Jack of the Red Hearts
Jack of the Red Hearts
PG | 26 February 2016 (USA)
Jack of the Red Hearts Trailers

A teenage con artist tricks a desperate mother into hiring her as a live-in companion for her autistic daughter.

Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
Christaras12 I have seen many kinds of these films and I have to say that this film is a must watch! First of all there is a well-made plot story with a family who wants someone to keep their autistic child (babysitting) and help him improve in his life (school,family relationships). After a lot they found one girl (18 years old) named Jack(Jacqueline) who had a criminal record and tried to trick them to get the job cause she wanted to take the custody of her little sister which was in reformatory for minors.About the characters: I have to say the cast is awesome! The two stars of the film AnnaSophia Robb and Taylor Richardson have the talent despite their age and I believe they also show it in this movie. Personaly I love AnnaSophia Robb I have seen every movie of her and I have to say that is a very beautiful and talented actress. I promise you that this movie will not disappoint you. But you will have to be ready about the strong feelings and the dramatic atmosphere that will make you cry sometimes but this is the point of this film to make you Feel! Have a nice time!!!
Nursafwah Tugiman I've been longing to watch AnnaSophia Robb to act something like this. She's the girl that I remembered acting in The Carrie Diaries and Race to Witch Mountain. Certainly, Jack of the Red Hearts will gave her the promising career. I just love her acting here, a lawbreaker and then turns into someone that has a big heart and a sense of responsibility to her sister and Glory, the autistic child.Her character as a lost teenager who seems clueless about the future and want things like "right here, right now" and couldn't care the consequences were really depicting the struggle of most teenagers. It is true, the best teacher in life is by experienced.This is a kind of movie that may makes you think after you watched it. Based on my reading, if we do good to others, we will only feel good within ourselves. It means, the virtue of doing good it's not only impacting the person who receive the kindness, but the givers will feel it the most. It'll change themselves to be a better person.Charity or volunteerism works may altered the problematic teenager to be a better person and ease their transition to be a young adult.In overall, every characters in this movie worked out well. Not a single wasted scene in this movie. Certainly, this is a kind of movie that will makes your heart kinda heavy and really feel the struggle of the characters in this movie.I really enjoy this movie. 10/10!
David Ferguson Greetings again from the darkness. Being the parent of an autistic child carries challenges that require incredible patience and love and extraordinary effort. Writer Jennifer Deaton and Director Janet Grillo (Fly Away, 2011) deliver an insightful and interesting look at these challenges through the eyes of two parents, their autistic daughter, their teenage son, and the in-home caregiver they hire.The film begins with a glimpse of what appears to be two different worlds: a street wise teenage girl helping her younger sister "escape" from a foster home, and two beaten down parents of a young autistic daughter. Soon enough, these two worlds collide and Jack/Jacqueline/Donna is hired by the parents to be a live-in companion for their daughter. The parents are so desperate for help that they fall for the savvy con being played by Donna.None of what happens is surprising … Donna turns out to have a knack for helping autistic Glory, the parents begin to experience a bit more happiness, the teenage son develops a crush on Donna, and the cloud of truth is constantly hovering. Even though some of the scenes are bit corny, for the most part the story is told in a grounded manner that allows us to connect with all of the characters – conveying the pressures, stress and periodic moments of breakthrough.The acting is strong throughout. Taylor Richardson (A Most Violent Year) is exceptional as the autistic Glory. She is believable and never goes beyond what fits for the character. Famke Janssen and Scott Cohen are solid as the parents, and Israel Broussard shows real promise as teenage Robert/Bobert. Donna/Jack's younger sister has limited screen time, but Sophia Anne Caruso (Brigitta in TV's live version of The Sound of Music) makes it work. Shouldering much of the film is Anna Sophia Robb (Bridge to Terabithia, The Way Way Back) as Jack/Donna. She does her best work in the second half of the film, as her initial tough-girl stint is a bit shaky. However her scenes with Glory are outstanding, and it's a pleasure to watch her slowly turn over a new leaf.As strong as the cast is, much of the credit goes to director Grillo (ex-wife of David O. Russell) who has a real understanding of the world of autism, and keeps us focused on importance of family, the need to be loved, and the rewards of finding one's place in the world.
Red-125 Jack of the Red Hearts (2015) was directed by Janet Grillo. It stars Jenny Jaffe as "Jack," who changes her identity so that she can be hired as a live-in assistant by a family with a child with autism. She needs the money, and she needs a safe place to stay. She has no knowledge of how to work with a child with autism, but she is savvy and she learns fast. OK--some of the scenes were a little syrupy, but there was just a small suspension of disbelief required. Most of the scenes looked real and powerful to me. The movie is fascinating in many ways--it has great acting, especially by Jenny Jaffe, and it doesn't shy away from presenting the heartrending difficulties a family faces when they are raising a child with this disability.My compliments to director Grillo, and to Taylor Richardson, who plays Glory, the child with autism. Grillo makes the action real, including showing us what Glory sees and hears as she confronts the frightening world around her. Taylor Richardson is an amazing actor. She doesn't drop out of character for a moment. She has autism, and she doesn't let you forget it.We saw this film at the wonderful Dryden Theatre as part of the High Falls Film Festival in Rochester, NY. It will work well on the small screen.