A Girl Like Her
A Girl Like Her
PG-13 | 27 March 2015 (USA)
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Sophomore year has been a nightmare for Jessica Burns. Relentlessly harassed by her former friend Avery Keller, Jessica doesn't know what she did to deserve the abuse from one of South Brookdale High's most popular and beautiful students. But when a shocking event changes both of their lives, a documentary film crew, a hidden digital camera, and the attention of a reeling community begin to reveal the powerful truth about A Girl Like Her.

Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Caryl It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties. It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
McEwansExported An excellently crafted message around the causes, effects and ultimate inability to effectively deal with bullying in schools.The characters were well cast and the story line subtle enough so that neither get in the way of exposing the utter despair and denial that underlies the lives of both the bullied and the bullies.Some may think the degree of bulling in the film is not very extreme, that's the point, it is to show how bullying is personal and that is what makes any bullying so destructive.Sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me....judge for yourselves once you watch the film. Anyone who has been bullied or been a bully who now knows better will be moved by this film. The abject lack of institutional accountability shown by the school board is telling but the film does an excellent job helping the viewer understand why this is the case. There are a few unspoken truths brought to the surface.Powerful stuff.
DefinitionofDauntless It's nice to see someone actually deal with this issue that is often swept aside and not dealt with. As a person that spent nearly half of their school years being bullied I know what it feels like to question everything about yourself and this hit close to home. From the stand point of the victim it's a very good portrayal, both writing wise and acting wise.I have to say it's also very refreshing to see both sides of the story, most of the previous movies I have seen on the subject tends to be one-sided and often unrealistic. This is what life looks like for many teenagers all over the world and I am so glad someone had the guts to deal with the subject and show the world what is happening behind closed doors.The thing that drags down the score a bit for me is the documentary style filming. It doesn't really draw you in from the start and you have to actually give the movie a chance to get started. However it is definitely a good educational movie that I would recommend, and as the title says an emotional ride. At least if you have somehow been involved in similar situations.
Inkeater0003 When I first saw this movie I added it to my watch list but after read in the description I thought it'd be a lifetime movie style, cheesy, high school bullying story. I decided to give it a try anyway out of boredom. What I thought would be a cheesy film actually turned out to be pretty realistic and tragically sad. The whole nation is all about bullying these days and I for one think things have gone a little over the top. But this film accurately portrays the events that lead up to teen suicide in the events of bullying. This movie is different in the fact that they show both sides of the story; the bully and the victim. This is a movie that could be shown in schools as a warning, if it wasn't for some swearing.
MrGKB ...would work better if it didn't try so hard. Ostensibly based on a true-life case, neophyte auteur Amy S. Weber's screenplay suffers from a heavy-handed and overly simplistic message: bullying is bad (no kidding!), which it then betrays with an unusual sympathy for the devil--sorry, I mean bully. Simply put, it's a twist that doesn't pay off with any great satisfaction, falling just short of shooting the film right in the foot. I can understand the impulse to humanize the antagonist, but it's just not handled in a way that respects the victim, at least in my opinion.The acting's good from an ensemble of relative unknowns, led by Hunter "The Young and the Restless" King and Lexi "General Hospital" Ainsworth, with notable support from the likes of Jimmy "Star Trek (2009)" Bennett and tyro Christy Engle. Obviously, Ms. Weber casts well and handles actors with aplomb, but the storytelling still leaves much to be desired.If the subject matter interests you, then "A Girl Like Her" is worth a watch. Otherwise, you can safely give this one a pass.