At Any Price
At Any Price
R | 27 September 2012 (USA)
At Any Price Trailers

Set in the competitive world of modern agriculture, ambitious Henry Whipple wants his rebellious son Dean to help expand his family’s farming empire. However, Dean has his sights set on becoming a professional race car driver. When a high-stakes investigation into their business is exposed, father and son are pushed into an unexpected situation that threatens the family's entire livelihood.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Michael Ledo Henry Whipple (Dennis Quaid) has it all, a loving family, a successful business, and a mistress (Heather Graham). He is an aggressive seed salesman and farmer. His oldest son would rather travel the world and his younger son Dean (Zac Efron) is cynical and doesn't want to be around his father. He wants to race cars and have a good time with his "feral" girlfriend (Maika Monroe).Henry doesn't always abide by the rules. Dean has anger management issues. Things come to a head as Henry has to choose to make things right or face dire consequences.The film is an okay drama, that perhaps plays out better in Iowa. The characters nicely evolved in the film, although they didn't grab me. Might make for a drama rental at a low price.Parental Guidance: F-bomb, sex, porno magazine nudity of a topless woman with a male organ at her mouth. Must be the strong graphic reference mentioned on rating.
Robert J. Maxwell Finally, an adult story about family conflicts and business. Sounds dull, doesn't it. But this is dull in the way "All My Sons" was dull, which is to say not so dull at all if you don't mind the absence of gore.Dennis Quaid is a farmer and popular seed salesman in Iowa's corn country. He has a lovely, understanding wife (Dickens), a rebellious son (Efron)given to stock car racing, and an errant son given to climbing high mountains somewhere in South America.The kids evidently don't want any part of farming, which is a constant source of sadness for Quaid. Everything for the family, you know, and his family has been tilling the same soil for four generations.Efron seems to be a winner on the stock car circuit and Quaid applauds him but one day, on the verge of greater success, Efron takes his foot off the pedal and rolls slowly along the track. He loses his franchise or whatever it is you lose when your sponsor withdraws support.And here the story is derailed. Efron is a handsome kid, I guess, because he looks a bit like Rob Lowe who is, I'm told, handsome. That he can't act is something of a hindrance but he doesn't really have that many lines. His main job is to stare intensely and he carries it off with aplomb.But after losing that important race, when Quaid tries to cheer Efron up -- "You ran a great race, son" -- Efron glowers and explains, "I was only in those cars to get away from you." I think we can all understand that. In fact, we could have understood it without its having been said, but let it pass. What goes wrong is that Efron switches from abjuring his father and everything his father stands for, to being even more zealous about the farm and its prospering than Quaid himself ever was. Efron kills the son of a rival seed peddler.Quaid is complicit. Instead of calling the police, he and Efron get rid of the body. A good scene follows the symbolic funeral for the boy who has disappeared, in which a guilt-ridden Quaid offers part of his farm to the dead boy's father. Condolence is one thing, but "this is business" replies Clancy Brown, doing a good job as Quaid's rival. That aspect of the tale had potential. There are echoes of "Crime and Punishment" and "The Informer." But it's not followed up.Others have commented that Quaid gives the best performance of his career but I've always thought he brings something original to almost all the roles he's given. Dickens is quietly effective too. So is Maika Monroe, who sounds like a valley girl and looks like Chloe Sevigny. Efron should find a rewarding career in some TV series.The direction is unusual in that there is a near absence of instantaneous cutting, of electronic percussion, and of reveling in violence. Bahrani doesn't seem to like drawn-out transitions between scenes. No sooner does a character say, "Why don't we go to --", than, BANG, they're speeding to the goal along Iowa's desperately lonely cornscape.It's a decent movie, overall, made for adults.
Gordon-11 This film tells the story of a seed seller whose life is turned upside down due to a series of devastating events."At Any Price" tells a touching story about a man striving to achieve at work. He does not put as much effort into his family, and his family falls apart. It is touching to see the wife hoping to do something to reconcile the situation, but sad that she is quickly dismissed by the husband. Then, one thing after another, the family's problems spirals out of control. Denis Quaid is great as a troubled father, while Zac Efron is surprisingly good and is convincing as a rebellious son.The situation towards the end is very touching for a prolonged period. For many minutes I was touched to the verge of tears. The story is a big tragedy, and I was really feeling the family's pain and guilt. One can only hope there is sunshine after the rain. I hope there would be a sequel about redemption and atonement.
valis1949 AT ANY PRICE (dir. Ramin Bahrani) If the film had just developed a single tangent, such as the troubled relationship between a father and son without all the other thematic distractions, it might have worked. Dennis Quaid turns in an exceptional performance as a GMO mega-farmer whose family has owned the land for four generations, yet no one in his family seems the slightest bit interested in continuing in the business of farming. However, because so many story angles are opened up and explored, the film loses focus. There's the story of the two sons- one is off climbing mountains in South America while the other aspires to excel on the NASCAR circuit, and then there is the sub-plot of the father's questionable dealings with genetically modified crop seeds, his sexual infidelity with one of his old high school cheerleader pals (by the way, they don't appear to have attended high school within two decades of each other), and the 'professional' relationship with his youngest son's teen-aged girlfriend (possibly the brightest point of the film). And finally there's that unfortunate second degree homicide that pops up out of the blue. It seems that the intent was to produce a film where the whole was greater than the sum of its parts, but AT ANY PRICE flounders and struggles with a handful of disparate elements that don't add up to much of anything except a credible performance by Dennis Quaid. As Archie Bell and The Drells used to say, 'Do The Tighten Up!'