me feel like going to camp, with or without a psycho ax murderer on the loose. The villains are some of the scariest in Scooby history. Ranger Knudsen is a guy who was chucking axes, pushing boats off of dams (psychics everybody), and crashing through windshields. No one actually dies as a result, but it's still pretty terrifying to think about the what ifs. It still sends shivers down my spine to hear the shrieks of Shadow Canyon. Overall, this was a Scooby-Doo masterpiece, with lot's of scares, thrills, chills, and humor. I give it an 8/10.
callanvass Camp Little Moose is in big trouble! Not only are they inferior to their competition, Camp Big Moose, but Camp Little Moose is being haunted by The Woodsman! But there is also "The Fishman" and "The Banshee of The Black Canyon" Thankfully, the camp is in good hands with the ambitious, Mystery INC. This one was fairly decent. It started off well enough, but runs out of steam around the 40-45 minute mark! There just isn't enough material. They throw in everything but the kitchen sink, to pad the running time, but 70 minutes is just too long for this sort of thing. I will admit the villains were very cool! especially "The Banshee of The Black Canyon" There is also some great action. Shaggy and Scooby's heroic bridge scene is really impressive! Speaking of Shaggy and Scooby, they stole the show as usual. Check out their hot pepper & hot chili gags! The side characters aren't too bad. We get a Mini-Fred! I thought that was pretty cute. I also liked the looks of both the camps! They did a good job. The ending is lame, throwing in an unsurprising twist and a very disappointing conclusion. Other than that, I had an OK time with this. I did enjoy myself to a certain extent, it's just not one of the best6.1/10
Michael_Elliott Scooby-Doo! Camp Scare (2010) *** (out of 4) Fred takes the gang back to his childhood camp where they're going to be councilors for the summer. However, once they arrive they learn that a ghost and a lake monster are stalking the place so they must try and learn what's really going on. SCOOBY-DOO! CAMP SCARE works on many levels but the highlight is without question the darker elements, which make it a throwback to the original series. You can tell that the writers were trying to return the series back to its origins and for the most part they did a very good job. This is especially true in regards to the villains, both of whom are just like you'd expect to see in the first few seasons of the series. The ghost, a tall ghoul that carries an axe, is perfectly brought to life and is quite memorable with the way he stalks the woods. The lake monster, an obvious homage to the Gil Man from CREATURE FROM THE BLACK LAGOON, is also fun and especially during the scene where the gang are out on boats and come under attack. The animation is also extremely good with some wonderful details. Some of my favorite moments happen when the characters are gathered around a beautiful camp fire that lights up the woods around them. The main characters are all in fine form with the vocal actors doing a very good job with their roles. Then there's the added humor that's brought into the film. Usually some of the later day features had too much comedy but that's not the case here as it pretty much stays in the background but whenever it's brought to the front it's usually very funny. There's also some rather fun moments dealing with Velma being the one getting hit on and not Daphne. Speaking of Daphne, I couldn't help but notice that they really tried to "sexy" her up with the tight short shorts and bikini shots. Apparently one of the animators had a major crush on her.
TheLittleSongbird I have been a big fan of Scooby Doo ever since I was like 6 years old. I adore the original series and The Scooby Doo show but the rest of the incarnations have been hit(Mystery Incorporated, The New Scooby Doo Movies and contrary to what I've seen and heard about it The 13 Ghosts of Scooby Doo was much better than I remembered) and miss(Shaggy and Scooby Doo:Get a Clue and the episodes of The Scooby and Scrapy Doo Show that had half the gang missing).I have also enjoyed most of the movies(I think my least favourite, Monster of Mexico, was even then was just mediocre), my favourites overall are Witch's Ghost, Goblin King and Zombie Island, but for me this and Abracadabra Doo were two of the better recent entries. If I had any complaints, it was that I would've loved it to have been longer and also I wasn't always crazy on the animation of Fred.Other than that, the animation was vibrant and colourful with some very nice touches of atmospheric darkness to it too. I also loved the style, it has some of the What's New Scooby Doo style(which I personally don't mind) while also having a little of the classic style of the original series. The music was great too, the song choices were well written and not pointless at all and the incidental music was haunting while never obtrusive.I was also very impressed with the writing, there is enough of the quirky humour to captivate while also having room for some thrills and scares. Scooby Doo! Camp Scare also has a very entertaining story with the camp setting bringing back some nostalgia, it is well-paced while not dragging too much in the middle and stays true to the stories of the series incarnations before it. The final solution is thrilling and very unexpected.The characters appeal too. Shaggy and Scooby still make me smile, while the Woodsman is a scary and memorable villain especially with the appearance. The voice acting is solid from all involved, Frank Welker still shows he has plenty of versatility while Matthew Lillard goofy and likable Shaggy also manages to be the biggest surprise.All in all, love Scooby Doo and I enjoyed Scooby Doo! Camp Scare. 8/10 Bethany Cox