PG-13 | 16 August 2013 (USA)
Paranoia Trailers

An entry-level employee at a powerful corporation finds himself occupying a corner office, but at a dangerous price—he must spy on his boss's old mentor to secure for him a multi-billion dollar advantage.

Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
HeadlinesExotic Boring
Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
mad_man_moon Not amazing yet definitely above average, although I'd not say much for the camera direction and the majority of performances of those under 50.Hemsworth is fine, and does enough, but I get nothing emotionally from his interactions, and I don't think that's intended.The ending didn't totally stink of deus-ex machine, but it was an obvious telegraphable move, which was unfortunate as (other reviewers pointed out here on Amazon) it removes the element of paranoia. However (as opposed to said reviewers) I think the lack of tension and any psychological worry is down to the performances here. It's quite possible that the script didn't offer much for the players to play with, but I think two seconds from Dreyfuss under insultation from his son showed what's possible with what was offered. It had a broad beat, but his eyes and facial performance took my breath away. There were a couple of moments from Ford on that note, but not as strong as this, and Oldman was as dependable as both the actors older than him.This unfortunately ends up just looking like a vehicle for Hemsworth, which is a shame. Because there's real promise in the raw material available here.
Dave McClain Paranoia means thinking that everyone is against you, causing you to look around every corner for someone to attack you or betray you. That kind of story can build up some real tension in a movie. The film called "Paranoia" (PG-13, 1:46) gets that formula backwards and actually extinguishes tension. This movie shows us all the reasons that the main character SHOULD be paranoid, but he doesn't know what's happening behind the scenes, so instead of being paranoid, he's just oblivious.Liam Hemsworth is Adam Cassidy, a cocky and ambitious young technology developer who is forced by his boss (Gary Oldman) to steal corporate secrets from a rival technology company CEO (Harrison Ford). Embeth Davidtz does well as a woman who teaches Adam the art of corporate espionage, while Richard Dreyfuss' talents are wasted in the role of Adam's ailing father.Let's see… this movie has… some great shots of New York City! That's about the best thing I can say about "Paranoia". Unfortunately, those beauty shots are few and far between, much like the moments of real tension in the story. And those moments are connected by dialog and plot points that range from lame to silly to ridiculous. Of course, it would've helped if more members of the cast could actually act.There are a couple half-way decent twists near the end of the movie, but by then, I was more interested in what time it was than what was going to happen to these characters. It's almost as if there were a conspiracy to put out a movie with a cool title and a few great actors, then distribute an interesting trailer, all to get ME into the theater to waste my time and money.Maybe that's just my paranoia talking.Or not. "Paranoia" gets a "D".
allenlau When your employees show you the characteristics of the product development, you sent him to be a business agent. Although all need bold but cautious, but it is obviously two very different type. For a first glance at the bottom of the staff, how do you make sure that he is a man who can be a business agent? Not to mention this he is feel angry when the boss just brew a cup of tea in his talk, how do you determine he will swallow, quietly completed the task of espionage.And this young man, after being expelled, incredibly still flagrant use research and development funds to eating and drinking, even if you do a cash and then go out to play. You were designated as espionage materials. (Since being fired, how to use the money in the research and development account, if this is not a bug, it must be a conspiracy.)Although amber heard the face change trend, but it is still a beauty, but the clever woman, just in the pub find someone to go to bed. For a woman who wants to do something in a man's world, such a behavior is not understandable. Only the people on the other side of the river to go to bed is not looking for trouble? The poor people will get entangled more. If that she make sex with people in order to make herself up, maybe more in line with the high family expectations, the pressure of female white- collar identity.On the one hand, Wyatt send his best creative talent to the rival as commercial spy; On the other hand , Goddard use truly confidential as bait to tell opponents to bait to lure the enemy. Is too dangerous, can not change a fake it? If this fails, but it really is lose the bait along with the fish.
rdoiron-1 Quick review to say that I liked this movie a lot. There were enough twists to keep me guessing and enough action (although it isn't really an action movie) to keep my heart rate up. It's not an Oscar winner but it's a very satisfying way to spend some time.The acting was impressive and even the often-criticized Liam Hemsworth was more than adequate.Of course Gary Oldman and Harrison Ford did their typically strong performances. Richard Dreyfuss had a small role but made it bigger with his understated acting. I'm not sure why the rating is so low. I suspect some people read some critical reviews and fail to think for themselves.Entertaining and escapist. They could have fleshed out some of the ideas but even so, I suggest you give it a try.