I Am a Ghost
I Am a Ghost
| 14 October 2012 (USA)
I Am a Ghost Trailers

Emily, a troubled spirit, haunts her own house every day, wondering why she can't leave. With the help of Sylvia, a clairvoyant hired to rid the house of spirits, Emily is forced into a 'patient/therapist' relationship, uncovering disturbing mysteries about her past that may help her move on to 'the next place

ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
J. Martin (J_Martin_2016) If you're looking for a terror movie like Poltergeist, Amityville or something like it, so this is the wrong movie. However, if you look for a movie about ghosts with a different point of view, the ghost's point of view, so maybe you'll like this movie.(*)(*)(*)(*) WARNING: THE TEXT BELOW CONTAINS SPOILERS !!! (*)(*)(*)(*)The movie also has a little life lesson that, perhaps, we don't realize at first glance. A girl that lives inside a loop which is one day that repeats over and over again. She is a ghost repeating her last day without knowing about it. Then one day a psychic initiates contact with her. So there's a battle in which the psychic tries to free her. She initially refuses to believe and, when she finally accepts the truth, she faces the fear to move forward. When she finally decides to move on, she finds out that she needs to face a part of herself that is dark and is stopping her from proceed.The interesting is the plot fits perfectly for living people. When we just start to live an empty and repetitive life because we afraid to get out of our comfort zone, we just become ghosts of ourselves. The only way out is to do as the character in the movie, accept the reality and face what is trapping us, for then to be able to get ahead.
alexentric If you appreciate a movie that pulls you in, all the while requiring you to think; at the same time eliciting strong feelings in you that you do not expect and might rather not feel, then this is a movie for you. Simply presented, economically fashioned, and searingly executed it is soul-freezing in its directness; subtle in the manner of a systemic disease that presents as a seemingly innocent bump while complications reveal themselves only as you begin to pay closer and closer attention. This is sophisticated psychospiritual horror. It had (has?) me wondering if I was (am?) a Ghost. It is not a quickly developing story, but the pace befits the subject and the shifting rhythm carries you along until patience definitely pays off. I would suggest a mild warning for those who have issues of a traumatic nature. This movie may be an unsuspected trigger (that is cocked and ready...and loaded).
begob I liked this a lot. Clever story and well produced on such a small budget.The repetitions were just beginning to wear on me, when the "closing off" happened. The mystery was gradually revealed, and the final conflict came quickly. The protagonist has an unpleasant past, but the character is sympathetic so I was rooting for her.A few criticisms. I suspected the medium was untrustworthy, but her character was disappointingly straight. There was no reason she wouldn't have known the full story from the start - maybe giving her a motive to conceal the truth would have added an extra layer to the story. Dialogue needed more work - I thought the protag spoke a bit modern, and it didn't seem right when the demon said she couldn't "handle" the pain or fear or whatever. There are some anomalies over the time period, and the intriguing comment about her running out of the room when she'd been told how long ago she died was not addressed. The demon's first appearance is Japan style scary, but he looks silly in the final scene. And the end was a bit mysterious - would have been more satisfying by reaching the logical conclusion of the medium's advice.Would have been a 9 except for that. Looks like the director is an all rounder, so good job.ps. If the medium had turned out to be the real demon ...
Bryn Young I'm sorry but I just didn't get this film at all. Its low budget yes but repeating the same film footage over and over for 45 mins was awful and I watched the whole film but still not sure what the ending was about.Good points : The acting of the one girl in all of the film was good, the sound effects give you the idea that something was going to happen which was good but sadly thats all the positives I can say.Bad points : Nothing happened, slow, no ending that i could figure out and just not a horror.To summarize the idea was good but maybe i'm not "arty" to get this. I've seen some rubbish in my time but this is hard to beat.