Nothing to Lose
Nothing to Lose
| 31 January 2008 (USA)
Nothing to Lose Trailers

A man convicted of killing his own father and sister escapes from a long-stay criminal hospital to track down his estranged mother, whom he believes can prove his innocence.

Alicia I love this movie so much
WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
Candida It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Arconada Theo Maassen; you like him or you don't, there doesn't seem to be a way in between. I don't like him as a comedian, but his acting in this movie is impressive. Involuntary commitment is the subject of this movie and Theo Maassen plays Johan, the person who claims to be unjustly committed. Since he is not able to convince the psychiatrist that he is able to live some sort of a live in society, he escapes to prove that he was unjustly locked up. The movie is about this quest. Soon he is forced to kidnap a young girl to prevent his re-arrest. The interaction between him and the girl, Tessa, is elaborated very well. Theo Maassen is the person who can do that, playing a person you want to trust, but deep inside you never do. He is the most fearsome when he keeps his expression small, his eyes can tell the entire spectrum from evil to pity. Lisa Smit plays the kidnapped girl very well, from pure fright to the Stockholm syndrome induced affection. The plot is also convincing, no spectacular chase, but an end that swings between pure fear and empathy. A very impressive movie, thanks to Theo Maassen.
Ludo One of the strongest Dutch movies of the year 2008 (the other one being Dunya & Desie) TBS is like a quality American TV movie, without the sentimental ending. Beautiful cinematography, excellent dark music, at their best moments create a creepy feeling like 7even. (A victim in a chest freezer!?) Theo Maassen, mainly known for his theater shows as a comedian, does a fine job, though he does seem to lose some of his focus towards the ending. Maassen plays a convicted criminal, already having served 14 years in jail, who remains under the supervision of the state until the therapists decide he's ready to return to society. (This is called TBS) Which is unlikely to happen as his supervisors want to transfer him to the long-stay, a place where you're basically stuck for good. Maassen escapes with a fellow prisoner (is he a figment of his imagination?) and, when alone, kidnaps a girl, as a trade-off, while he tries to prove his innocence. The girl seems to have problems at home (is her step dad nice to her?) and starts showing signs of the Stockholm syndrome. Which is at times hard to believe when you're kidnapped by someone who murders before your own eyes. A beautiful David Lynchian moment occurs when the two reach their destination, a typical Belgian camping site, where a little girl is singing while rocking a swing. Unfortunately, we don't hear the footsteps on the gravel, as the music drowns out most of the scene. It sometimes drowns the dialogue as well, which is actually not a bad thing considering the notorious bad dialogue in most Dutch films! TBS is worth a watch if you're interested in Northern European cinema, as a Dutch film I would give it 8/10, in the grand scheme of things it's a 6.5/10.
pravda-5 Yes, I am impressed too... but only by the play of Theo Maassen. I think he is the only Dutch actor (and Dutchman in general!) that I really and truly like. The film itself though is not just predictable, but also lacks sense, purpose: what was it made for? To plead for capital punishment or for life term in prison that would really mean life, because some people just have no place in the society and cannot be changed? It is unclear. Some might say "to entertain", but I think a society that finds watching murders being committed on screen "entertaining" is even more sick than the killers! Overall, very impressive Maassen and quite bleak poorly written script.
mc_polman Accidentally stumbled upon during a sneak preview in Leiden, in my opinion the best Dutch movie since 'Simon'! Apparently Pieter Kuijpers has a strong connection to some of the darker figures of the Dutch entertainment industry (Tygo Gernandt, Theo Maassen), and with that sense creates a very tense atmosphere, where everything seems possible at any given moment. The only relief comes when the girl Tessa, who is beautifully played by Lisa Smit, is seduced into a smile by Johan (Theo Maassen). The biggest impact of this movie is the constant urge to be compassionate for Johan, while either consciously or subconsciously you know he doesn't deserve it, whether you already guessed the ending (which is very predictable, but nonetheless the most powerful scene), or not. On top of the continuous suspense of Johans' capriciousness the movie is very claustrophobic (nearly all small spaces, even the wood scenes are mostly shot under cover of thick trees), has nervous music, fast cuts and long shots of Johan looking angry, which took me as a prisoner as well. I almost never felt such a sense of relief when the ending came along, and that's not meant as a criticism. It feels so real that it's almost like waking from a bad dream. I'd recommend this to everyone, very good!