R | 13 April 2018 (USA)
10x10 Trailers

Lewis is an outwardly ordinary guy, but in reality he is hiding an obsession – revenge – against Cathy. Lewis kidnaps Cathy in broad daylight and takes her to his home, where he locks her in a soundproof cell and attempts to extract a dark secret from her past.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Forumrxes Yo, there's no way for me to review this film without saying, take your *insert ethnicity + "ass" here* to see this film,like now. You have to see it in order to know what you're really messing with.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
Gordon-11 This film tells the story of a woman who is abducted to a remote house.Most of the film only feature two people, and it is quite intense and suspenseful. The reason why the woman is abducted is only revealed at the 58 minute mark, which is a long time to wait! The house is beautiful and is exactly the style I like. Luke Evans is great in his role as well. The ending is a little far fetched, but the film serves the purpose of delivering suspense and thrill.
rklatt07 Ok so guy kidnaps girl in BROAD DAYLIGHT... only person in the parking lot is a random dude with headphones on... what?? Guy brings girl to his home where he spent wayyy too much money fixing up to be a prison and throws her in a 10x10 padded SOUND PROOF cell. Girl spends more time screaming (which she knows no one will hear her) and clawing at a broken piece of tile (how her finger nails didn't fall off is purely inconceivable)... guy demands to know her name (by this point in the film I figured out everything the plot was based on - she's hiding a secret - secret is she or her family had something to do with the death of one of his loved ones) after demanding to know her name so many times he finally puts a gun to her head and that's when my theories are proven right. She's a religious nut job who took the bike out of context after finding out her dad cheated on her mom and killed her kidnappers dying wife for cheating on him. She's in the wrong obviously so a huge fight ensures. She deserves to die simply for the fact that she had 1 million chances to escape her captivity and instead stayed around to play in her own blood. Guy turns out to be the "hero" but is really no better than she is, because who gets away with kidnapping someone regardless of what they did? Oh and his child isn't even is.. shocker. Come on Hollywood, I'm a freakin film major and can write WAY better scripts than this, give me a shot instead of wasting opportunity on ridiculous idiocy... is like a freaking "paycheck" too thanks!
Im Just Saying . You've already seen this movie a hundred times before. So, straight to it. Both main cast members here are far much better than this movie could ever be, which makes me think that they just took this job for the money. We all know who Luke Evans is by now and Kelly Reilly is a pretty well, known lady also.But here is a quick breakdown of what i liked and disliked in two-simple statements.Disliked: So, yeah, this film does every trope and cliché that you could expect, I mean, from the almost-knda-sort of-twist-only its not a twist-but maybe?, at the end to the whole "bang, you've been shot, I guess you're dead now... oh wait you're not, NOOOOO". So thats a thing here...Liked: The positive message I took away from this was deeply down to Luke Evans's chaacter. He proved that to be successful at any job then you need to studdy hard and make sure you stick at it and get better over time, eventually leading to s mice big home, tangable skills and lots of money. I understood this because on every other level of being, this guy is a moron to the greatest degree. No, seriously, He is the most stupidly written character that I have seen on screen in quite a long time. Everything that goes wrong for him in this movie is down to his own moronicness, yet, he has a huge house (which apparently he built) and "planned this elaborate kidnapping (spoiler) in broad daylight in a supermarket carpark.... Oh and he fights like a baby. So, erm, I've spent far more time than I wanted to on this, Feel free to watch it if you like but you will regret esting your time.
VioleTAK Honestly it was so hard to get through this movie... One poor scene after another., where nothing made sense.The woman kept beating his ass to the ground, yet she always left him in a fine state ready to overtake her again, until the end where she turns into some kind of monster.I have no idea how this movie keeps a score above 3, which would still be a kindness.