My First Mister
My First Mister
R | 12 October 2001 (USA)
My First Mister Trailers

Leelee Sobieski is brash, abrasive and vulnerable as a teenage child of divorce who hides her pain behind a mask of hard-edged gothic rebellion. Albert Brooks plays a man who is her total opposite, a precise and well-ordered menswear store owner of forty-nine who manages limited expectations and protects lonely secrets with pleasant ritual and quiet, ironic reserve. These two total opposites collide in conflict then come together in a surprising alliance, changing each other's lives forever.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
SquirePM I never understood the appeal of Albert Brooks as an actor, until now! He and Leelee Sobieski are marvelous in this movie, and their chemistry and interaction make the movie a joy.I watch it every couple of years, and I make sure to give myself a solid block of quiet time in which to enjoy it. It's that good. The dialog is witty and insightful. Once you get to know Leelee's character you pick up on her delightfully wry humor. She misses nothing about the world around her, but she keeps her rapier-like analysis of it all mostly to herself. Fortunately she comes to know some characters to whom she can reveal herself. It's all about intelligence and acuity, and she's lucky (anybody is) to make some good, smart friends.I rate My First Mister a 10 out of 10, and I do not hesitate to recommend it to my friends, and to you readers.
MarieGabrielle Leelee Sobieski is very good as displaced teenager Jennifer Benson, who is disgusted and bored with her life (like many teenagers, at some point).She is in the mall looking for a jobs while in full Goth costume. She meets Albert Brooks, a middle-aged man who owns a men's clothing store. Eventually, she gets a job, and starts to relate to him.The title is a bit odd, but basically she is a girl reading Sylvia Plath, her mother is alienating and unsympathetic, and she wants to find meaning in her life. A human story with a surprise ending.Directed by Christine Lahti and well worth viewing. 9/10.
ceejay1-1 This is a fantastic idea for a film and one that doesn't conjure up any easy comparisons, perhaps Harold and Maude. Key to the execution of the writer's ambitious vision were the touching performances by Albert Brooks and Leelee Sobieski in the two main roles.The movie is focused more on the teen-aged girl's point of view as she tries to pull middle-aged Albert Brook's character into her world, which is an interesting way to go but not very believable. Albert Brooks shines in an understated way.The movie lets down a bit after the first 1:13 and should have been shorter. The movie has too many characters that remain undeveloped throughout the movie, features an unfortunate plot twist at the end involving a relative Albert Brooks' character didn't know existed, and offers strange elements that detract from the movie's realism (e.g., the "I see dead people" facet and "Caspar the friendly wife" quirk--the purpose of the latter being completely lost on me). I think two love interests were introduced merely to remove any lingering ideas the viewer may have about the nature of the characters' relationship, which we are assured is platonic. I thought the moral of accepting of other people as they are could have been underlined a bit more in place of the unnecessary plot turns.The film's worth watching for the story idea and for the performances of Brooks and Sobieski. I'm glad I didn't see it in the theater because I would've embarrassed myself.
sandysdharma I have to confess that I enjoy anything Albert Brooks does, whether as writer or director or actor, and this movie was no exception. The friendship between Brooks the older man and the young woman stuck in "Goth" mode was portrayed pretty realistically, as if between real people, once you accept the premise that it could happen at all. Carol Kane was funny in a touching way as the mother who wants so much to be a part of her alienated daughters life that she just keeps trying and trying no matter how much her daughter rejects her advances. Nice to see a picture that, like "Lost In Translation" depicts friendship between an older man and a younger woman without sexual themes.