Shut In
Shut In
PG-13 | 11 November 2016 (USA)
Shut In Trailers

A widowed child psychologist lives in an isolated existence in rural New England. When caught in a deadly winter storm, she must find a way to rescue a young boy before he disappears forever.

Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Maleeha Vincent It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
philneil This is one of those movies that initially messes with the viewer so much that you end up losing the will to invest.Cheap jump scares, visions and apparent dream sequences all thrown at you just makes for uninteresting viewing, there is very little by way of real substance.Just over half way through, the plot twist (which is obvious) reveals itself, and therefore the movie is subsequently typical cat and mouse shenanigans.Zzzzz
Robert J. Maxwell It's a shame, really. First, Naomi Watts is no longer the radiant golden girl of ten or so years ago. Age has reduced her to the status of a mere beautiful woman whom any normal man would love to smother in hot kisses.That's unimportant. What's really worrisome is that she's playing in dud like "Shut Ins." She is a widower living in a house in rural Maine, making a living as a counselor in the distant town, spending all of her time at home tending her brain damaged and vegetablized teen-aged son, changing his diapers, spoon feeding him, wheeling his apparently senseless body around.But one of those big Northeastern snow storms is about to blow in, likely cutting off all power and buying everything. She stacks up on comestibles and lanterns and is visited by a genuinely nice guy, single, whom she's met at the clinic, and whose son is also challenged. He's so sociable and helpful that she feels compelled to invite him to dinner. Clearly he's interested but she's polite and distant.The snow has barely begun, or maybe it's already stopped, and she's having nightmarish fantasies, or maybe they were dreams, of her son moving around the house deftly on his own, and then -- and then -- she wakes up to find herself tied naked in the bathtub by her now thoroughly mobile but maniacal boy and she forces her to take sleeping pills and then, and then, she struggles to free herself of her binding lines and then, and then, she swallows a bottle of SHAMPOO to bring up the gag reflex and rid her nude body of those wicked pills, and then -- and then -- well, I just couldn't go on.No, the tension was too great. My heart raced alarmingly as I waited for the next cliché -- the hand reaching in from offscreen, the cat shattering the Mason jar, the mysterious creaking of an opening door, the need to creep down the stairs into the dark basement, the WHAM on the sound track with each new shock.No. It was all too much. I can't remember if I shut it off before I fell asleep.
Wizard-8 I will admit that the makers of "Shut In" managed to make a pretty good looking movie despite having a non-blockbuster budget, but that is about the only good thing to be found here. Watching it, it quite often struck me that it seemed it was made by people who didn't understand the thriller genre. The first half of the movie is pretty dull stuff; it feels like the movie is continuously spinning its wheels by presenting a lot of unnecessary material. There is very little done in this first half to thrill or creep out the audience, and when there is an effort it comes across as stuff you have seen in many other thrillers before. (The movie even has the gall to do the "it's only a dream" routine twice!) The second half of the movie, when the danger finally exposes itself, does try harder to shake the audience, but even then what happens more often than not is tired and familiar; you have seen it all before, and done much better as well. It's no surprise why the distributor gave this a half-hearted release and marketing campaign. In a few years, all memory of this movie will be shut out by the movie-going public.
geronimoviktor After seeing the rating, reading some reviews...I didn't even want to watch this movie. BUT, I'm happy I did. I honestly think it's good. It will not change the world with unexpected twists or so, but an overall rating under 6?? I don't get that.Give it a try guys :)