Catch Hell
Catch Hell
| 10 October 2014 (USA)

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Former Hollywood star Reagan Pearce is kidnapped by two men connected to his past while on location in Louisiana. When he wakes up bound and chained in a rundown shack, he soon discovers the real motives of his captors and finds himself in the middle of a twisted scheme with little chance to survive. With no rescue in sight, Reagan must use every ounce of strength he has left to break free and get his revenge.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
Executscan Expected more
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
rbrb When I viewed this movie it was named "Chained".It is a drama thriller about a Hollywood actor with a declining career who is kidnapped by thugs and held locked up in a remote cabin....I thought the lead players all give full throttle performances including the baddies and the film is mostly compelling and well presented.The very last sequence I found a little bit odd but despite that I was impressed with this picture and Ryan Phillippe is not someone who I had noticed before but he certainly has star quality:7/10.
zetes Ryan Phillipe's career goes down the toilet even further in this action thriller which he directed, wrote and stars in. It's more sad than embarrassing. Playing a somewhat autobiographical character, Phillipe stars as a down-and-out Hollywood star. He's seen better days, and is now set to star in a low budget thriller filming in Louisiana. There, he's kidnapped by a couple of rednecks who want revenge. Ever the cad (though he wants to stop being one), Phillipe banged one of their wives. They take him to a remote cabin in the bayou and torture him. Before killing him, they want to ruin his reputation by taking over his Twitter account and posting anti-Semitic rants. When the cuckold leaves his buddy to guard Phillipe, of course he turns out to be a closet homosexual who wants to rape Phillipe. The whole thing comes off as a weird fantasy of some way Ryan Phillipe could once again become noteworthy. It must really hurt that his more talented ex-wife is getting the reviews of her life
mgiorgio66 Yikes. I heard Phillipe promoting this on the radio and was intrigued. Downloaded it and boy was I disappointed. Just awful in almost every way. Now, I am not a fan of horror or B thrillers, and maybe that's what they were going for here, but still.......... Some of the actors were like out of a Troma film, the script was shoddy, predictable, pandering, and at times just simply stupid. The only good point to this entire movie, and the reason I didn't give it 1, was the actor who played Junior. He was wonderful. Interesting to watch, made some great and creepy choices, really seemed to delve into the world of the movie without taking US out as a result, and made his scenes memorable. Furthermore, it seemed apparent that the writer probably had this character in mind initially and built the script out from there, since he seemed to also be the only character that was fully developed, had layers, and a sense of a back story. There's even a really creepy shot of him doing shirtless chin ups and then just hanging on the bar like a monkey staring at Phillipe. A bit of artistic symbolism that seemed to conversely come out of nowhere in the rest of this mess. Ryan: stick to've been privileged to do some fantastic films alongside some turkeys. This one by far gobbled the worst.
jayceeg8 This movie is a super fun ride. Thoroughly entertaining, suspenseful, smart and funny you will not be disappointed with Catch Hell! The film is rich with beautiful shots and an awesome soundtrack that create a perfect backdrop for the clever and disturbing writing. This well crafted script has many surprising twist and turns that will leave you on the edge of your seat....wanting more. Ryan Phillippe's performance both in front of the camera and behind the camera is raw, real and quite impressive. My favorite take away is the film's message on karma. A dark comedy that will surely be a cult classic and stir a following with Ryan Phillippe fans. Don't miss the last scene.