Batman: Gotham Knight
Batman: Gotham Knight
PG-13 | 08 July 2008 (USA)
Batman: Gotham Knight Trailers

A chronicle of Bruce Wayne's establishment and progression into Gotham City’s legendary caped crusader through 6 standalone episodes.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
TheFunkyBass This is a 6-story anthology movie directed and animated by different people.1) "Have I Got A Story For You": I caught this part of the movie a while back on the TV and my first reaction was "wtf is up with the animation?". The lip- sync was atrocious, like terribly bad. And the story made no sense. Some random kids were telling stories about Batman and just as the last one finished talking, Batman appears out of nowhere fighting a bad guy for the sake of the plot. And then one of the kids saves Batman's life????? 2) "Crossfire": This one focuses on two policemen who end up getting in the middle of a crime battle. Sounds dumb? It is. Because it's very convenient, like the previous one. The animation looks like cheap anime, but looks WAY better than the first one. Kevin Conroy sounded way off as Batman in this one, almost as if he was replaced by someone else. The only good aspect of the story is that the story centers around officer Ramirez and we get to see Batman through her eyes. This character is later used in The Dark Knight in the same year.3) "Field Test": We get to see Lucius Fox creating new technology for Batman. For some reason, Lucius looks really orange in some scenes. And this Batman sounds different too. And he looks really dumb... he has a huge bat-nose.4) "In Darkness Dwells": This one features Killer Croc and Scarecrow kidnapping a priest. Now this is a good one, this is what the whole movie should've been like. Story centered around Batman and showing his detective abilities. Simple, awesome, effective.5) "Working Through Pain": It's not clear if this is directly after the previous chapter, but it goes through flashbacks of Bruce's training. This one wasn't as good as the previous one, but it was very a interesting take on his lore.6) "Deadshot": Finally, this last chapter focuses on the titular sniper assassin and adversary of Batman. The animation in this one is top notch and by far the best. It's very detailed and polished. The plot is solid and very entertaining.In conclusion, this movie goes from horrible to great. Honestly they should've just cut the first half of the movie and release it as an episode on whatever Batman TV show was airing at the time... or something, I don't know.6/10
Neil Welch Batman: Gotham Knight is an animated film containing half a dozen vignettes, each helmed by a different Japanese director, and intended to fit between the first two films in Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy.The stories each have worthwhile elements to them. The voice talent does well, and it is good to have Kevin Conroy as Batman. The animation style is very Japanese - don't expect Disney, but do expect Studio Ghibli or animated TV series from the last 30 years.On the slightly negative side, the fact that these are individual vignettes means that the film doesn't hold together as a whole very well. And, on the more negative side, the character design, particularly in the first segment, tends to be somewhat alienating.
MildInconvenienceMan This collection of short films is fascinating to watch for any batman fan, but I feel as a collection it is a little too different and there does not really seem to be any logical link between the story lines, which was irritating. The stories were also underdeveloped and I just wished we could have seen more of these stories and they could have had that room for development.What I did like is that none of the real generic batman villains were used instead the villains were more non common ones and it really helped to make each story unique so that it wasn't just the same kind of stories being generated over and over again. The stories were fairly unique as well although underdeveloped they did each have their own unique style.All in all I enjoyed the stories but they were too fragmented and I just wish they had more of a central them or something that made them fit together better or something, just to make them fit, which was the main problem with this film.
John Chandler After obtaining this DVD with the Arkham City game, I was optimistically looking forward to watching this series of short cartoons depicting batman between the events of the two most recent films. I was surprised to find the series was actually an anime, not something stated on the cover of the disk. The animation was so cheap and overstyalised in the first episode it actually made me laugh, but I accepted it in the hope it was a quirk of that one director. Though the presentation improved tepidly through the episodes, I was still shocked at the lack of effort in the animation which they try and masquerade as style. I accept the idea of each artists interpretation of the characters but it doesn't mean I have to like that batman is presenting alternately as a hench potato man and a skinny 20 year old Japanese boy. I have been a fan of certain anime franchises in the past but more and more I find myself switching off from the overstyalised nonsense which isn't necessarily superior to western animation. I felt like anime had no place in batman, a very western character. Good for a fan of anime and overstyalised characters, bad for a fan of what we see and know as batman.