| 14 February 2016 (USA)
Inside Trailers

Completely on her own, Sarah spends her time at home, waiting for the approaching birth of her child. But one night, a stranger breaks into her home, ready to snatch her still unborn baby from her.

Fluentiama Perfect cast and a good story
Lumsdal Good , But It Is Overrated By Some
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Cooktopi The acting in this movie is really good.
haleyriley97 After reading a few other reviews, I guess this movie is an American remake of a French film by the same name. I have never seen the original, but I'm sure it is far better then this garbage.I spent a majority of this movie literally yelling at the main character to just use her brain and pay attention. I get the whole "you don't always think straight when you're terrified" argument, but this was atrocious and almost unbearable. For example, after getting out of the car crash (making this her 567th unsuccessful attempt at escaping), she decides to seek help from a house that is clearly under construction in the middle of a dark, rainy night where there will obviously be no people. And instead of leaving and trying another home, she , of course, decides to go exploring. While the killer in still after her and clearly not dead. And she's in labor. While she's dealing with being knocked in the head, haven fallen on her back/side, having fallen just straight up on her stomach, and other injuries/stressors. All while pregnant. However, I decided to stick with it to see how this show was going to end and wow. It's not like the ending was a surprise since they spoiled it in the VERY BEGINNING OF THE MOVIE. All I can say about this movie is that it is idiotic, nonsensical garbage. I beg you not to waste your time on it.
joeyljohnson1 Ok....if the original never existed, this might be considered a crazy and fun over-the-top flick. However...the original does exist and this remake is just sad. The level of horror and surprise was far superior in the original and you really should just watch that one instead. But if you've never seen the original, you may find some guilty pleasure in this sadly undercooked remake.
levihdsn This is one of, if not the most, awful remake I've ever seen. Do not waste your time.
draftdubya While I might not be a police friendly type of person(had run ins with them just because of my complexion), but the CPD isn't at all that stupid. I have never seen the CPD go up to someone's house BY THEMSELVES, while the partner hangs back. By the time the second cop gets it , there would have been 1 maybe two other squad cars arriving at the scene. I lived across our city, and I know for a fact that the neighbors would've came outside to see what's going on. When Sara radio's the cops from inside the police cars and say that officers might be dead. A city and surrounding suburbs full of cops would have been on the way. Night would've turned to day with all the police lights, EMTs, and firefighters. This should've been done in Rockford IL, where they don't have a massive police department. Sara had multiple time to kill this woman, but fled over and over.