NR | 19 June 2009 (USA)
Exam Trailers

The final candidates for a highly desirable corporate job are locked together in an exam room and given a test so simple and confusing that tension begins to unravel.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
rick-casady I don't want to give away the plot, but overall, I thought this film rather ingenious. 8 people are in a room, suspicious of each other's motives, since they are all competing for a prime position with this mysterious company. If they talk to the guard, or to the camera monitoring them, they are escorted out, one by one. They suspect at least one of them is a plant for the company, and not an actual candidate. It gets pretty intense, since no one knows what is expected of any of them, or what the question is that they're supposed to answer. So, they try to think of every possible ruse to reveal the truth. Consider it a minimalist setting, but I thought the premise worked well, and the twist at the end got me. Give this movie a chance, if you are tired of chases, guns, and brute strength being displayed. There also aren't any zombies in this one, for once.
Mantagi Mantagi i love movies with concepts like this one but they've been done to death, and i especially hate movies like this one when it's the most clichéd piece of film you can find on netflix.speaking of racism let's talk about the annoying overdone stereotypes this film has in it. of course the one (only) attractive white guy is sexist, racist, rude, impatient, etc. the Indian'a the "nice" one despite looking and acting like a compete d-bag. the black guy is super religious, the nerd is supposedly autistic, i can go on.the plot is pushed along and nothing comes naturally. none of the character's ideas are their own, and their observations they make in the film are very obvious. it's like, these are supposed to be really smart highly skilled people applying for the job and they all have the mentality of immature 9th graders. i really don't like this film. it's just not entertaining and honestly it's really rude. it makes me want to spit on the person who made it.
chakroborty_rahul The Movie was Just WOW!!! I Mean it's Just blew my Mind away. One Room, One Question and One Answer and, that it all takes to create a Masterpiece. Well Acted by one and all. The Treatment Given to the Movie by the Director is Simply Superb. Hats off to him for Making such a Gem of an Movie. Intelligent Cinema and A Must Watch!
Ahmed Abo Elela I began watching this movie with high expectations as I love these kind of movies with few actors in a closed locations .. The beginning was promising and fast and up to the point .. No time was wasted in preparing for the story .. But as the story proceeded things got screwed .. The development of the events was not interesting at all .. I got bored of the story so quickly ..The way they were trying to discover the nature of the question and the way they tried to disqualify each others were ridiculous and boring .. And the actors were so bad that I couldn't understand where they stood from what is happening .. The way they reacted for extreme things such as the act of homicide was shallow as if they were a group of killers not ordinary people in an interview for a job!! And right before the end of the movie when you think that it can't get worse I was surprised with what considered to be the twist at the end .. Not because of the twist itself of course, but because it made me hate every second I had wasted on watching this movie .. A silly twist that didn't add nothing at the end and demonstrated how miserable the movie was .. I don't recommend that movie at all for anyone, unless you want to know how a trivial story and modest actors can meet to make you hate a category of movies you used to love before ..