PG | 10 October 1997 (USA)
RocketMan Trailers

Fred Z. Randall is geeky and obnoxious spacecraft designer, who gets the chance to make his dream come true and travel to Mars as a member of the first manned flight there.

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Pluskylang Great Film overall
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
jaredpahl RocketMan is a family comedy from Disney, which utilizes the world of NASA and space exploration in a well-meaning, but unforgivably obnoxious farce. It stars Harland Williams as the world's goofiest spacecraft designer, Fred Z. Randall, who, after a series of inadvertent tests of his resilience, gets the nod to accompany astronauts Julie Ford (Jessica Lundy) and "Wild Bill" Overbeck (William Sadler) on the first manned mission to Mars. It's on this bare-bones plot that RocketMan hangs its gags. There is nothing to the story here, but still, it is arguably the best (read -- least bad) thing about this broken family comedy. The NASA setting and story tropes are passably distracting in the sense that they give you something to look at besides Harland Williams' bumbling clown act, but that is hardly a compliment.RocketMan spends most of its time with Harland Williams as he does everything he can to squeeze any kind of laugh out of the audience, and it just doesn't work. Fred Z. Randall is a doofus to the 100th power. He flails, he screams, he makes funny faces, etc., etc., etc, but between Harland Williams' grating voice and mannerisms and the absolutely bankrupt writing, the comedy here is dead on arrival. I can't stress how terrible the script of RocketMan is. I refuse to believe that adults wrote this movie. There is not one ounce of wit in this movie. The jokes that are coherent are exclusively surface level potty humor, and worse yet, there are so many jokes that don't make any sense at all. For example, there is a long gag where Fred leads a sing-along of "I've Got the Whole World in my Hands". The big question is...Why?!? It's not funny, it's not sweet, it's not heartwarming, but it sits up there on the screen forever. It's moments of inexplicable confusion like these that convince me that this movie must have been written by some alien intelligence that recognizes the characteristics of comedy, but has no idea how to create it.What a strange film this Rocketman is. It's bad, but in a way that is genuinely bizarre. I can't believe that this is a real Hollywood movie made by functioning adults, much less a Disney product. If you can try to imagine what a dumber-than-average three year-old might do with a mid-budget family comedy, lower your expectations 20%, and you end up with something approaching the monumental awfulness of RocketMan. I suppose I have nothing against Harland Williams, but his dopey schtick here is beyond obnoxious. His stupid catchphrase "It wasn't me" appears no less than 50 times throughout the movie, and it accounts for not one smirk. RocketMan isn't hurting anybody, but it crosses the level of unfunny, into the realm of total embarrassment. I can almost hear what everybody involved with this disaster must be thinking... "It wasn't me".09/100
MartianOctocretr5 Slapstick run amok is about the closest that human speech can come to describing this movie. As it careens in random directions, you scratch your head trying to figure out what's going on, and wondering if you missed something. It's worth a laugh, at least on the level of laughing at how amateurish and childish it is.The Pee Wee Herman look-alike act-alike screaming with that exaggerated shrill voice at cover-the-ears intensity reaches the pain threshold at times. His acting is fine, but the director has him going over the top way too often. At anything. Every scene.Here's the deal: a bumbling but gifted computer geek gets tapped to be on the first manned landing on Mars. Don't ask. With two other people and a chimp (no, really). The chimp mugs, and so does quasi-Pee-Wee. When he's not screeching that is. Pee Wee from the Mars lander gets the whole world to sing campfire songs: I'm surprised somebody didn't just shoot him down. More goofy stuff happens on the voyage, each joke dumber than the last.The likable cast makes the most of the low-brow material. This one's only popcorn filler stuff, though.
sridharganesan_2000 I could not stop laughing even hours later the movie was over. The natural innocence and ignorance (also a touch of genius) Harland Williams has shown in his character was simply superb. The movie has tons of jokes thrown at you and you simply cannot resist them. You have to be a little patient at the start of the movie. The reason for this is after seeing Harland william's Charlie Chaplin type acts at the start, you think it is going to be just another comedy movie. But then, when he gets a chance to be an astronaut you get a felling of "taken inside" the movie without your consciousness. The monkey and Harland Williams seat interchange inside the rocket and what all happens after that till the rocket lands is the ultimate comedy to relish. The climax too was a nerve wracking finish. It takes you to the edge of the seat when Harland just gets it right in taking the rocket back to the track thus avoiding a crash. The best thing is what he uses to fill in the gap for a missing wire. On a whole till date this is the Best Comedy movie i have ever seen in my life.
Elswet I'm in the minority on this, but I really disliked this film.I generally like to watch Harland Williams. Typically, he's a fine straight man, but sometimes, his dry wit shows through. In Rocketman, however, he has allowed himself to be reduced to sophomoric antics worthy of any SNL reject (and I say that with all due respect) and appears to belong in a Rob Schneider movie.Quite frankly, this was too painful to watch. The character wasn't funny. He was pathetically moronic...sad...not funny. This has been heralded as awesome, and hilarious, but neither is this funny, nor is it awe inspiring. It's just stupid, with no redeeming qualities whatsoever.I was not entertained, nor was I amused with this film.It rates a a 1.2/10 from...the Fiend :.