The Flight Before Christmas
The Flight Before Christmas
| 22 September 2008 (USA)
The Flight Before Christmas Trailers

A young reindeer named Niko dreams about flying like his father, whom he has never met. Despite constant teasing from others, he sneaks out of his home valley to take flying lessons from Julius, a flying squirrel.

Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
PlatinumRead Just bad
SpecialsTarget Disturbing yet enthralling
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
dmwhipp-1 Seriously one of the worst Christmas movies I have ever seen. One of "Santa's Flying Forces" has a one night stand with a doe which results in Niko. Apparently Niko's mom doesn't bother to ask his name though (probably a common mistake among doe groupies trying to get laid by Santa's Flying Forces).Movie includes: - A pretty scary pack of wolves with plans to eat Santa, Santa's reindeer, and children of the world. - A bar scene (yep, a reindeer bar scene) where none of Santa's reindeer remember Niko's mother ("Sorry kid, this is the world famous flying forces you're dealing with. We're gonna need more details.") - A a pink poodle subplot that might have belonged in another movie.We watched with our 9 and 11 year-old sons and the only fun we had was making fun of how bad the movie was. They hated it, but I suspect for totally different reasons than my husband and myself, lol.I have no problem with a Christmas movie that's a little bit raunchy (love Christmas Vacation and Bad Santa), but targeting a movie towards kids about one night stands that result in kids, Santa's reindeer in bars, and a scary wolf pack out to eat Santa is just sort of creepy.
johnsubs1 I just finished watching this movie/cartoon with my son so its kind of fresh in my mind. For all of those who liked this, why waste your time reading any further, I think it sucked. Sure explaining to young children why most humans think it's unethical for humans to act like the animals in this feature can be delicate, but questions do arise. Children will relate with on-screen characters and try to emulate them and/or question about their motives. The bar scene is over the top for reindeer, the promiscuous behavior of the reindeer's mom and pop might be normal for that particular species but be hard to explain to a child. The wolf scenes were a bit much in the peril category for young children in my opinion, but then again when watching documentary type films with my kid I prefer to change the channel than let my kid watch wild animals tear each other apart, implied or not. The graphics were OK for a 2008 film, not anything stellar. For a Christmas film the only thing that remotely indicated Christmas were the references to Santa and his flying reindeer, so it missed the mark poorly. After reading the current reviews for this film and remarks about the American reviewers, I had a good laugh, American television can be quiet filthy just watch a little of the family guy or numerous other cable shows. Kids grow up fast enough like it is without having to force feed them with adult oriented content.
Michael_S_B I'm curious as to who thought these were good ideas: A weasel? mink? some member of that family singing a bar song to a group of reindeer to spring it on them that one of them is the father of the young reindeer that just showed up. That said reindeer aren't sure who of them is the father, the implications there are best left to the imagination.Sant's reindeer hanging around in a bar in general, and using Santa's sleigh to basically pick up chicks.The pink poodle lost in the woods subplot. No. Just... no.And the ending... don't even get me started.Also, Norm MacDonald really phoned it in. Seriously, I kept expecting him to chime in with "you'll pay me in real money, right?" I think he can be funny, but this sure wasn't funny.The horrible dubbing in general, I was three quarters of the way through the movie before I figured out the reindeer were saying "Santa's Flying FORCES" and not HORSES. I'm a big fan of B movies, and MSK3T and its successors, but I'm not sure they could have helped me get through this movie. "New classic Christmas story" indeed. Santa Clause Conquers the Martians was better than this.
Patrick Cook The cartoon show 'The Flight Before Christmas' is a movie I will never buy or view again. In the show it talked about how Niko's mother had a one-night stand with his father. WHAT?!? Sure she didn't say it that way but might as well have. And what the hell was that showing Niko's father saying things that only a deadbeat dad would say. Not to mention that one of the reindeer's asked the others if they took a lady for a flight and all of them answered like they were at a bachelor party. Let me guess, didn't have the time to show the flashback to them all at a strip club shoving acorns in the ladies saddlebags? Bad enough that they showed the deer in a bar like setting drinking out of cups with the boy there. This movie does not show anything of the sort the true spirit of Christmas. They must do things very differently in Finland.