Sweet Virginia
Sweet Virginia
R | 17 November 2017 (USA)

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A former rodeo star, now a motel manager, meets a young man who is responsible for the violence that suddenly has seized his small town.

Develiker terrible... so disappointed.
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Griff Lees Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
mrvanin The problem that eclipses everything else in this film is the horrible lighting - an overdone effect. I understand - and appreciate - the unnatural darkness that some directors like to use to set the theme. But in this film, the consequences are very negative. The worst part was where the antagonist and an arbitrary hired helper break in to a house to steal money. The actions that follow between these two individuals and the occupant of the house were impossible for me to discern and could only be guessed at from subsequent developments. This spoiled the film completely for me, as I regard it as a crucial event.Other than that fatal flaw, the rest of the story earns an "okay enough" rating from me. Everything else that happened in the dark was simply dialogue (or sex), so no further guessing was required. Nothing special developed, Berenthal delivers one surprise in the result in an altercation with a motel guest but everything else proceeds entirely predictably. Predictability is not always a bad thing and I'm sure that many viewers will be satisfied with the outcome. Incidentally, the "relationship" between the protagonist and antagonist, as described in the summary and a few reviews, is completely exaggerated. The superficial representation of a couple of brief interactions between these two makes this alleged relationship of very little importance in the story. Still, the cast did very well with the material they were given, so no fault of theirs - and they deserve full credit for saving the director from abject failure.
zooey-sophia This movie is stocked with great actors and great plot ideas that just never come together. Bernthal is great but even his character is a bit flimsy with a lot of unanswered details about his past looming over the viewer. The action in the film is great and you'll be engaged, but you'll be wishing there was more character development to really pull things together.
NoPantsBatman Sweet Virginia, where dreams come to die. The movie is dictated by Lila (Imogen Poots) hiring Elwood (Christopher Abbott) to murder her husband, which he ended up killing two more people.I don't really know what was the exact goal of the director, Jamie M. Dagg, with this movie. It's a mix of well placed scenes with some seemingly random scenes. Some scenes helped me understand what motivated the characters, giving a good background and their point of view on the reality they were facing and/or faced. But some scenes throughout the movie, especially scenes involving Sam (Jon Bernthal), just looked like that they were there to fill time until the end, not giving any real purpose or content to the story itself. It made me feel confused, in a somewhat small movie of 93 minutes.I also got the impression that the real goal of the movie was to show how screwed up people are, with all the lies, deceit and lack of truth in their actions. I was able to feel the tension in almost every part of the movie, which was a good thing.I enjoyed watching Jon Bernthal play a character outside his normal roles. Here he is someone non-violent, that shows patience and compassion. Was surprising to say the least, but a good surprise.It was good to see a reality that I personally never experienced. A reality filled with secrets, lies, opportunism and, at some degree, fake. What threw me down to not give a better rating was the way the story was told, I felt kind of empty while watching it, becoming lost in my thoughts "why is this happening?", "what's the point of this?", "did they forget about her?". They could have delivered it a bit better, with more consistency. I really wanted to like this movie, had potential, but, unfortunately, I have to give it 6 out of 10.
smazz-193-534713 Hello middle of the road, here we are again with actor's you kind of know but kind of don't. The film is only average, you've seen it before somewhere believe me, anyway i'm mainly here because of Jon Bernthal, I've watched him in numerous TV shows and films now and most recently the Punisher, boy can he act, i don't think anyone ever could do what he does, and what is that i hear you ask?. He acts as a glorified tough man version of himself, in every scene in every show or movie ever. Enough Already. He plays the Punisher in a new TV show and now he's punishing us in real life, Jon Bernthal will surely get the Jon Bernthal Oscar this year, indeed nobody does Jon Bernthal quite like Jon Bernthal over and over and over.......