| 24 March 2017 (USA)
Bokeh Trailers

On a romantic getaway to Iceland, a young American couple wake up one morning to discover every person on Earth has disappeared. Their struggle to survive and to reconcile the mysterious event lead them to reconsider everything they know about themselves and the world.

Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
mariekmocan This director has nothing to say, no message to take out...why was this movie created at all? Boring, grey no purpose, no direction, waste of time. It's not even meditative because it's not realistic enough for a disaster situation. Two young people share their boredom together then one suicides due to boredom. What a loser director...
lmovie-46005 This movie at the beginning was awesome. However when things starting happing was boring and the ending female pmo. I understand the consept of the movie I just felt that it could have went in another direction.
sabinutzzu It;s not worth it.... The movie doesn't present any genial idea.
omendata Very interesting idea and it does make one think about what it is to exist and what we need to exist - what is life basically? but it really didn't have the staying power to last for over an hour. It would probably have been better to have been made into a short as the narrative, characters and story itself couldn't really make it interesting enough for a full 1 and a half hours.It does make one think and I think that is a good thing these days in the age of CGI and remakes but only if you are in the mood for it and are interested enough in this type of film as it is not a typical scifi "crash bang wallop" fans movie at all and I think this will be why most people will find it long drawn out and uninteresting.It did seem at times a bit of an advert for the Icelandic tourist board lol and in reality it probably had a lot to do with it. I guess you also have to realise that the Norwegians, Icelanders etc have a different mindset when it comes to intelligent movies and it does sometimes feel as if they read too much into things or as we say up here in Scotland "A bit up your own Kazoo".I did like the ending; most unusual and I do like movies that deviate from the norm especially to the extremes that this one does. Its a passable average 5 out of 10 but nothing more, it will make you think about life if you are in the mood but then again it will also make you think "why didn't they commandeer a boat and sail to Europe" or "go on a car road trip to Europe" - I don't think any of us would have just stayed in Iceland, its a nice place to visit but i wouldn't choose to live there for any length of time so perhaps it would have been a better story if the writer had allowed the pair to adventure and struggle to get home rather than just lie down and fester in their own juices somewhere that was unfamiliar but I surmise that the Icelandic tourist board would not have been happy about that!Be aware of what the movie is and tries to be before you go into it and you might just find it gives your "noodle" a workout which is a good thing!
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