Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging
Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging
PG-13 | 25 July 2008 (USA)
Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging Trailers

Georgia Nicolson is fourteen, lives with nosey parents who don't understand her, an annoying three year old sister and has to wear a beret to school. She would, however, rather be blonde, have a smaller nose and a boyfriend. Revolving around her hilarious journal entries, prepare to be engulfed in the world of the soaring joys and bottomless angst of being a teenager.

Konterr Brilliant and touching
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
inaa020810 Worst f ing movie ive ever seen. Wth?! The creator of this movie sucks. What's the summaryeven?!??
shannen-l-c First things first, Angus, Thong and Perfect Snogging isn't going to win any awards for being the best movie of all time and objectively, it's pretty damn awful, but I still enjoyed watching it. It's easy to watch, stupidly funny and everything you'd expect from a typical teenage chick-flick/comedy made in the noughties. The cliches are unbearably cringe and the stereotypes are all wrong (your typical plain girl Jane gets the best looking guy in school and in the process butts heads with his pretty blonde girlfriend that is by default a brat) but this isn't a movie that should be taken seriously. It's definitely not a realistic take on what it's like to be a teenage girl since it's over-invested in those teenage girl stereotypes from American movies - late night sleep-overs, bitchiness, naivety, boy obsessed etc. On that note, considering this movie was British, it didn't feel very British at all and the behaviours of the characters and general feel of the movie felt more American than British (the only British elements to the movie were the accents and the setting). However, this movie works if you're looking to switch your brain off and have a few giggles. It is feel-good and improved my mood, so for me, that's what earns it the rating I've given it.
invisibleunicornninja Everything in this movie is terrible. Name an element of a movie and this thing fails miserable. Acting, cinematography, plot. This sht has no redeeming qualities. The only reason I watched this all the way through was because my mom made me (I asked to borrow it from the library and she thought that as a consequence I should watch the whole thing). This abomination is cringy, poorly acted and bad. Don't watch this movie. You could be doing anything else. You would get more out of just banging your head against the wall than you would out of this movie. I'm not sure how much I can stress how bad this movie is.
bnicolec2001 I watched this movie on DVR after seeing the Opening scene of Georgia in her costume that she called "the business" I thought it seemed like a cute film. Georgia's transformation was bumpy to say the least , I was thinking "what kind of messages are we sending our young girls?". She is fourteen and ranking the stages of kissing , it seems a little young . I didn't really like Georgia at the beginning she was kind of mean, bossy ,and even manipulative of her friends . My stomach turned when the girls started to rate one another's looks ,and features . When she was jealous of her friend's new relationship she said "He's not even good enough for you ." Just wow . I almost felt like I wanted to scream if I heard the word "Slag" one more time , I assumed it meant slut and found through a Google search that is basically what it means .She even manipulated a poor guy that was just an innocent bystander in her love shape thing . I just cringed thinking can this get any worse ,and well it did as she hurt person after person, in the end of her downward spiral part hurting herself not physically but emotionally by distancing herself from the people she cared about. She does pull it together ,and the ending is cute I won't spoil it . I loved the "More mature" her , it is good at the end but I feel for me personally it was too little to late to give it an 8 . I still don't like the starter messages, and the later messages are better ,but not necessarily good.
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