Funny Money
Funny Money
R | 01 January 2006 (USA)
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Henry Perkins, a mild-mannered accountant, accidentally trades briefcases with another man, to find out that there's a million dollars inside. Henry tells his unsuspecting wife of their new-found fortune, but she doesn't embrace it as well as he does. Soon they're joined by their best friends, a cop on the take, a cop on the hunt, and the dreaded Mr. Big, who has come to claim his money.

HeadlinesExotic Boring
Teringer An Exercise In Nonsense
Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
elshikh4 The return of (Chevy Chase)? Well, not the best return ever. The thing is he looks so old, his comedy isn't that fresh, but the man managed to be that desperate middle-class dreamer who wants to have a lavish vacation. I wanted him to do the thing that every usual middle-class man dreams of : saying No to his boss, being the hero of his life. But no such luck. They just gave him the opportunity to lie, hustle, be an outlaw and live endless boldly sexual – all fake – positions along with his lavish vacation. All in all it was empty return and not that hilarious.It's one farcical night, not great though. While I loved taking place in one night, and a character like the annoying stand-up comedian/part time taxi driver, I just hated that all the laughs were sexual and nothing else; so I felt ridiculousness or rather easiness. And when it continued to the end I was bored and sick. Some movie makers think that the best thing to make the bourgeoisie laugh is by giving them sex jokes, as if that is Everything You Always Wanted to Talk About But Were Afraid to ! These ones did it with abundance. Fairly some moments were clever, but not that many.Casting (Armand Assante) in a comedy was tempting factor. But eventually I was hoaxed, because he was exploited in non-creative way. (Assante) comes from many movies where he played scary evil men, even scary good men ! In this movie that wasn't used to produce laughs, the material given to him was one-note and low, and his performance was weak (in many scenes he seemed drunk to me !). I hated that the wife does nothing but to drink. Further, some sexual jokes were so ugly (kissing the statues!). Simply as a movie based on funny characters and misunderstanding, it didn't reach to the max. Although the pace is good, but in the same time you may feel the weariness due to the absence of real events, outrageous twists, or anything else jokes about penis, erection, being homosexual,…etc !Unlike many reviews, I see that it worked. But just as a light, very light, movie. Or a feast for the ones who adore the sexual jokes!
dobbin-4 Now Chevy Chase may not have done a classic comedy in this movie but this movie has got to be close to being a great comedy if not being a great comedy. The movie is about a guy who does the same boring thing every day and then mixes up a bag with a robber and finds himself rich. This movie has around 31 jokes in it and they are pretty much all funny and even though some are very hit and miss most of them are great enough to be classic Chevy Chase comedy. This movie is not quite as good as Fletch or Caddyshack but it is really quite good and overall I think that this movie is a really funny movie that deserves a high praise so I rate it 83% and under the reference of "watch at all costs" comedy.
joe-2060 Finally Chevy Chase is up to his old self in Funny Money!! If you liked Caddy Shack or Christmas Vacation, I'm sure you will love this one. It is an absolute riot don't miss it! This movie has an excellent cast and a very funny plot so GO SEE IT!! I think that Armand Assante and Chris Mcdonald were very funny in this as well, they really make it fun and enjoyable. Also Robert Loggia played Chevys boss and he is just hilarious. It has been a long time since we have Chevy in the leading role and its good to see in back in front. He has always been a favorite of mine and he still is very very funny!I hope they put this movie in more theaters to make it easier for everyone to go see, I want to take my whole family to see it so hopefully it will open in more places soon.
PaigeDean What a delight to see Chevy Chase back on-screen again, with a great ensemble of hilarious actors. Director Leslie Grief does an excellent job of keeping the audience in stitches from the opening credits to the final Smile.We saw this movie as the opening film of the 2006 Sarasota Film Festival, in a theater with 1700 other people. There is no question that the audience loved it. At times, the laughs were so loud and long that if you weren't paying close attention, you might have missed the next joke.If you are looking for good, old-fashioned belly laughs, you won't be disappointed in this film. Kudos to Leslie Grief, Chevy Chase, Penelope Anne Miller, Armand Assante and Chris McDonald.