The Leisure Seeker
The Leisure Seeker
R | 09 March 2018 (USA)
The Leisure Seeker Trailers

A runaway couple go on an unforgettable journey from Boston to Key West, recapturing their passion for life and their love for each other on a road trip that provides revelation and surprise right up to the very end.

Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
GazerRise Fantastic!
Reptileenbu Did you people see the same film I saw?
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
mjshenkenberg I rarely to never leave a movie feeling wowed. This movie was an exception; this was such a lovely and moving film. The characters were hauntingly beautiful as was there love story, filled with so much history that slowly unfolds seamlessly throughout the film. This movie made me laugh, and evoked so many other feelings. The critics interestingly enough missed the gem that this movie is.
TxMike My wife and I watched this at home on DVD from our public library.Helen Mirren is Ella Spencer and her husband of many years is Donald Sutherland as John Spencer. A former well-regarded professor he now is experiencing bouts of dementia as he ages. Most days he doesn't remember much, but then will for a brief time return to normal. However the condition is progressive, they have no hope it will turn around.In an early scene her adult children are told by a neighbor she will help out when their mother goes to the hospital. We don't get any more information, except that she wears a wig, but during their trip she begins to experience her own deterioration.They have an old Winnebago in a garage at home, it is caller the "Leisure Seeker", thus the title of the movie. The story here is their own road trip, heading from Massachusetts to Key West, and she knows it will be their last trip together. They tell no one of their plans, their adult son and daughter desperately try to get them home to no avail.It is a very well-made movie but since it involves an older couple tying up loose ends of their lives likely appeals more to the mature viewer.
Jake Young These two titans of the performative arts bring to life a runaway couple setting out on a voyage in their trusty old RV called The Leisure Seeker. What starts as an expedition of fun turns quickly into a bittersweet exploration of love and memories.By far the greatest moments in The Leisure Seeker are when Donald Sutherland and Helen Mirren are flaunting their talents and sinking their teeth deep into their characters. To which are grounded but somewhat fluffed up representations of the reality, none the less they are resonating depictions and still hold some honesty towards the harshly real effects that dementia has. It's through this exploration of dementia that the film achieves its most heartrending moments, delivering touchingly melancholic lines of dialogue, punched home by the effective subtleties of the winning performances from Mirren and Sutherland. Both convey the love and challenging nature of this sort of relationship and help bolster the poignancy of this story, even though it is certainly one that has been explored with more finesse.Sutherland's character is key to understand the messages behind the films normality, as he speaks of Hemingway and the falsely perceived banality of his simple writing technique. There is certainly a case to be made here for that perceived banality of these characters, challenged by the show of memories and John's (Sutherland) life before the illness. Mirren's cartoon accented Ella still holds all the complexity that drives the plot forward but stifling the growth and journey of the two leads is the uneven direction. As though the film is caught between arthouse deeply personal story of dementia and Adam Sandler's latest flick. It's never quite sure of what it wants to be, and the feel-good tone makes it all the more confusing, resulting in a unengagement with a good portion of the film.This unengagement leads to a natural sigh of boredom as you watch the film push its clumsy emotional manipulation, but none of it lands or swoons. Thankfully there are certainly a few select moments that truly are tear-jerking, saved by an enthralling ending that leaves the film on a high note at the least. While The Leisure Seeker is unsure if it's seeking leisure or something more insightful, it does deliver on the most part in being a touching exploration of love and more importantly dementia and the effects it has, with two outstanding performances that are wasted on stale direction.
blauregenbogen I love it,funny and it's all about in our lives. Love,respect,compromise,listening and even more... anyway love till end whatever comes...