Scooby Goes Hollywood
Scooby Goes Hollywood
NR | 23 December 1979 (USA)
Scooby Goes Hollywood Trailers

Shaggy and Scooby-Doo quit their Saturday morning TV series in pursuit of Hollywood stardom.

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
generationofswine This is sooooooo annoyingly hard to bare with me, I only saw it once a few years back at my sister's house. I am doing this one from pure old memory.Essentially what we have here is Scooby Doo breaking the fourth wall...only it's not in the cool Deadpool, Saved By the Bell, JFK, Ferris Beuler's Day Off, Kuffs sort of breaking the fourth wall.Instead it's kind of the ENTIRE cartoon is about breaking the fourth wall.Suddenly everyone knows they aren't real and even odder, they all know they are animated.And atop of that Scooby kind of has a little bit of a swelled head...and there are really no mysteries or anything really Scooby Related here.What you have is a Scooby Cartoon about being a cartoon.It doesn't really sit well. but it's not horrible either, parts of it are still funny.It just doesn't sit well.
richard.fuller1 One, I remember this special. It aired on Sunday. I'm surprised to see it aired so close to Christmas tho.Two, it was awful.Three, the only reason I gave it a 2 rating is because I always remembered Scooby doing Sound of Music and he fell off the mountain when he started singing. I thought that was funny even 30 years ago.So what exactly was this? Clearly this is the missing link between the overhauling of the Scooby Doo format (which Mark Evanier, creator of Scrappy Doo, has said he felt had run its course) from Mystery sleuths to . . . . whatever was deemed better.Often resembling the old WB Porky Pig and Daffy Duck cartoons where Porky was going to go into movies, it is pretty much the same setup here, with Shaggy and Scooby.As others have noted, we are given various TV show and movie imitations, among them, Happy Days, Charlie's Angels (how does this one figure into the history of Captain Caveman and the Teen Angels, which premiered about a year earlier?), Superman, Love Boat and clearly Donny & Marie (renamed Scooby and Cherie. She was obviously a merger of Marie Osmond, Cher and Charo, to an extent, but the female character was straight up Marie Osmond, especially as this was the same network of Donny and Marie).No, it was not good. It was pathetic. Scooby needs mysteries the same way mysteries will receive Scooby.When Scooby Doo did stray from its crime-solving on Saturday mornings, it merely ventured into Huckleberry Hound-HOkey Wolf territory (meeting witches and the seven dwarfs and all). Not very original.Basically, this cartoon then stands as being ahead of its time. Scooby was destined for greater things. The cartoon just couldn't envision what.The cartoon just couldn't see Scooby Mysteries still being produced 25 years later, and likewise two motion pictures doing extremely well.Give Scooby and the gang another dozen years, and I imagine they will be engaging in a new venture; probably live action in primetime TV.Just so long as those meddling kids, 'zoiks', 'jinkies' and the scooby snacks are there, as well as a mystery to solve, it should do just fine.Need any proof how valuable any of those ingredients might be? Just check out this little cartoon to see.
kristin_electra Maybe it was OK in the 70s if there was nothing else on (ut it was the only DVD we saw for Scooby that was bad) The rest of them are great rentals, but this one was a horrific flashback of the duller years for me and a regular bore for the kids.The entire show is about Scooby trying to play other roles, like on Happy Days, and every one he does ends up with him crashing into something. It is also a wanna be musical, with no real plot and certainly no mystery.I can't believe they bothered to put this on DVD! If you want to rent a great Scooby movie, get anything else first!!!! Even Harlem globe trotters is Academy material compared to this one.
NewBeanz I have no idea what could have possessed a writer to come up with this intoxicating mixture of Scooby-Doo and Hollywood parody. Well... I guess it was the 70s!... The idea is that Scooby quits his Saturday morning show in pursuit of more challenging roles and box office success helped by Shaggy, his trusty side-kick. This was inspired by those awful cartoons in the 40s in which Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd act like real actors even talking to Mr. Warner - their boss!!! In the same awfully unfunny way, Shaggy and Scooby barge into the Studio Director's office in order to show him samples of their work which parodies westerns and stupid 70s musicals (like Saturday Night Fever).In the end of all this Scooby(after messing up everything he tried to do) is convinced by hordes of children chanting "Scooby-Doo, we need you!" to go back to his regular show.After watching this very stupid attempt at a longer animated Scooby-Doo film, the viewer is convinced the awfull jokes in the Scooby-Doo show aren't really that bad and is actually looking forward to a line like "If it hadn't been for you pesky kids..."