Batman: Mystery of the Batwoman
Batman: Mystery of the Batwoman
PG | 21 October 2003 (USA)
Batman: Mystery of the Batwoman Trailers

As if the Penguin wasn't enough to contend with, a new vigilante has surfaced in Gotham City, and her strong-arm tactics give Batman cause for concern.

Micitype Pretty Good
Abbigail Bush what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
DCfan This is not my favorite Batman animated movie but at least it has more updated animation and has good music in the movie considering it was annoying in the end credits.One thing that still remains to be answered is that did Bane survive the explosion on the fairy boat?But overall good movie.
tankace Batman :Mistery of the Batwoman isn't a bad film, not bad at all, but it is nowhere near the lever of Batman: The Mask of the Phantasm and Batman Beyond: The Return of the Joker. Despite that as for animated films of the DCAU goes, it is decent entry but it came out in 2003, when this animation was becoming obsolete and so it didn't receive great reviews. The story is an interesting one, in Gotham a new Heroine comes out and calls herself Batwoman and she is going after two of the most famous crime bosses in Gotham, the Penguin as well as Rupert Thorne. The issue is that, this emulator of the Dark Knihgt ,is more ruthless than Bats and it is up to the dynamic duo of Batman and Robin to find out what is her identity and why she is targeting those two gangsters.So the story is fine, the fight scenes cool, now where is it lacking?It lacks a bit to the emotional connection that Batman: The Mask of the Phantasm and Batman Beyond: The Return of the Joker had. Also an other issue is the tone, it is too light for a Batman film. Now I know that it isn't necessary to have it all dark and depressing, but it doesn't needs to become that, the two previous animated mentions and the 1989 live action film (I won't compare with the Nolan versions, because they weren't release yet, so it better to use as measure Batman films that were made up to 2003) were darker in tone, but also had a lot of dialogues and scenes with fun, excitement and delight!Also and this my take, the animation, though well made, it is dated by toady's standards and even for the 2003 levels. If the flick had come out before the millennium it would have been praised, but after the millennium with series like, Justice League, Teen Titans and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003) ,the levels had went up. In short the market demands were a bit to high for it!In general it is a OK Batman film and if you are a fan of the Cape Crusader, I recommended you to added in your collection of Batman films, if you haven't already! To the rest give a try and if you don't like it, it is OK.
TheLittleSongbird Batman: Mystery of the Batwoman is not as good as Return of the Joker, SubZero and especially Mask of the Phantasm. Some scenes do feel like filler and Robin for my tastes was rather bland. However, there is still much to like, first and foremost the animation, which is wonderful with everything very detailed and lavishly coloured. The music is full of haunting atmosphere too and never feels out of place, while the writing is sharp and provokes thought and the story even with the filler has great suspense, a sense of mystery and some exciting action. Batman is still the dark and brooding character we know and love, and Penguin, who's always been one of my favourite Batman villains, is a delight to see. The voice acting is terrific, Kevin Conroy can do no wrong, and Kelly Rippa is also surprisingly good. David Ogden Stiers may have inevitable comparisons to Paul Williams, but I think he does do a more than worthy job with Penguin's voice. All in all, a very good movie, while not the strongest Batman animated movie it is hardly bad either. 8/10 Bethany Cox
gigan-92 I just bought the DVD and I'm very impressed by the quality of the story. It definitely keeps you guessing and the mystery itself is a reason to watch. The animation itself is that of the "The New Batman Adventures", although somewhat brighter than the actual show. Still, it is very good and there's not really much to complain about in the character designs. Some fans as I'm well aware of criticize the "The New Batman Adventures" but consider this movie for example. Bane looks great, and though the voice actor is Héctor Elizondo instead of the usual Henry Silva, the character retains the same intelligence and prideful personality as in the comics. Penguin's design changes drastically from the original "Batman: The Animated Series" design, now free of the Danny DeVito look and being pretty awesome in the movie. John Vernon reprises the role of Rupert Throne, though he does little in the movie to my distaste. Then of course there's Batwoman, and I can't reveal too much but she is a bad-ass character. There's less focus on Batman in this one you could say, but it's in order to allow the audience to explore new characters and this is done very well.Lolita Ritmanis, a regular composer from the show, does the music for this film and while I find it okay it's a tad much of a departure from the usual darker music. Still, all in all, "Mystery of the Batwoman" has complex characters, great animation and an intriguing storyline that delivers action and mystery. I definitely recommend it.