Pete's Christmas
Pete's Christmas
| 16 November 2013 (USA)
Pete's Christmas Trailers

An overlooked middle child finds himself in the unexpected spotlight when he realizes his family's terrible Christmas day keeps repeating. As the only one experiencing the day over and over, he decides to use his unique gift to give the holidays a makeover and his family a Christmas they will never forget.

ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
HomeyTao For having a relatively low budget, the film's style and overall art direction are immensely impressive.
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
jk-692-236394 I thought this was a different movie with the same premise, when I started watching it. I was pleasantly surprised to realize I had never seen this one before. I enjoyed this one very much. The acting was quite good. I like how they used the middle child as the ignored/overlooked one,and main character. That is a dynamic they do not use much. He discovers new facts about everyone as the movie continues and it is realistic and enjoyable. They did not play everyone in broad clichés. Also they moved quickly through the every day is the same part, thank goodness. They focused on what he was learning and doing to change things. The message was really about paying attention to your life and what is around you, and being thoughtful and aware of others. Being kind, thoughtful and living in the moment. It actually moved me to tears more than once. Bailee Madison as the neighbor was great, as she always is. I do not watch movies twice, but I will watch this again at Christmas. Well done again Hallmark! Thank goodness for the Hallmark Channel and all the uplifting movies they churn out, Especially the Christmas ones.
JaynaB Family safe - no bad language or encouragement to lie, cheat, steal, or mock This is one Christmas movie that doesn't need fake snow (although there's enough of that too). Partly filmed in Ontario, Canada, on the shores of the Great Lakes, it's got plenty of the seasonal white stuff around in all the outdoor shots. The actors don't look too hot in their heavy winter clothing, and their breath sometimes frosts quite naturally. It's refreshing.Zachary (Wimpy Kid) Gordon doesn't quite have the comedy chops of Bill Murray, but he's believable and sweet as a teen caught up in his own family's version of the day that keeps repeating until he gets it right. He's supported by some strong Canadian talent - Molly Parker as his overworked mom and Peter DaCunha as his too-perfect little brother - as well as Americans recognizable from a good range of decent television. Bruce Dern gives a solid performance as grouchy Grandpa.Some slapstick and pratfalls but a lot of the humour is sweet rather than mocking. This is a series of small stories framed by, rather than tightly focusing on, Pete gaining maturity enough to see what he truly does want most for Christmas.
MattyGibbs This is a made for TV movie about a teenager who has a terrible Christmas day but gets to re-live it again and again. He gets the opportunity to change the way Christmas pans out. It's a good natured tale and is very entertaining and while not laugh out loud funny, there are plenty of good light hearted moments. In addition there are also a few poignant moments. The setting is great but what makes this a well above average TV movie is the talented and likable cast. Whilst many TV movies suffer on this score, this one has a cast that features no weak links at all. Zachary Gordon is great as the teenager coming to terms with groundhog day and Bruce Dern adds class as the grumpy grandad. Bailee Madison also shines as the girl next door, putting in a very natural performance. The usual Christmas messages abound but are dealt with here without the usual schmaltz. This has the feel of a much higher budgeted movie and is one of the best Christmas TV movies I've seen. This is one of those films that is much better than you think it will be. As an easy to watch Christmas film this really hits the mark.
semperfidni This movie was well put together and I enjoyed the scheme of the movie. There was a few things I saw. I could see that in the end playing football they were wearing red matching jerseys, but they replayed the same scenes over from the beginning where the football was on the ground and they were about to start and it showed the beginning scene in the different unmatched jerseys and then all of a sudden they were wearing the red jerseys again. You could see they just replayed scenes over and over and they didn't coordinate it. It was a great movie and I did enjoy it. I just can't get over at how bad it was watching the fact that they couldn't make new scenes and make them match accordingly.