Scooby-Doo and the Ghoul School
Scooby-Doo and the Ghoul School
G | 16 October 1988 (USA)
Scooby-Doo and the Ghoul School Trailers

Scooby, Shaggy and Scrappy are on their way to a Miss Grimwood's Finishing School for Girls, where they've been hired as gym teachers. Once there, however, they find that not only is it actually an all-girl school of famous monsters' daughters but there's a villainess out to enslave the girls.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
generationofswine Parental Warning: This film contains scenes of Scrappy-Doo.It should be rated XXX just for that, shouldn't it? But, honestly, this was one of the "easing off of Scrappy" films, so, like in the Werewolf one, he isn't nearly as annoying as he is in his involvement with the rest of the franchise.Really the bad taste that comes in your mouth is the premise. Shaggy and Scooby go to an all girls school to become gym teachers.First, that sounds like a teenage sex comedy. Second,how on earth did Shaggey get a job as a PE teacher? What does that say about the school that hired him? Gym teachers like him are the reason that American Education has taken a nose dive and we have a problem with obesity in this country.Anyway, all jokes aside, it's still a girls school, but the girls are Ghouls and their parents come...hilarity ensues...despite the premise.It's actually not that bad and has better moments than the reluctant Werewolf, which is in the same era of Scooby Movies and really oddly made all things considered.Ghoul School feels better, it looks better, and it has better laughs...despite Scrappy's involvement.
elihuevalerio I picked this up for $5 at Wal-mart, expecting another fun full-length Scooby feature in the vein of "Camp Scare" or "Witch's Ghost." Wrong.There are so many things that make this film painful to watch. First of all, it doesn't even make sense. Scooby, Shaggy and Scrappy are headed to teach P.E. (huh?) to an all-girls school (huh?) where the students are also the daughters of the world's scariest monsters (huh?) who are REAL monsters, not men in masks (huh?) as they're gearing up for a volleyball tournament with boys from a local military school (huh?) outside their creepy mansion.Secondly...there's no Mystery, Inc., no Mystery van and...NO MYSTERY. Shaggy and Scooby are great characters, but the movie feels empty and foreign without the rest of the gang.Thirdly...THE CHARACTERS!! Okay some people think Scrappy is bad, but he's actually a likable character compared to the rest. Revolta is simply fugly, and a weak villain at that. The monsters are ridiculous. And the girls...they might just be the most annoying cartoon characters I've seen in a long time. The phantom daughter is screechy and squealy, the werewolf's daughter sounds constipated and howls constantly, Frankenstein's daughter sounds like they were trying to make fun of mentally handicapped people and walks around calling her dad "dada" even though she looks at least a teenager. The only one that was semi-cute was the mummy's daughter, but her voice was still a bit irritating. Miss Grimwood was the only one with a pleasant voice, and I thought the little dragon/dog was pretty cute.Possibly the WORST thing about this movie was the dialogue. There's literally a really REALLY bad pun every 30 seconds. They start out as a bit eye-rolling, but it gets cringe-worthy and, about 30 minutes into it, downright torturous. There's one in about every other line, and some of them are recycled multiple times throughout the film. (Just count how many times Dracula's daughter says "Fang-tastic" for starters) Finally...there's no real plot. It's incredibly boring and at 1 hr. 33 minutes it lasts longer than some non-children's movies, which makes it even more drawn out and lame.Seriously, avoid this at all costs. It doesn't feel like a Scooby Doo best, it feels like a really bad spin off. Like if Luna and Neville from Harry Potter moved to America and started bakery in New York City. That's about how this film fits in with traditional Scooby repertoire. Don't waste your time and, especially, your money!!
Lee Eisenberg The whole thing's pretty simple: Scooby-Doo, Scrappy and Shaggy go to be gym instructors in a girl's school. What they don't know is that in this particular school, the students are all monsters (don't worry - they're good monsters). There's a werewolf, a vampire, a ghost, a Frankenstein and a mummy. To crown everything, the headmistress (who's also the mummy's mother) has a pet dragon who prefers to breathe fire at Scooby-Doo. Then, while they're all out on an excursion to a swamp, an evil witch kidnaps the girls, and Scooby, Scrappy, Shaggy and the pet dragon have to go save them...if they can.I don't think that I've seen most of the Scooby-Doo cartoons - and I deliberately avoided the 2002 movie - but "Scooby-Doo and the Ghoul School" wasn't bad. It's really something now that I realize that "Mary Poppins" matriarch Glynis Johns did the voice of headmistress Ms. Grimwood.
TheMan3051 Most likely inspired by the episode from "New Scobby-Doo Movies" where Tim Conway guest stared and Shag and Scoob were the "worlds greatest athletes." This TV movie released in 1988 is another bad `80s Scobby cartoon. The whole concept is lame and a horrible transition from chasing 13 ghosts to teaching a group of female ghouls.1(*)out of 4(****)stars