NR | 06 October 2017 (USA)
Cargo Trailers

After being infected in the wake of a violent pandemic and with only 48 hours to live, a father struggles to find a new home for his baby daughter.

Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Verity Robins Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
robertandrews-63249 Great acting, great hell of a different zombie movie. I have been quite impressed with films out of Australia lately. Two parts that have the quintessential dumb protagonist...when he prefers to wreck the car over hitting a zombie and how it took him so long to shoot the asshole, u will know what I mean when u watch it...overall great film.
Adam Taylor We've seen countless zombie apocalypse movies. Most of them fall back on the same tired cliches, not to mention some of the worst acting you'll ever see. It's great to find a movie that turns the tables and actually delivers a gripping survival tale with heart and great acting.The movie is definitely a dark one though. So don't go in expecting the usual "happily ever after in the apocalypse" ending so many of these movies end up with. This is serious, painful and intense. And it does an amazing job of pulling at your heartstrings.Martin Freeman gives us a truly epic performance and deserves a boatload of awards for his role in this film. If you like dark, gritty movies, tales of survival against insane odds or simply movies about someone trying to find a way to continue when everything seems hopeless... this movie is a must watch.
nagyovamonika I was expecting just another lame zombie movie. But i loved it and i cried . Finaly something different
victorygin-01759 Honestly, the film be may be more of an "8" in the grand scheme of cinema, but I want to help boost it out of the "6.4" it's currently at. "Cargo" is one of the best "Zombie" films ever made. Instead of an action-packed "survival-story", it goes back to the genre's roots and mixes the survival aspect with heavy doses of metaphor and social-commentary. I'll leave out spoilers, so let's just say there is a lot of layers to the fairly simple narrative. It's beautifully shot, in a landscape not often seen in many movies. The directors don't insult the viewer with tons of backstory and follow the "show, don't tell" principle. The viewer is simply dropped in this world, and puts the pieces together as it move along. Wonderful stuff coming from first-time directors. The actors are perfectly cast, and perform remarkably. Martin Freeman is always great, but he really excels in this role. He, along with Simone Landers, have to carry much of the film, and they develop a great chemistry, that seems authentic. If you are looking for a high-action-gore-fest, it's probably going to let you down. However, I'd recommend anyone to give it a chance, as you might be surprised at the unique ways this movie can be haunting in addition to it's "heart".It's also worth checking out the 7 minute short, by the same name , as it captures the overall theme in just one moment. It's impressive to see what a rich story they created out of that idea. However, I'd recommend you watch it AFTER you see the full feature to avoid spoiling a key moment.