PG | 17 February 1995 (USA)
Heavyweights Trailers

Camp Hope is a summer retreat for overweight boys run by a kindly couple who make the campers feel comfortable with their extra pounds. But when tyrannical fitness guru Tony buys the camp, he puts the kids on a cruel regimen that goes too far. Sick of the endless weeks of "all work and no play," the kids stage a coup and reclaim their summer of fun.

Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
Kendo Dodge This film was one of the best films to watch as a kid when it first aired or when ever it was on Disney Channel as a kid, back when Disney Channel wasn't horrible, I'd say in the 90s and all the way up till 2004 was when Disney Channel would have this come on there more frequently and when Disney Channel wasn't horrible.But anyway, always loved this film as a kid, it had plenty of humor, it was funny, it had a little drama into the mix. When ever Tony Perkis told the kids when he was their age, he weight 319 pounds and how he felt himself and how he felt back than, makes you wonder how he lost all that weight in the beginning. There is a bit of a mystery I wondered about, how to Tony become the crazy person he showed to be in the film because they showed his father on there and he seemed complete normal and a rational human being, yet when he said his son was always a bit of an odd child and that his parents never hugged him and he isn't going crazy about it, sort of makes you wonder what kind of a relationship did Tony and his dad have? But my guess was maybe he just wasn't around very much or while he was busy with work, his son was home schooled and raised by nannies or butlers or something, but we'll probably never know.But as the film kept going and how it kept the story and plot line going, I actually loved it. I sort of forgotten what Kenan Thompson looked like when he was a kid or first started out in his career at one point but he sure has changed over the years, yet he could live to be a really old man and I'd still recognize his face and the familiar sound of his voice too, yet he's still funny.Although, even when the star child character was going to a fat camp and he at first liked the idea but once he found out it was a fat camp for boys, and he didn't want to go out of anger because he didn't want to be the fat kid there but soon found out from a loving friend that every kid there is the fat kid and he felt better about it. I will admit that I probably wouldn't be made for camping from past experiences but going to a summer camp, that might be interesting to do as a kid.Even as I saw how they introduced the character Lars, I used to remember when ever they asked him where he's from, I used joke around by saying "He's Lars from Mars" or I'd think it would be funny if one of the kids would say "Lars is from Mars" that would've been a funny line in the film but sadly that line wasn't in there, but it would still be funny if it was.Although, I will admit that I found it hard to watch the kids who were the campers of the fat camp going through such cruelty by Tony and the rival camp they were competing against because I sort of was a large person for my age as a kid myself, well, I wasn't fat or obese or anything, I was more like showing just a little fat in me. But I did at one time think that Tony and the rival camp were bullying them kids for being fat or something but I think Tony was just desperate to make the kids lose a lot of weight really fast over the summer and the rival camp were just bullying them because they were not the best at sports or physical challenges.I will admit that Tony using the camp to turn it into the top weight loss infomercial that he wants to use for an infomercial he can sell, anyone can agree that idea wouldn't work, especially if it's at a fat camp because since all kids are different, yet losing weight and how a fat camp operates, Tony's way of doing things would never work but the way how their beloved camp runner Pat would do things, I knew that Pat's way would work because Tony's way is something out of a sadistic boot camp which those kids don't need a boot camp.Although even when the camp counselors were doing their best to help the kids by going through the proper channels, I sort of knew that the proper channels wouldn't really work or wouldn't show up when they needed them since in other films or television shows, the justice system has often shown to have been ether too slow or not always working out. Which I will admit that can make anyone feel mad but also want to help the kids even more. Yet I did like the parts where they finally did something about that sadistic Tony when the kids got him in a make shift holding cell.Yet once the kids celebrated and went on a binge party of junk food, soda and pizza, I will admit that I felt like anyone would probably join them, I would. Yet I think it was a good thing that Pat helped them kids see the light for them to lose weight and start becoming healthier but he had them realize that by doing that in a kindly manner.Even though Tony broke out, still, when the parents found out about what the kids went through at the camp from what Tony has put them through, I naturally knew they'd be shocked yet once Tony broke out and they all witnessed the truth of his evil nature and Gerry's dad gave Tony a punch, even though Tony fought back and tried to escape but failed, I felt so satisfied that they took down Tony and that camp hope finally beat the rival camp at the physical challenges they did every year, even though in the past they lost to them, but once the campers of camp hope finally beat the rival team and stuck it to them, that was so satisfying. Even when Pat finally kissed and won over the woman of his dreams, I think it was cool that Pat finally started to come out of his shell.I loved how this film turned out, it had plenty of everything that a comedy could have. Yet I sort of wondered what happened to the child actors and the other adult actors from this film because I only heard a little bit about what they're doing now yet I think they should have a cast reunion. I think it's good that this film was made back than because if it was made in the mid 2000s or later, there would be a possibility we might not have the chance to see it since by now, there's a lot more sensitivity to some issues in day to day life. So I'm glad that they made this film in the 90s and made it such a classic. I love this film.
stratsz28 "Heavyweights" is a mid-90's Disney film about a fat camp taken over by the villainous fatboy-turned-success Tony Perkis. While the premise is not so novel, the execution is great and keeps you pretty entertained throughout.Some of the humor is dated, very 90's-specific. However, there is plenty of timeless, cross-generational humor, and Ben Stiller is absolutely at the top of his game. He would reprise this role many times again in his career: the guy with low self-esteem who becomes an overcompensating jerk. Tom McGowan, who plays a Camp Hope lifer, also plays a solid role and draws many laughs.Sure, it's another Disney story about underdog kids who end up conquering the odds... or something like that. But Stiller and McGowan are great, and the kids do a pretty admirable too. It's not a must-see movie, but you also won't feel like you wasted your time for having watched it.
Movie_Muse_Reviews Despite being a child of the '90s, somehow I missed "Heavyweights" entirely. Considering the similarities it shares with "The Mighty Ducks" movies such as actors Kenan Thompson and Shaun Weiss, I'm almost embarrassed. Regardless, there's still plenty to appreciate about "Heavyweights" 15 years later in spite of its silliness -- and it's more than just a joke about the ineptitude of the Buffalo Bills.For one, it was written and directed by Judd Apatow, who has a majority hold on the comedies of the last decade and for two, it marks one of Ben Stiller's first prominent roles as fitness wack-job Tony Perkis, who takes over a once-adored fat camp and harasses the kids.Good thing "Heavyweights" was made then or it may never have surfaced, seeing as the age of political correctness and weight sensitivity has befallen us. The film is not cruel at all in its depiction of overweight campers, so parents surfing around for slightly older kid films and coming across this one shouldn't be concerned about that factor, but there's no doubt that such a concept would be hard to get off the ground, especially at Disney, in the 21st Century.Co-written by Apatow and Steven Brill, writer of "The Mighty Ducks" films, it was as if the two conspired to plant a seed for a type of humor that kids my age at the time would come to identify as their own as they entered the PG-13 and R-rated age. Tony Perkis, for example, is the spitting character image of Stiller's White Goodman from "Dodgeball" and yet to me he is just as amusing doing his patented whispery intimidating voice now despite my countless repeated viewings of "Dodgeball."There's also a classic overnight camp comedy sense of humor in "Heavyweights" like the kids getting beat in sports by their rival camp, an awkward dance mixer with a normal girls camp and when the kids unload the candy stashes they've snuck in camp into secret compartments -- as well as the run-of-the-mill fart jokes. Characters such as Tony's hysterical right-hand European man Lars, however, were way ahead of their time."Heavyweights" is pretty immature and excludes girls (because fat girls would be too taboo for the '90s). Its typical camp movie plot as well as its "overthrow-the-bad-guy" story arch - - which ruled the '90s -- come off as stale. But ignore those distractions and "Heavyweights" is a funny, quotable movie with some classic scenes, which is all a kid (or someone trying to go back and grab some nostalgia) really wants.~Steven CVisit my site at http://moviemusereviews.com
Lee Eisenberg Although we can all agree that Ben Stiller is one of the greatest stars of our time, I didn't get a good impression of him early on, due to this movie and "Flirting with Disaster". "Heavy Weights" is worthless another story of cool kids taking on an evil adult (well, what else could it be, seeing as to how it comes from Disney?). To add insult to injury, this movie seems to be promoting obesity. They stack the whole thing with flatulence when there's nothing else to do and play everything so that we know exactly what's going to happen. Absolutely dreadful. There's no need to watch something as stupid as this when there are so many good movies out there.