| 11 August 2010 (USA)
Chatroom Trailers

When strangers Jim, Eva, Emily and Mo meet William online in his new 'Chelsea Teens!' chatroom, they're completely seduced by his fast-talking, charismatic character. But beneath the surface lies a much darker truth. William is a dangerous loner, channeling all his energies into cyberspace. He's become an analyser, a calculating manipulator who finds it almost impossible to interact normally with others in the real world, instead turning his hand to manipulating people online.

PodBill Just what I expected
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
LoupGarouTFTs I am not a big fan of movies about teen angst, but I'd heard some good things about Chatroom. I'm glad I gave it a try! It wasn't a brilliant movie by any means, but it characterized the Internet quite well. I think if anyone has been on the 'net long enough, they've run into manipulative people like William, so his character was believable. Even his ability to manipulate people was quickly as he did was quite believable, as lonely people on the 'net are apt to follow anyone with a good story.I would have scored it higher, except I did not care for the stop-action films within a film and I did not care for the "Jim's father" storyline being kept open-ended. In all, it was as good as I had expected, if not a bit better, based on what I had read. It was a bit better than I expected, based on my lack of fondness for teen angst stories. Definitely a solid 7, with a toehold in the 8 range if I'm feeling generous. SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS I did find it a bit convenient that Mo's friend was willing to help him, even after he confessed to being interested in the friend's under-age sister. I think it wouldn't have taken the other long to realize that the story about the penguins was important to Jim and, if he wanted to make a statement with his death, that he would choose that place to die. It might have added a couple of lines of dialogue and a bit more tension to the scene.I also found William's death to be shocking, if not a bit expected. He was obviously disturbed from the beginning and at odds with himself. He was probably struggling with his own desire to kill himself (hence Jim being a hero to William, if Jim shot himself) and he probably would have taken his own life with the gun if he could not convince Jim to use it. His falling in front of the train was a nice change, rather than committing suicide by cop as I expected him to do. It was also nice seeing a hint of William's internal struggle, as he tries to work up the courage to kill himself earlier in the film and his thought to stop Jim's suicide, however briefly it lasted.
Irishchatter Yeah of course its underrated but to be completely honest with you, i thought there wasn't a story to make the film more interesting or entertaining in a way. It was suppose to be scary but to me, it seemed like a poor budget film "trying" to be frightening and it tried too hard to have a major poor result.I know its suppose to be about a group of teens who meet up for real and talk to one another online in order to seek revenge to their selfish families. Yeah, it sounds like it was used a lot before in movies and yet, this movie just wants to copy everything and just forget about the rest. This does not make a successful British movie, a good movie should consist of a better story line, better actors and better settings. This is one of the movies that I wouldn't have time for because it looks unfinished and poorly made! Don't watch this is all i can say........
Nitzan Havoc I've heard of Chatroom through one of the many Horror lists I've checked here, and while it doesn't fit that genre description (not even tagged as such), it is a pretty disturbing film, and very well made. As a Horror freak, I watch many many films, most of them Horror, and Chatroom has one of the most original and artistic concepts I've ever seen! It shows a very nice interpretation of what people "look" like when they chat online.The screenplay, script, story and build-up are pretty nice and fit the overall concept. There aren't any real twists, but the plot does thicken at some point in a rather surprising way. The acting is also pretty nice, no more no less. Each of the characters is portrayed pretty much the way it should. I did feel that Aaron Taylor-Johnson slightly lacked the charisma and "charm" to play the role of devious insidious William, and yet he managed to pull it off. Nothing much can be said about the cinematography, as it's only there for the locations and the decoration/set. Soundtrack is also nice...So with everything being mediocre at best, why would I rate Chartroom so relatively high? Again, on account of the original and almost genius concept. It's been a while since I've seen such original and artistic work, and I'd highly recommend giving this film a chance, if only for that.
filmchaser Matthew Beard stole the show from Aaron Johnson with pure kick ass acting. The film did a pretty good job of showing how loneliness and pain can bring lots of emotionally crippled people together, and that sometimes that can be good and sometimes not so much. Aaron Johnson, whom I usually enjoy watching, seemed a bit like a one trick pony in this film. I'd have liked to know more about the characters and how they came to be the way they were. It all starts at home, of course, but all the parents seem trivialized, when in fact, they were central to their children's issues. Perhaps this is reality and I'm naive. I did feel very sad for those poor young people and it occurred to me that the internet has opened up an entire world of opportunity for evil people to exploit people looking for a friend. In that regard the film hit its mark by touching upon the dangers of being too busy to notice that children are turning to those who don't have their best interests at heart, and that, thanks to the internet, they can reach a larger audience of creeps than ever before. Hopefully, the reverse is also true...that they can reach a larger audience of heroes than ever before. Maybe someone should make a film about that.