Hard to Kill
Hard to Kill
R | 09 February 1990 (USA)
Hard to Kill Trailers

Mason Storm, a 'go it alone' cop, is gunned down at home. The intruders kill his wife, and think they've killed both Mason and his son too. Mason is secretly taken to a hospital where he spends several years in a coma. His son meanwhile is growing up thinking his father is dead. When Mason wakes up, everyone is in danger - himself, his son, his best friend, his nurse - but most of all those who arranged for his death

Alicia I love this movie so much
Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
theannakostan This movie is exactly what you would expect of any Steven Seagal movie. If you haven't seen a Steven Seagal movie, basically he walks around like he is made out of concrete just intimidating people with his jaw and his pony tail. It's very funny sometimes but the humour is never intentional, he is just so intense and the action scenes are over the top crazy. He basically kicks people through walls and slaps nine guys at a time around the room and they are totally powerless against him. For what it is worth it is definitely an entertaining way to pass the time, just check your brain out and sit back and enjoy the craziness of Steven Seagal!
edwagreen Seagal is at it again in this thriller where he witnesses a discussion of an assassination plot against a U.S. politician, by an apparent ruthless politician out for the latter's job.Seagal is shot into a coma and his wife dies and supposedly his son.Awakening from a 7 year coma, Seagal gets fit quickly and returns to action as a one man killing machine.He finds romance along the way and what makes this film so good is the corruption viewed as far as the police department and others working with this crooked politician.There is also the fellow cop, a friend of Seagal's, who has shielded his son all these years.Seagal is the master of karate. No doubt about it. Fast paced with great action, the film is a gem.
Robert J. Maxwell No matter what your opinion of Steven Seagal's acting abilities or the kinds of material he's ground out, you have to admit he has certain advantages over the rest of us that go beyond martial skills. For instance, in this story of revenge against a corrupt politician and his dozens of goons, Seagal is shot at the beginning and spends seven years in a coma, wrapped up in hospital sheets, sustained by various tubes and mysterious devices that beep and blink on and off.Yet, consider that he suddenly wakes up after seven years in a hospital bed and still sports the rufous bronze of his earlier physical incarnation. And one would think Seagal would be overdrawn at the memory bank but instead he remembers EVERYTHING that put him there. None of this "Where am I?" crap.I asked myself, "Self, how is it possible for a man to remain brain damaged and comatose and still recover his memory and his motor skills in no time at all?" But all I got back was a lot of gibberish about Wallerian degeneration and nodes of Ranvier and extra-pyramidal this and that, so I gave up trying to make sense of it.Is it really necessary to spell out more of the plot? Seagal wakes up remembering where he's hidden some evidence that will convict a current senator of fraud, extortion, autosexuality, mopery in the first degree, and wearing white after Labor Day.The rest of the film takes us through Seagal's attempt to recover the evidence and the senator's thugs trying to prevent him from recovering the evidence. To observe that, along the way, there is some violence is like saying that a skin flick contains some pornography. Not to worry, though. Yes, a good friend dies and his wife is shot to pieces but nobody touches Seagal. Seagal, unarmed, is involved with three knife fights on independent occasions. Well, two knife fights really, because the last one involves a Chinese chef's knife that looks more like a meat cleaver. Of the dozens of dead and maimed bodies that Seagal's passage through the film generates, exactly 34.2 percent are thrown through glass windows. I counted.The villainous senator's campaign slogan is, "You can take that to the bank." At one point, Seagal mutters to himself, "I'm going to take YOU to the bank, senator -- the BLOOD BANK." Yet, for all the wisecracks amid the mayhem, it's a thought-provoking story. The thought it provokes is: "Dear God, don't ever let Steven Seagal get mad at me."
videorama-759-859391 A lot of people will tell you, in their early days of being a S.S fan, Hard To Kill is a favorite. I too share that vote. A twenty one week runner in America, this hard solid action flick, that has it's own style is another example of the films our man of braun did that were good, where as now it's all fodder. The film is backed up by a decent enough story involving corrupt creepy cops, politicians, and a roll of tape that could put the mayor away for a long time. So the solution is easy, shoot down Seagal and family, and retrieve the tape, but also plant drugs on the deceased super cop, tainting his reputation as Mr clean cop. Only as the title refers, they didn't count on Seagal surviving, a heart as strong as an ox while having a soft one too, yet his will is stronger, determined to bring the baddies down and make them suffer. When learning Seagal is still alive, the baddies are right back on the hunt which makes for a thrilling ten minute scene, if preposterous in part, that has Seagal, hours shy of coming out of his seven year coma, getting away, aided by a sexy nurse (Le Brock) with a crush. HTK is a dynamite action showpiece, that is good quality, despite a lot of opposed views. It delivers on action, some hot women, and revenge too, but also it has a surprise revelation towards it's end. One line I loved as one of the baddies has his fingers snapped back, was Seagal saying mercilessly with absolute hatred "F you and die". The is one flick you're gonna love, when seeing those dirty looking cops become justly disposed of, at the hands of one honest cop's avengement. One hard hitting action adventure, you're gonna love, actual gore runs very low, save for one scene involving the slaying of Seagal's wife.