| 15 January 2015 (USA)
Cyberbully Trailers

A chilling real-time thriller featuring a teenager, Casey, battling with an anonymous cyber-stalker.

BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Markus Marquis Biechl I totally agree with "Luke-a-McGowan": The first three-quarters of the movie were just superb! And I really thought that the hacker was a friend of Li, or her father. Everything just pointed to this direction and it would be so fitting. As the movie went on, I even thought that it could be possible, that Casey just had a mental breakdown, and suffered from hallucinations because she found out of Li's death and could not accept her fault in it and that's why she confronted her self with this hacker (which would be perfectly fine with me, either). But it came otherwise. In the very last minutes of the movie I realized that they will make the big mistake to never reveal the person behind the hacker. But the ending as it is, just made the movie much more unbelievable. The motivation for such a big hack just to troll a random girl who reached like 100 people or so, with her vines is just implausible! It would totally make sense if Li's father did this, cause anger is a very big motivator! And if the hacker would be in her mind, everything could be possible, even the suicide attempt. I get it, that hardcore trolls don't need any more motivation than "for the lulz", but still: being all that edifying and showing Casey whats wrong or not AND claiming to be a helper for the victims of cyberbulling whilst being the worst cyberbully himself? Thats just to absurd. It just didn't work for me. If he really wanted to drive her into suicide, I bet it would be enough for him to just threaten with the posting of the pictures or with just really posting them, without the whole "you ruined that girls live"-thing. And the movie really wanted us the believe it is a family-member of Li or herself by showing us the video of her singing first, and coming back to her "cause" later, to pinpoint her as a person of interest. I have no problems with twists, but that twist was just needless and ruined the movie to a point. Especially with the acting of the hacker from being a person who had a valuable lesson to teach, to becoming a troll that calls a teen an "ungly bitch" because she went out of the room...we all know how the internet can be, but a movie should have at least a lesson, and I thought this movie had one (because the lesson it showed so far, until the first three-quarters of the movie, was really good delivered!). So unfortunately, this movie only gets 6 stars from be, because of this very ridiculous ending, as Luke-a-McGowan said it!
Rich Wright An hour long TV special, and featuring my favourite actress from Game Of Throne (Maisie Williams) this is a gripping drama about a very contentious issue... Online bullying. When does is a bit of playful banter on the Internet turn into harmful abuse, which can lead to depression, cutting... Even suicide? The line is a very blurry one... And the effect of it can depend very much on the individual targeted. Some are just naturally susceptible to the trolls... Maybe they've had difficult upbringings, or are extra sensitive to criticism. The wise ones would just roll their eyes, ignore the meaningless jibes and tell someone... But of course, not everyone is that strong, or wise. Whatever the reason, if you persistently target someone online with insults and name calling, there is something very wrong with you.Casey, the girl played by Maisie, is a bit of a troll herself... Mocking girls online for their dubious singing talents, accusing some of her friends of being gay behind their back, etc. Now, she is well and truly the victim... Trapped all by herself in her bedroom, while a hacker, who has somehow gained access to her harddrive, webcam AND phone, threatens to post explicit images of her he's stolen on Twitter... Unless she sit down, and do EXACTLY what he says. She's already on medication for depression due to her mother leaving... And this will factor heavily in the nerve wracking finale.Filmed entirely in the constraints of just this one room, Cyberbully successfully keeps you glued to the screen with it's slowly escalating horror... Aside from the parts where it becomes unbearable to watch, such as when our hacker decides to leak personal videos of Casey's to all her mates which basically insult and ridicule them. You may think this is a healthy dose of karma for her... Until you realise, this self proclaimed 'helper of victims of cyber bullying' is just as bad himself, for doing exactly the same thing he alleges he defends against (Only to a FAR more extreme level). This fact becomes more and more clear as the ordeal goes on.Maisie Williams is brilliant as the girl caught up in all this, expressing a wide range of emotions and winning my sympathy. She may be a bit of a b*tch by laughing and posting comments about those who might be less fortunate or more deluded than she is... But, so what? Everyone who's EVER watched a reality telly show, or seen some drunken weirdo stumbling down the street has had those thoughts at some stage or another... Why should SHE be the one singled to receive this loser's punishment?! I think the perpetrator of the crime is just using these incidents to manipulate her. Robin Hood, he ain't.Thought provoking, nerve jangling, Bite-your-nails-to-the-bone type 'fun'. 7/10
ianlouisiana As the Internet replaces television as the most influential of all communications media it is with no small sense of irony that a TV play seeks to portray it as the root of all evil. But,as the NRA would have it - "Guns don't kill people;people kill people". And,unfortunately,there are far more evil people lurking in the dark anonymity of the internet than in the mean streets of any city. And the victims,thinking themselves secure in their comfortable bedrooms,are even more vulnerable. Nowadays playground taunts have metamorphosed into full - blown life threatening rants that have caused children to take their own lives. "Cyberbully" tells of one such vulnerable child who is targeted by a so - called troll and badgered to the extent that she takes an overdose of her prescribed medication. It's easy for someone of my generation to be scathing about the dependence of a younger generation on "Facebook","Twitter" and so forth,but I can and do understand that circumstances and peer pressure make up a large part of such dependency,and that the idea of simply turning the machine off and clearing the hard drive would be a bit like destroying a much - loved puppy because it had wet the carpet. The play conveys a sense of social isolation despite the cyber "presence" of the child's friends ;also the claustrophobic effect of hardly ever leaving the one small room except for going to school. "Cave machinem" may have been the intention,but,as ever,man's greatest enemy remains man.
Morgan1605 This film perfectly portrays what the current generation are going through. Just coming out of education I can see the similarities. As every day goes on it becomes easier to hack people. Young people are becoming more and more vulnerable.This is why the movie was made. And am I glad it was made. With Maisie Williams as well! (big game of thrones fan) This should be televised and televised until all young people around the country can watch this gripping film. In watching this film you can learn so many things. You learn that even the smallest of things like sharing a video can have a dramatic effects on someone's life. You also learn that hacking is a very easy thing to do now adays and what It can do is catastrophic and thirdly you learn that as soon as you lock your phone, turn off your computer or shut down your laptop, the cyberbullys will go away.Any parents who see this, it's really important you show your children this, as a 18 year old, This shocked me. It's opened my mind to how big cyber bullying really is and how deadly it can be.I just wish it was a bit more PG, so that it could be shown around schools. Honestly, I've done things similar to the girl in the movie. I've called people names.. Shared their singing videos in mockery. But if I would of seen this at school.. My view on the situation and how I act would change dramatically.However I do feel as if the ending was left mystery. Not sure whether on purpose or not. Them catching the hacker could really have a positive effect on viewers. without them catching the hacker it feels like.. Well the hacker will never be found. But I might be talking total nonsense but that's my opinion on the ending:)Sorry for any spelling mistakes or anything, I know what trolls can be like over the smallest things "Har har har".