Dr. Socrates
Dr. Socrates
NR | 19 October 1935 (USA)
Dr. Socrates Trailers

Dr. Socrates gave up his brilliant career as surgeon in a prominent hospital because his betrothed died under his knife. He is now a struggling doctor in a small town that has a gangster's hideout.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
Freaktana A Major Disappointment
drjgardner If you're a fan of Paul Muni, as I am, you'll want to see this film as an example of one of his last films before he made it with "Louis Pasteur". Yet even though he went on to bigger and more successful films, his earlier work in "Fugitive from a Chain Gang" is my favorite Muni film.Ann Dvorak, Robert Barrat and Barton Maclane are along for the ride, but they all made better films. It's interesting to watch Mayo Methot (Humphrey Bogart's future wife who gave them the name "Battling Bogarts) playing the gangster's moll.Despite the low budget and the obvious production limitations, William Dieterle manages to keep it moving along. This is the first of the Muni/Dieterle films which included Pasteur, Zola, Juarez.Apart from the historical interest, the film doesn't stand the test of time. There are dozens of films from this period which are far better.
vincentlynch-moonoi I was hesitant to watch this film because I feared it was just another of the boringly similar gangster films that Warner Brothers churned out in the 1930s. And while this film does have a gangster connection, it avoids becoming cliché."Dr. Socrates" (as he is called; Muni's character) is a young physician rather out of place in the small town in which he resides. He has few paying patients. As a result, a gangster (Barton MacLane) targets Muni as the right doctor to take care of any injuries that befall him or his gang. Meanwhile, MacLane picks up a female hitchhiker on the way to a bank robbery; she gets shot and is suspected of being a moll since she was in the getaway car. Muni takes her in, and they fall in love (naturally). Meanwhile, MacLane wants her back, and in a rather clever turn, Muni subdues the gang through drugs and saves the girl...just as the G-Men sweep in. Dr. Scorates is soon a hero instead of an outcast, and it appears that he and his lady will live happily ever after.Although there are some issues with the plot (for example, would a gangster really pick up a hitchhiker on the way to a bank robbery?), overall it works pretty well, and is a relatively unique story.Paul Muni is brilliant here. It's only in the past few days -- as TCM had a mini-film festival -- that I began to watch Muni flicks. I'm impressed. In each one he looks so different that one might not recognize them as the same actor.Ann Dvorak is very good as the hitchhiker.But, a mistake was made with Barton MacLane here as the head gangster. You'd almost think he was acting while on meth! I'm no fan of MacLane's anyway, but even less than normal in this picture.Helen Lowell is pleasant as the cleaning lady. And note Mayo Methot as a moll; she had a knock-down/drag-out marriage with Humphrey Bogart beginning 3 years after this film was made. You'll recognize several other character actors in the cast; they all do nicely.This is an entertaining film!
kidboots Ann Dvorak first hit Hollywood as a choreographer and dancer but once she broke out of the chorus line and into dramatic parts she made an immediate impact. With her intensity and ravishing beauty she could have spent her career being an adornment in any film she was placed in but she was a fine actress and wanted better parts and treatment - unfortunately she received neither. Warners lost interest in their feisty star and started putting her into any film that came along. There were duds (she must have cringed when she recalled her part in "Heat Lightning") but there were also some interesting ones. "Dr. Socrates" had her starring with Paul Muni who in the 1930s was Warner's most important star even though Robinson and Cagney were far more popular.This is a great little movie about a small town doctor jokingly called "Dr. Socrates" by the local wags because he always has his head in a book and Jo (Dvorak), a young hitch-hiker, who unwittingly finds a ride into town with the local bad boy turned vicious gangster, Red Bastian (Barton MacLane). Unfortunately for Dvorak and Muni, once MacLane hits the scene there is no room for anyone else. Barton "why speak when shouting will do" MacLane is just fantastic as the "rough as guts" gangster - he never leaves centre stage, whether he is making a call on the doc to remove a bullet or holding forth among his gang (Marc Lawrence has a bit as a young punk) - even Mayo Methot as his moll "Muggsy" is no match for his brawling and brutish ways.If it wasn't for Barton and Ann, this would be just another movie about "down home folk" with a few holes. Muni's doctor doesn't have a particularly warm persona and he doesn't seem concerned when "Ma" can't pay the grocery bills. When Jo realises she is riding with bank robbers she tries to escape but is shot and taken to the doctor. For a while I thought it was going to be similar in plot to "Fury". The establishing shots had shown a lot of the town's people as narrow minded, finding the doctor a figure of fun just because he is a square peg in a round hole. Word gets out that Jo is a gun moll and there is a scene where it seems like the whole town converges on the doctor's doorstep to run Jo out of town.The last part of the movie takes place at the gang's hideout. Red has kidnapped Jo - she is going to be his girl from now on and the doctor, on finding her, realises that the hideout is in the vicinity of a typhoid outbreak. MacLane seemed to have so much fun with his role, especially when he tries to convince Jo that he can be real fun to be around while threatening to knock "Muggsy" silly!!! Terrific fun!!
rollo_tomaso This is the kind of "crime" doctor movie Hollywood churned out by the truckload in the mid-30's. Muni is badly miscast in the lead, but rest of cast more than makes up for it. MacLane steals film as Red, the main gangster. Ann Dvorak and Mayo Methot are excellent as are the redoubtable Henry O'Neill and Owin Howlin. Some good pithy dialogue makes this well-meaning time capsule worth a look.