Enter Nowhere
Enter Nowhere
R | 22 October 2011 (USA)
Enter Nowhere Trailers

Three strangers arrive one by one to a mysterious cabin in the middle of nowhere after enduring separate life-altering predicaments. Searching for a way out of the woods, frustrated, hungry and battling to stay warm they discover their mysterious connection and realize what they have to do in order to get out of the woods alive.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Fluentiama Perfect cast and a good story
SunnyHello Nice effects though.
songbirdmc I wasn't really sure what to expect with this movie which was actually kind of fun. I'm glad I went into it not knowing much because it easily could have been ruined for me.I think the plot is extremely fresh and original and I love how the truth unfolded. I got chills on several occasions. I thought the acting was a little rough at times, but it could have been the script. Maybe it's me. There was one scene in particular during the climax that felt like it went on a little too long, but I'm just nit picking. I really loved this movie.I was in suspense until I was no longer supposed to be, so no, I didn't figure it out before hand which is somewhat of a rarity for me these days. I actually thought for a minute that I knew what it was all about and one of the characters even mentioned it almost as a joke like they knew the audience would be thinking it! lol Watch and you'll see what I mean. If you're a fan of sci fi and suspense this one is a must see. I really doubt anyone would not like this film unless they're extremely critical which I usually am, but not today!
derbo73 neither original nor well done, either. The atmosphere was quite creepy for a while, then it became obvious this movie was about time travel and mumbo jumbo only. The whole idea behind it was OK, but we have seen this several times already. The acting wasn't terrible and I don't mind the bad German, either. The special effects in the end scenes and the rushed ending broke the movie for me. The whole thing felt like a student's work, a low low budget first attempt at movie making. I would not recommend this movie to anyone as it has nothing that stands out or was worth watching it.The girls showed some very convincing acting, though.
arosev2012 I didn't expect much from this film and knew nothing about it except for the little move blurb. It was probably better that way because it blew me away. It had a awesome plot that kept you thinking the whole way through. I was expecting cabin in the woods for the first 20 minutes or so...but you soon learn into the movie that its much more than that. The actors were a little cheesy at first only because you were expecting a cheesy horror film but that changes as you keep watching. I don't want t give away any spoilers so just go see it. Entertaining and keeps you thinking unlike most movies out there.
CT Mendes Like many, after reading so many positive and compeling reviews I felt the urge to watch Enter Nowhere, as I thought it would be a great science fiction movie, as "advertised". The movie is plain bad. As you have may read, the story revolves about three strangers that arrive at a cabin in the woods and soon realise they are there for a reason. OK, so there is a mystery, but it isn't interesting enough, first because of the poor script. The script just doesn't engage the viewer, it's too far fetched, it doesn't explain anything, stuff just happen and you should act like the "whys" and "whos" don't matter and don't exist. Second: the acting...It's bad. It's like they're reading the lines directly from paper. There is no emotion, nothing...Just bad. I won't drag this too much, because this movie lacks quality in every aspect. I can't in good conscience recommend this movie unless to those who want to watch a "B" movie and increase their viewed movies library. To those who seek entertainment, an interesting story, something new and fresh, don't watch this one. It's bad...