A Chipmunk Christmas
A Chipmunk Christmas
G | 14 December 1981 (USA)
A Chipmunk Christmas Trailers

Alvin learns the true meaning of Christmas.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Brainsbell The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
Dawalk-1 For those who may not know the past editions of the Chipmunks franchise, earlier versions of Alvin and the Chipmunks first appeared on The Alvin Show in 1961. And I first came across that Chipmunks t.v. series when episodes of this would be shown as part of some episodes of the Nickelodeon variety show Weinerville, which hit the airwaves back in the '90s. In addition to their animated appearances and being well-known for their singing abilities, they've also had a slew of their own records cut. A couple of decades later, Alvin and his brothers, Simon and Theodore, were brought back but redesigned and introduced to a new generation, and audience, with this Christmas special. After creator and their original voice actor, Ross Bagdasarian, Sr. passed away almost a decade prior to this holiday special, his son, Ross, Jr., took over handling voice duties of Alvin, Simon and the Chipmunks' adoptive father and manager David Seville while Janice Karman became the replacement voice talent for Theodore. And a couple years later, the Alvin and the Chipmunks series from mostly the '80s followed. This special can be considered as the pilot film to the second Chipmunks cartoon and what a great, and interesting way to get it launched off the ground.I just wanted to point out that history to all those who may not be aware. Now that I got that out of the way, on to discussing the special. I don't think I remember ever seeing this growing up, but I do remember seeing the cover of the VHS box or clamshell case with the Chipmunks wearing Santa hats. And a Christmas episode or some Christmas episodes from the '80s series may have been all that I saw. Anyway, when I saw an ad for this to be aired on ABC over a couple years back, I decided to check it out and I did so again when it reran on there just last month. Twice I managed to catch most of it, but I just got to say, I'm glad I did, I enjoyed it, it's another one of the best X-mas specials of all time. The storyline of this isn't quite an adaptation of Gift of the Magi, which is what this almost reminds me of, but it's still pretty similar to it. But instead of it being based on a couple who each sells a possession of theirs in order to buy each other a gift, Alvin decides to give away his rare brand of harmonica to a boy named Tommy (who's ill and wishes he had that brand of harmonica, which would make him very happy) to make his early Christmas day. In this, there are no gift exchanges between them, but now Alvin must find a way to make enough money to buy the only, other replica of that same harmonica and have the replacement in time for a concert at Carnegie Hall where he's to perform a solo. I just learned not very long ago that according to a review I read of the VHS of this on Amazon and from what I read of it, this seemed to air around the holidays rarely (that is, until over a couple of years back or at least that I know of anyway). That explains it, no wonder I wasn't as familiar with this. For those looking for the better Christmas specials, I say this makes a great alternative to Grandma Got Run Over By Reindeer, which from the reviews I read about that, isn't all that. Some may find A Chipmunk X-mas average, but I noticed it still has somewhat of an original spin on Gift of the Magi and because of that, the averageness doesn't make it any less of a superb Christmas special. Everything about this is just great, with some nice songs and humorous moments. It should still be seen and it's another one for the not-to-be-missed or the not-to-be-skipped list.
utgard14 Christmas story where the usually selfish Alvin gives his favorite harmonica to a sick boy named Tommy. Worried Dave will be upset he gave away his harmonica, Alvin starts scheming for a way to make money to buy a new one. Needless to say, things don't go as planned for Alvin. They rarely do. Anybody who likes the Chipmunks will love this cartoon. If you're unfamiliar with the Chipmunks or only know of them from the recent movies, I'm sure you'll still find lots to like here. It's got heart and humor and some nice Christmas songs. Also, even though it deals with Christmas and a sick child, it never gets too syrupy or corny. It's a cute, sweet story that can be enjoyed by kids and adults alike. Give it a shot. I think you'll like it.
Michael_Elliott Chipmunk Christmas, A (1981) *** (out of 4) Nice holiday film has Alvin learning about a sick child who only wants a golden harmonica for Christmas. Since the kid's parents are too poor to be able to buy it, Alvin just gives him his own not knowing that David has signed him up for a concert where he must use it. Now the chipmunks must try and earn enough money to buy a new one and not let David know. At just around twenty-minutes there's certainly nothing ground-breaking here but there's no denying that it's a cute story and the chipmunk treatment manages to get the message across without it ever being too preachy or in-your-face. I think what works so well here is that the story is told in such a way that it can be enjoyed by not only kids but also their parents. There are some terrific comic moments including a bit where dogs are used as Santa's reindeers and of course a cat comes by for a visit, which ends in disaster. The main reason to check the film out is for its soundtrack, which includes some terrific Christmas songs by the chipmunks. Deck the Halls, Silent Night (harmonica solo), Chipmunk Jingle Bells and It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas are just a few of the terrific songs.
Daft_Munks A Chipmunks Christmas was made about a year or two before the TV series started in 1983. The TV show gave the characters a lot more depth, and from the point of view of a British person who's never been to the USA, the cartoon version of America in the TV show that they live in was more believable as America, and not just an odd cartoon world like something in the Looney Toons.Saying that, none of this really matters.What this film does give is a heartwarming and fun story.The story is about a sick boy called Tommy, who wants' a golden echo harmonica for Christmas but his family can't afford it, so Alvin gives away his Golden Echo Harmonica to him.Alvin doesn't want Dave to find out, because he doesn't want him to be offended as the harmonica was a gift from Dave to Alvin. So he has to find a way to make money to buy an identical one so Dave won't ever find out.This means Alvin, comes up with his harebrained schemes to make money, and his usual good humored cheeky jokes and comments.So, if you want a funny and heartwarming Christmas story then this is a good film to choose.